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Everything posted by Villa87

  1. Villa87

    Ezri Konsa

    I’d play him against Ajax for this reason.
  2. Totally agree. Got to strike the right balance here. Emi Cash Konsa Lenglet Moreno Diaby Tim McGinn Tielemans Rogers Watkins Keep Digne, Pau, Luiz and Bailey fresh for Spurs. Zaniolo to get a decent amount of minutes too.
  3. Has to start against Spurs for me. Think I’d go: Konsa Lenglet Pau Digne
  4. That was so infuriating in the second half. We were brilliant first gal! Got to sort out our mentality. Fantastic 3 points and we keep pushing!! UTV!!
  5. I don’t understand brining Zaniolo on at all. He is hopeless.
  6. We’ve absolutely thrown it away here. Stoke mark 2.
  7. Absolutely this. I can’t understand it at all.
  8. Champions league sailing into the **** distance. Terrible day of football this.
  9. This second half is really concerning. We came out too relaxed after a very good first half. You just can’t do that in this league against anybody.
  10. I can’t understand us at all? Disgraceful attitude coming out this second half.
  11. Give it another 20 or so mins and get Dougie and Bailey off.
  12. JJ looking great and injured. What a ridiculous season for him.
  13. Expected. I say again - proper lucky with late goals. Must win this evening and get at least a draw against spurs next week.
  14. Spurs have had some proper lucky escapes this season. Loads of luck and late goals. They will nick this.
  15. I just can’t see us buying 4 players (comparatively cheaply) in January if we were genuinely on the edge. Yes their fees and wages will be low, but even so.
  16. Villa87

    Ezri Konsa

    Huge!! Pau and Konsa were a massive reason why we were blowing teams away before Christmas.
  17. It’s his mentality that really stands out. That will and drive to constantly improve. Must be an absolute dream for a manager. Say he hits 20 goals this season you know he will go for 25 next season. Great player.
  18. As this season has panned out this has been a great piece of business. Very astute.
  19. Surely Watkins makes the Euro squad despite Southgate’s ineptitude. Watkins has arguably been player of the season so far!
  20. First half especially he was excellent. He drifted into space in the middle of the pitch so well and was always looking for Moreno who moved into the vacant space he left behind. This was why our left hand side was so potent last season. If he gets up to full speed it will be huge for us going into the final part of the season.
  21. Really need another 3 points here. Need to keep a buffer going into Spurs.
  22. Absolutely sublime. Humble pie my end as I just didn’t see this uplift in form. However, the negative comments from the previous two season wasn’t without merit!
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