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Everything posted by Jareth

  1. Wang, ha ha, wang. Dalian Atkinson back in the squad? I wanda.
  2. Was reading about Poyet and he's basically rejected the passing game to get points any which way they can. They'll do a Lambert, not risk much, aim for a point, sit back, play on the counter. Which means advantage us, because our team knows that particular gameplan inside out, and know what effect an early goal from us will do to Sunderland's confidence - if that happens then Sunderland won't have a plan B. Oh cruel mistress this optimism is.
  3. Most media neutrals are looking at this and sniffing disaster for Sunderland. It does look that way, our form has been improving and theirs declining, on and off field. I think Delphino might score. 0-1 us.
  4. I agree - would love a Qatari takeover and Messi signed, but actually I really want to see our current squad reach their potential, I mean look at Gardner's second incredible goal yesterday, lets get him in the first team next year.
  5. I would LOVE IT (kevin keegan stylee) LOVE IT - if raheem stirling and henderson fecked off to pastures new. A little taste for Liverpool of how it feels to be Southampton, a selling club.
  6. I'd say we might just have the edge for this, given most recent form. Not expecting it mind, but other teams are allowed to win three in a row aren't they?
  7. I'm no lover of Liverpool but that post is well out of order. I must be a wrong un but I thought it was funny - in a charlie hebdo kind of way.
  8. Yes, Cardiff, wanted to say more but unless it was a emotional rant that attacked robbie savage then they were not interested. The guy who answered the phone even primed me to attack robbie savage - honestly I think they have such disrespect for anyone who phones up.
  9. Massive result. Fans deserved it. I went on 5 live after to remind them from where this reaction came, 3 years of awful football, a season of a handful of wins by 1 goal margins, let alone the fact this was our second glorious derby win in the same week - yet all they wanted was some provocation of robbie savage - it was like the jeremey kyle show - why provoke RS? Who the fu*k is RS these days? A massive Villa win is not about Robbie feckin savage.
  10. These things happen for a reason, someone thought the game was over and it wasn't and then others followed. No big deal. The players are not superior humans, they should man the f*ck up and understand the passion of the fans who have paid good money, for so long.
  11. Thought one of them would do something unexpected - blmin marvellous set of results.
  12. This is exactly what all the teams around us did not want to happen - they know we shouldn't be down there with the players we have. Obviously it's early days but I take heart from the upward curve of our performances since TS took charge - we're creating, we're scoring and we're in with a chance of getting something from matches - if we can average a point a game from now on we should be safe - and I think that is feasible.
  13. It struck me that in an odd way the team may have benefited from Lambert's fruitless possession game this season after all, as TS said, they were able to go short and long last night.
  14. Pulis can't draw himself to FA cup glory - it will be an open game and I fancy us in that scenario.
  15. B*llocks were we lucky last night, we were actually unlucky not to be up by 4 in the first half - DESERVED win. And it is not often that can be said. Point at Sunderland and we can breathe easy.
  16. Anyone felt Benteke was purposely playing bad to earn a move? I think so. HOWEVER the footballing soul of the man overcame the cynicism - I hope he now goes on to finish the season like he should.
  17. We were lucky in the end, but we deserved that luck unlike WBA one shot on target one scored.
  18. Wife was in bed, heard the blood curdling screams but didn't bother to investigate - ney bother - I don't care about the wife, she don't care about me, all I care about is AVF **** C
  19. The roulette wheel has been black the last 7 spins, all money on red! (this is how you lose everything you hold dear including your mind).
  20. Gotta say, we are still in this until the final day so long as we are a win away from the last relegation spot. Went and had a look at Sunderland forums yesterday and they're saying Adam Nonceson's contributed something like a third of their assists this season - so I can see it being between at least us and two other teams for that final relegation spot.
  21. We were better last game, so this being at home, with reality setting in for the players, and the fact it's only the baggies, then Benteke will be the difference - one or two goals from him and zero from the tesco bags.
  22. It's not about 40 points anymore, hasn't been for a while, it's simply about bettering or equalling the results of QPR, Burnley and Sunderland. As bad as we've been, I can envisage our form improving and Sunderlands continuing to stall - as clubs we have been very similar for a while - frickin yank owners...
  23. Loss - everyone around us also loses - this awful limbo continues another week
  24. This all sounds very progressive. Lambert had some messed up hierarchy where Nzogbia started games simply because he was a senior pro - at least that was the only reason I could fathom him starting ssharles all those games...
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