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Everything posted by Jareth

  1. Newcastle have had a 'talk' and they've all decided to pull together for the last 3 games. Ain't gonna work, they do not have a leader anywhere, and if West Brom score they will fall apart, at St James and it will be ugly. Tempted to watch a stream of that game instead of Villa!
  2. So Newcastle have one defender available, their ineffective captain. They will be playing midfielders at the back - against the baggies who like a set piece. It will be at least 2 goals to WBA. Sunderland go away to Everton who will want to prove a point after losing to us. Leicester must play Saints at their place - that one I cannot call. We beat West Ham and it's practically over - almost definitely over if Leicester lose too.
  3. We've been consistently good lately and against the likes of spurs, pool, citeh, everton. If anything this is the least difficult game we've had in a while - so another test of what we're made of - can we win the sort of game we should be winning? I can't see how we'll lose it.
  4. The problem Newcastle has is that nobody in leadership positions has what it takes to oversee another win - not the owner, the manager or the captain. If they get lucky, they might get an individual performance that makes the difference in a game but I don;t know who that would be. Cisse ain;t back yet - may not be back at all after knee surgery during his suspension.
  5. Carver staying till end of season - ho ho.
  6. Not sure how newcastle are gonna fare better than they have the last 8 games with one available defender and still no decent attacking options. Possibly could get a 0-0 with the baggies but I think west brom will score. I'd say newcastle should be favourites to go down at the mo, their form and prospects are terrible.
  7. Here's a scenario - safety by next weekend. We beat West Ham and Leicester and Sunderland lose to Southampton and Everton. We'd have 38 points, Leicester 34, S'land 33. Their next game is against each other. If Sunderland win, then Leicester cannot get to 38. If Leicester win then Sunderland need to win both away games at Arsenal and Chelsea. Safety next Saturday would be complete and utter joy.
  8. V happy with the result today. Would have preffered sunderland to lose, BUT everton was our hardest game and we blitzed it, there is no way newcastle get more points than us, plus leicester play sunderland - we are safe. That tottingham result was huge.
  9. \We are on form, there are 5 teams in it, newcastle are doomed so long as cisse doesn't show up.
  10. I didn't dream of a win today, but we did it, well done us. Us fans are not crucial, those players will do it, and they seem to know what they have to do.
  11. Well we are less safe in a lot of ways but there are now more teams in it and newcastle are in danger, direct danger, one loss away from relegation. On what we've done the last few games, then we will do west ham and that will be that. Given the numbers involved, and our momentum, i think we are safe.
  12. Noooocastle are foooooooked, factamundo, they are fighting each other, WBA are only 2 points ahead, they will organise themselves and the geordies willl lose. QPR are officially down, they will play with confidence. Fair play villa, we did all we could do - cleverley is a hero.
  13. F*ck it, this is huge, we hold on and we are nearly there. Huge. (A point would be ok)
  14. They have west brom at home then QPR away next. WBA will beat them. QPR will beat them. Final day of the season they have west ham at home - anything could happen.
  15. A few more for Leicester and newcastles goal dif will be buggered - looks like its us, them or sunderland to go. Part of me wants a sunderland win as well as a villa win today..
  16. The very fact his agent has surfaced is cause for alarm - it is merely 'statement one' of the agent's PR plan where the final statement is delieverd upon a move for Beneteke and a fat payout for said agent. Ah well, we were never gonna keep him forever, the heartbreaker he is! £40 mill, no less, to a foreign club, and it's a win-win.
  17. Yep - it is that time of year when every game of those below us is watched as though watching villa - every point difference betwen them and us matters. In a sick way I shall miss the excitement, should we fare better next year - in the prem - I won't miss the stress though.
  18. Perason lost it in the post match presser last night, I don;t know why but clearly he's a bit unhinged. Hopefully that rubs off on the team who will also be knackered on Saturday. It does feel like a premier league story where they've been on an incredible run only to fall at the last hurdle - so can see Leicester now feeling the pace and faltering a bit more.
  19. 3 more points on Saturday and we are nearly there - just 3 more points and we can dare to dream.
  20. Better for leicester to lose, for shizzle.
  21. They were singing boring boring chelsea - way to shut em up!
  22. Let's have a couple more chelsea for Leicestershire's goal dif.
  23. Thing is for newcastle (35 points) is that if leicester beat them on Sat, and west brom (37 points) lose to man u then next game is newcastle vs west brom - could see west brom going for it in that game for sure. Then its just 2 games for newcastle to play - it's possible they could go down if Sunderland were to get two wins.
  24. If Leicestershire get beat by Chelsea (v.likely) then beat Newcastle at home, then Newcastle's next game against West Brom becomes a relegation battle - Newcastle could quite easily be in big trouble still, would be amazing given the flak we've copped for a bit of fun last time they went down.
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