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Everything posted by NurembergVillan

  1. Probably depends on the 5 figure number written above the dotted line.
  2. When was the last time you enjoyed watching Villa for 90 minutes?
  3. Been excited about this match all week. Might turn it over and watch QVC.
  4. Liking the look of Amavi and Green so far, athletically, and stylistically -
  5. He's just completed his medical at Burnley.
  6. Agree - let's hope that's the case. But I chose Birmingham as it's home to many of us, and if Islamic terror is such a threat why are we all still ok? I could have chosen Warrington, Manchester, Belfast. It wasn't exactly an isolated incident. We could go off topic debating the religiousness of loyalists and republicans, but it's easy to point to the Orange marches or confession to show that religion has a role within it. Anyway, back to America...
  7. Almost certainly, I'd say. A good few years back I read the memoirs of Sean O'Callaghan - "The Informer". He talked about how he grew up in the deep south of Ireland and truly believed in "the cause", but as he rose up through the ranks he found that much of what the IRA were supposedly against, as a Catholic organisation, was actually their raison d'etre. Prostitution, drug running, arms dealing. It was this that prompted him to become an informant - he felt betrayed and tricked. I'd be shocked if ISIS, Boko Haram, etc aren't exactly the same. Populist with a hidden agenda. Like Trump.
  8. I don't think 9/11 was specifically targeted at Christians. The pub bombings were carried out by a group who identified themselves as Catholics fighting against loyalist Protestants.
  9. Trainspotting 2 has a handy reference to the fact this lot is still rife. As if we didn't know!
  10. The Birmingham pub bombings in 1974, which killed 21 people and injured 182.
  11. Here's a commemoration of 21 innocent people killed by Christian extremists in Birmingham - I can't find anything commemorating the victims of Muslim extremism in our home city.
  12. I'm just back from seeing it, and enjoyed it more than the original. It was a different slant but it was just, I dunno, right...
  13. They could do an egg box of 6, with one of them being the peanut butter version. Russian roulette for allergy sufferers.
  14. Think you've got wrong end of the stick here mate.
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