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Everything posted by nick76

  1. I’m just a happy go lucky dude that doesn’t care about him getting captain and just enjoying the drama it has caused.
  2. Completely agree. I am the other 1%, thank you for acknowledging that, I was too humble to say it out loud before so it’s a great honour that you see me that way
  3. No idea on this one, we have three other CB’s that I think have reasons that justify playing with him and whichever one it is will determine which side he plays. I assume he’ll start with Mings and thus as RCB. If it’s with either of the other two he’ll be LCB.
  4. Played LCB when playing with Kounde but I believe he’s played the rest of his career as RCB
  5. Don’t disagree with that, I was talking about expectations for the season ahead and recently…very different discussions
  6. Not enough to make a full judgement and also interesting to see how different he is without Kounde. He looks very good but has mistakes in him but could be a next level up for us. I think he’ll become a fans favourite with his attitude. I don’t think he’s elegant going forward. That’s my thoughts based on the parts I’ve seen him.
  7. Marseille on loan for the season Arsenal aren’t letting White go just rumblings. I don’t think we would be interested anyway we have the same level of quality in our CB’s, I don’t feel he’s better than them.
  8. Haha I’m still here at the moment, I was just having a moment, probably just hungry! Might be back to concerned Nick after Saturdays game
  9. Tavares is off shortly, I also heard a lot of rumblings about White which I surprised about, he wasn’t as loved as I thought there. They have some great attacking talent though.
  10. Arteta let Martinez go because he chose Leno to be his number one so Martinez took his chance to move to us. Something I guess Arteta regretted the following season and thus why they signed Ramsdale. Of course they two massive clubs but Chelsea are bigger than Arsenal football wise although Chelsea have lost some key players. Arsenal had a good season last season but have struggled since Wenger left but are fighting to try to get back to CL football. Chelsea have been CL for a long time and it was being touted after signing Lukaku they would be in the title race but obviously that didn’t work out but they were still the 3rd best team in the league. There is still a gulf between Chelsea and Arsenal. Chelsea want to fight the top 2, Arsenal want to get into the CL places. Different expectations!
  11. Adding ‘Timo’ to his tweet defeats the joke
  12. Nah Martinez was really going to be second fiddle at Arsenal hence why Arteta let him go plus Arsenal aren’t the same level as Chelsea and definitely weren’t then.
  13. I think Matt is full of it. I’d like Werner here but I don’t think he’d drop to our level.
  14. nick76

    The NSWE Board

    I don’t believe this is anything bad at this stage. As business men they are leveraging the best financial instruments possible. The problem at other clubs is how they use them so until they misuse them I give them the benefit of the doubt and just assume they are just utilising best business tools to the benefit of the club.
  15. Problem is that he didn’t do anywhere the levels last season as he did the season before and mid season Ings pressures stats were higher than Watkins. I’m not saying either of them were good enough but the perception of this of Watkins last season is off.
  16. Not necessarily analytical choice though. Your definition of favouritism is the extreme end of the definition. It can be that he favours Watkins not just for personal liking but but traits, what he wants to see (not necessarily what he actually gets to see). It can be nothing to do with his personal like for him or Ings but a favouring perception of the traits which leads him to choosing him despite the analytical data maybe telling him otherwise. Favouritism can be a blinding of what he should be rather than what the data is telling him, that’s nothing to do with personal like but perception and can lead him to picking Watkins more than he should.
  17. Not sure I agree, his pressing and work rate wasn’t at the level as previous season. Somebody put stats just after mid season showing that and showing that Ings had better pressing stats per minute.
  18. Of course there is favouritism, it’s a natural part of the human psyche. He picks Watkins because he sees in him more than he sees in Ings, he favours Watkins positives more than Danny’s positives at the moment. Given he sees that he is more likely to give more chances than the mean. None of us are robots so we don’t purely go on stats and data, he picks the team he feels is right, which is based on traits in players he feels are right not necessarily backed up by the data but could be.
  19. Even for somebody that doesn’t care whose captain in this team because I don’t think we really have an on the field real captain figure, this is a bizarre decision. I have no issue with Ty or Ginny but this a big move by Gerrard with a fair bit of fallout with what seems very little benefit. Maybe he just wanted to shake things up a bit, but it all seems a little odd and gives us more to question Gerrard’s decisions.
  20. Don’t think sexual preference works that way mate
  21. Does it matter, they want everybody that’s available!
  22. Or playing Carlos as rush keeper and thus we can play 11 outfield players…I’m a solution person
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