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Everything posted by nick76

  1. “I’ve not seen the game but…” seriously mate some of us have just watched that turgid display. It’s hard to be hopeful 10 minutes after that game
  2. Ings was rubbish but I haven’t even noticed Ollie since he’s come on
  3. We just don’t look like scoring. We still, following on from last season, don’t have a way of playing attacking wise.
  4. Who said that? The chat is going quickly so I may have missed it but we should be winning this game, not a must win game but we should win it especially when they have the defence they have. Lets hope this 45 mins is better
  5. Ok, we are losing 1-0 to a newly promoted team that have a problematic defence and we haven’t looked like scoring. Is that enough perspective?
  6. Shhhh we are just anti-Gerrard Liverpool hating unrealistic unreasonable impatient fans for expressing valid concerns.
  7. Mr Positive being negative, don’t do this to me!!! When I’m down on the Villa you always are the positive light for me.
  8. C’mon Danny, show us why we brought you… Looking forward to him playing today!
  9. This! I don’t think we are good enough for top 8 but I think the club do. It’s going to be interesting to see what happens.
  10. Now Ollie take this benching and use it to kick yourself up the butt. Use it as a positive that you want to prove that being benched was wrong and that when you get a chance you’ll take it. Don’t do what I think you will do and go into your shell and get worse. Ings deserves the start today, use that as your motivation to get back to 20/21 season form.
  11. Fair enough, i don’t agree and I think they’ll be fine and finish above us again. We still have a way to go before we can be above them and West Ham.
  12. Leicester have said today that Fofana and Maddison aren’t for sale, so it’s not a given they are going! If those don’t go they will be likely above us.
  13. West Ham - some really good signings and a great manager. Best team outside the top 6 and while some of our fans think we are better we aren’t and they have shown the last few seasons they are that level. Leicester - had a poor season last season for them and still finished 8th. While they have issues they are still likely to be around there. Those are my definites and then the others I have my arguments for and against which I do above Villa as well.
  14. nick76

    U.S. Politics

    Yep this is likely going to go from not just financial damage, he could face more serious issues if there is something in that data
  15. First interaction between the two and Coutinho has been here for six months
  16. You can get washboard abs, that’s down to you. You can get a divorce, expensive but you can do it. Sorry, due to bro code Ana is off limits, I saw her first
  17. I’m not bitter! Carney has huge potential but it’s only potential at this stage. Many many youngsters have massive potential but never get close to fulfilling it, in fact very few ever do and it’s rare that there are guarantees like a Rooney or a Messi. There is a small chance he’ll be a superstar, a chance he could just fade out of PL level but most likely he’ll be good PL player. He has more chance of being a superstar than many youngsters but far from certain. Given he didn’t want to stay, hadn’t really impacted the first team, one year left on the contract and unknown whether he’ll fulfil his talent I’m delighted with £15-20m. I’d rather he’d stay obviously but based on stats the chances of becoming a superstar are small so the money more than compensates plus we have kids who are just as likely to be stars as him like Archer, A.Ramsey, Timmy, Feeney and more. I’m not bitter even if he becomes a superstar, I’m actually not that fussed because we got him, had a few years and sold him for a mint.
  18. I was going to write an analogy back but we both know each other’s points by now. It is what is, hopefully our transfer business isn’t over but if it is, it is, so we carry on.
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