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Everything posted by Bunnski

  1. He is playing great so far for Ireland tonight. Sign him up Lambo!
  2. Think I'll head over to pinkun for some lols first thread I see is : 'Wes is a disgrace' this will be fun!
  3. I actually think we'll be OK now. We didn't **** up todays easy game. Yeah its easy to win games like today isn't it? We should be top half easily by just winning all these easy games and if we don't win them then the manager is shit. Their is no excuse not to be beating all the 'shit' teams. I mean look at the massive wages we have being paying, this team should be consistent from one week to the next their is no excuse.......... sarcasm overload! Maybe you should count to 10 and read the post I responded to. Deep breaths. I was referring to this 'easy game' nonsense and the expectations of the likes of yourself for us to be doing better than we should be. We have been doing fine when you consider what has gone on over the past season and a half. Its like people expect Lambert to over achieve with this squad straight away and if he doesn't hes shit. His second season in the league and he has to overhaul a squad and replace experienced pros with unproven kids, manages to keep us up. Then this season he still has to fill out the squad with unproven kids and has us in 11th. Fair enough some of the football has been bad and the form has been inconsistent but imo that's what I expect from a squad as young as ours. I think he has been doing fine and when he is hopefully backed in the summer I believe the foundation is their for a great team and a great future.
  4. I actually think we'll be OK now. We didn't **** up todays easy game. Yeah its easy to win games like today isn't it? We should be top half easily by just winning all these easy games and if we don't win them then the manager is shit. Their is no excuse not to be beating all the 'shit' teams. I mean look at the massive wages we have being paying, this team should be consistent from one week to the next their is no excuse.......... sarcasm overload!
  5. Great result and decent performance. I thought our 3 midfielders did great today. El Ahmadi was getting his foot in everywhere and had some great first time touches to set us on the attack. Delph was doing what he does best, having an impact from our goal to there goal. Westwoods passing was good and he landed a corner on Bentekes head. Bacuna played great also and Benteke was a Beast. He needs to put the same effort in every week that he was when we were winning. Benteke MOTM for that goal alone as without that we might never of got going.
  6. more like. look what happens when we score a goal out of nothing, young players come alive and start to believe in themselves! We were playing crap til we scored.
  7. Get Grant Holt on now to rub salt into the wounds, ooooh aaaargh
  8. I reckon Hoolahan will get the ball straight from kick off and score an OG, then run up to Hughton and deck him, then he will start climbing up to the corporate area and hunt McNally out and administer the smackdown.
  9. His opening sentance claims that his last report led to the sale of the club under Ellis....eh climb down off your high horse Howard. He has nothing positive to say about the manager either which is his opinion and that's fair enough but the truth is the manager is not really a major part of the bigger problem, we could change manager in the morning and very little will of changed in the overall scheme of things. Maybe if the board backed the manager properly last summer or even January just gone then Lambert would deserve more blame. The truth is we are gonna be fighting relegation until we back a manager and let him sign players that are proven and can push us onto where we should be.
  10. That's one aspect to his game but he also plays quick incisive forward passes and is always looking for the killer ball if its on. He is our only midfielder who is capable of passing the ball accurately beyond 50 yards so the comparison with Allen is wrong imo.
  11. How this come this doesn't happen more often then? How come we don't score more and win more with him on the pitch if it was likely to happen yesterday? I was talking about the game vs Newcastle,its obvious to anyone who has a clue that he was pulling the strings and setting us up with good attacks when he was on the pitch. So why would that of changed if he stayed on? Maybe we don't score more and win more because our strikers have all been crap for the majority of the season?
  12. Love this photo. Strange photo. Helenius looks like Stifler from the "American Pie" movies (no comparison) He is obviously just after burying his head in a line of cocaine and is buzzing on the way back up.
  13. We likely would of scored and won if he had of stayed on. He is so underrated. He sets up so much of our good attacking play with quick incisive passing, it was obvious to everyone yesterday how important he is to us as when he went off we were crap and offered nothing going forward. We had no one who could play a decent pass to set us up on the counter, he has been putting in solid displays for the last couple of months and would have such a bigger impact on games if he had a proper defensive midfielder behind him which would allow him to concentrate what he is good at.
  14. I noticed that as well. Nearly everytime the ball deflected off someone or one of our players tackled and the ball would always go to a Newcastle player. Even for the goal, De Jong has a shot that deflects off Baker and ends up with Remy scoring. Its obviously not the reason we lost but it was strange.
  15. Surely its up to these professional footballers to be able to put the ball in the net regardless of the style of football? Lambert should be dropping some of the players that look like they cant score and are a liability or at the very least subbing them off as early as is necessary when its obvious they are having a stinker.
  16. Good post and I agree with alot of it but imo Lambert should of replaced one of the attackers as they were all playing shit. We could of brought on Albrighton and we all know that he would of got us up the pitch and kept the ball better than any of our forwards were doing. We sat back too much and invited pressure on which is not going to work if your forwards cant keep the ball up the other end and give the defence a break. We got what deserved but its never going to be easy when our strikers all look clueless and can't score.
  17. Yeah you rely on strikers scoring goals to get you points and a decent defence. In the last 3 games we could of had 2 or 3 goals in each of them if our strikers were playing anyway decent. The decision making by Gabby,Benteke and Weimann has been terrible and some of the chances they have missed has been woeful. That's as big a reason as any as to why we have only picked up 1 point in our last 3 games and its been happening all season long.
  18. Bunnski

    Joe Bennett

    I wouldn't be surprised if Vlaar had a go at Bennett as at one point Vlaar was marking 2 men in the left backs part of the pitch and Bennett was nowhere to be seen.
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