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Everything posted by John

  1. I'd take that rumour with a pinch of salt.
  2. As far as I am aware Barry Douglas has yet to complete his £3m move from Wolves to Leeds so if we could get him he would be likely to get some assists and goals. I have to admit that I would like Snodgrass as well but I doubt we could fund two deals if we can even find £3m for one. Sorry to keep banging the drum for Douglas but if we could do the deal I think it likely in time that we will regret not trying to bring him in or perhaps Mendes isn't his agent yet.
  3. The Mirror is almost as annoying as Levy. Neither seem to be able to get it through their thick skills that we are considerably richer than the mighty Spurs are now and that our new overlords didn't get where they are today by being taken for mugs by vultures like Levy.
  4. Stoke may want him. I would also like us to sign Messi. The chances of either happening are not looking good. I have accepted it Stoke should now do the same. There are new sheriffs in town now who don't need their money!
  5. Point well made. Not everyone wanted Steve Bruce to continue but the majority of fans agreed to get behind this decision made by our new owners and the team if only until early results put his role into question once again. We have only had a couple of days since our manager was given what may yet prove to be only a short term reprieve and have lost just one friendly match on the same day that decision was reached. We now have made our first signing and although I along with most of us know little to nothing about the player a signing is surely positive news in itself. We all want to see our young players get games this coming season and I'm sure they will. Let's either back the decision to retain our manager or for those that feel unable to do so keep our powder dry before calling for his head should we put a run of bad results together.
  6. Leads by example on the pitch and now off it. An example Jack should now follow.
  7. About 110 miles down the M6/M1. Jack is going nowhere unless we receive the sort of bid that no club seems prepared to make for him. He is not the sort of player to do a Dwight Yorke and stop performing to get a move. He's one of our own who will stay where his talent is most appreciated for another season (I hope)...
  8. I would really love it if we had. Looked very impressive for Wolves last season. Left back who hits pinpoint corners and hits good free kicks. Made his debut for Scotland last season. 28 years old scored 5 goals and credited with 14 assists last season.
  9. I would take Terry back because he adds a lot of confidence to the defence and his reading of the game compensates for his pace. As I've already said, I would have matched Derby's bid for Douglas if we could find £3m down a couch as he is a wizard with a dead ball and West Ham may well price Snodgrass beyond any budget we have. Otherwise we should look to bring in some loan players such as Fraser Forster with an option to buy where possible (we do also need to bring our own young players through but shouldn't rely on them week in and week out and by doing so risk burning them out). The transfer window clock is ticking...
  10. I doubt there are any negotiations taking place given Levy values the player a lot lower than we do. We don't need to accept a derisory offer any longer it one is eventually made by Spurs.
  11. I doubt that we will get to hear what went on at the meeting. I guess they checked they could work with Bruce and having been satisfied with what they heard from him then gave him his performance targets. They probably asked him who he might want to keep and bring in within the budget they were able to offer him. As far as Henry is concerned this may be a case of one unfounded rumour leading the press one by one to believe something might just be happening and not wanting the lack of facts get in the way of a good story. It could also be that Henry cooled on the idea or that we could not afford to appoint him and pay off our existing staff whilst still keeping/bringing in the players we need to make us serious promotion contenders this season. Who knows? All we can do is back our team, our manager and the decision that our new owners have taken which is what I for one will be doing.
  12. Shocked they are letting him go as he looked top class last season. If we have any chance of bringing players in this summer someone should interrupt the meeting in case we can gazump the proposed deal.
  13. I don't see that he didn't give everything he had to try to get us up. I do however accept that he didn't achieve that most important target but I myself do not consider we had a team that should have run away with the title. Wolves had a great season, Cardiff just kept picking up points and Fulham did a Wolves in the second half of the season so getting up was no gimme last season and the same may well be the case this season whoever we may have in the manager's job.
  14. Should be lose his job today he will be remembered by me not for managing that lot on the other side of the city, not even for those late painful goals that he scored against Sheffield Wednesday to send Fergie and Brian Kidd into relieved celebrations all those years ago but as a decent man who despite the sad loss of both of his parents within weeks gave all he had to try to get us promoted and had nothing but good things to say about both our football club and us it's supporters.
  15. Before he was linked with us I thought that Henry was more likely than not to become a very decent manager somewhere. The link with us flatters us I think because I really did not suspect he would start with a club outside of the top flight but our new owners tend to get what they want I would guess. I like the knowledge that Henry has about players in German League 2 but he would need to have money available to bring in even players from outside of the top flights in Europe and the suggestion is that money would still be tight this season. Could he get the players we already have playing the way he would want or would he need to bring in some new players to make his ideas work? I think if we had some money to spend on the squad his chances of doing something big here would be greatly increased. If we are to have a new manager I am happy to accept the new owners choice and hope that it pays off in the same way should they choose to stick with Bruce then he will also have my support.
  16. To be fair those Leeds fans had been through what we were on the crest of until a couple of days ago. They were sympathetic and told us how it had been for them and how it so nearly was for us we were just luckier than they were quicker. Unlike Small Heath, Albion and Wolves fans they did not openly enjoy our predicament and I would not say no to going up this season alongside them. They are a big team who are just coming out of a dismal few years and like us need to get back to their rightful place in the top flight. I wish them and their fans well.
  17. Could both Manchester clubs be the two?
  18. At the moment it's a question of staying at the club that means so much to you and playing in front of the fans who regard you as one of their own or moving to a club who are a division above us and will be in the mix for the major honours. Jack may play in Europe with them but will face a fight to claim a regular starting place. His profile nationally will rise as will his chances of international recognition but he will be playing in front of fans who will question whether he is good enough and will be prepared to be indifferent towards him unless he hits the ground running. If Levy makes an acceptable offer Jack will need to weigh this and financial gain against the fact that the grass has not always proved to be greener on the other side for players that have left Villa Park. If you get to make that decision think long and hard about it Jack and then stay!!
  19. Big Sam just said on Talksport that our new owners should not be held back by FFP and by past owners losses. I can't argue with him on that..
  20. Why would be want to go to Stoke now? Just a sideways move now at best isn't it? Perhaps we should make them a counter offer for Shawcross now..
  21. I think that was just the press guessing that JT would fancy a year with his old mate from the Bridge and that Frank would want and be able to afford him. Going to another club would also no doubt bring a demand that he would not be asked to play against his former club (us).
  22. Nice thought, but it's highly unlikely to happen in the short term. For now, I would be offering Jack a new contract on improved terms to reward his loyalty with an agreement that we wouldn't stand in his way in 12 month's time if he then wanted to go and a mutually agreed transfer release clause was activated by another club.
  23. I very much doubt that Jack would look to force a move even if he wanted one. If Levy therefore does not make an offer that we accept that should be an end of the matter. I hope that Jack will want to be a major part in what our new owners are looking to do with our football club in any case.
  24. Has he perhaps been made an offer by Swansea (is the inflatable a clue)? Is he waiting now for us to make him one that will blow their offer out of the water?
  25. Benteke once wanted to go to Spurs but they bid less than we were willing to accept. Even if Jack wants to join them Levy will still have to make us an offer that we are prepared to accept. I doubt that he will. Benteke stayed and signed a new contract when he realised nobody then wanted him enough to meet our asking price. Might history repeat itself with Jack? My fingers are crossed that it will...
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