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Everything posted by skarroki

  1. I think this has rumbled on for too long for it to actually happen
  2. Indeed, with most of our signings coming from abroad, unless we got offered an attractive amount which is unlikely from a Championship club, I don't see why we would let an important home-grown member of the squad go. I don't see why he'd want to drop down a division when he must be in contention for playing a fair bit, what with our luck with injuries, Vlaar going and possibly playing 3 at the back. We won't play 3 at the back and we have Richards, Clark, Okore, Senderos and Donacien in our squad. If he's the only one we can shift, then it's a good deal. Get him out, potentially even on loan might suit both parties. Plays regularly for a season, proves his worth or finds his level
  3. I'm fine with Baker going as long as we've got a young African footballer playing in ligue 1 lined up to replace him There were rumours about NKoulou....
  4. As long as it's not coming out of my bank account, I couldn't care less how much we pay
  5. Everybody knows your worst player in Sunday League goes at right back Hoi, I'm a right back. I bet you get moved when the shit guy turns up though? Nope, we throw our shit guys up front where they can't cost us a goal. Is that how they sold it to you...
  6. I'd say with our current team my XI would be: Guzan Hutton Richards Clark Amavi Gueye Westwood Sinclair Gil Grealish Gabby With bench players: Bunn, Okore, Baker, Richardson, Bacuna, Sanchez, Gardner, Cole, Kozak, Robinson. I think we need a Centre mid, attacking midfield player and a striker. If we only got those 3 positions then I'd be happy with this window. If we can get them in the next 7 days, we can look at other options in August after the season has started. It's going to be an interesting couple of weeks so I'm intrigued how this will all play out. I genuinely believe we could end up looking a stronger outfit by the end of the window then at any time under Lambert.
  7. Actually came to post about the same fella. Obbi Oulare is an odd link and I'm convinced it's nonsense. If we're watching club brugge, then Guzan is close to going back to the MLS and we're looking at Mathew Ryan.
  8. Wildcard suggestion alert: Cisse from Newcastle?
  9. We've been the turd that won't flush for several years now. It might be time to just sit back and watch the whole thing (slightly more painful than the last 5 seasons) unfold
  10. Only it isn't given that if he hadn't signed it you could have signed him on a Bosman this summer already. Getting him to sign the deal has earned us £8m not cost us £10m-£15m. So its like you say, only completely the opposite. Would he not have signed at £9m? What about £8.5m? And if he's earnt you £8m then it's handshakes all round, job well done and thanks for the memories Delph isn't it? He's done you a favour here by signing that deal and letting himself be bought for £8m rather than walking for free like Milner did for us (to a potential rival, who we congratulated, thanked him for his time and put up nice videos of him on the OS). If that is, he's earnt you £8m as you say You're so much better than us as a club and fanbase. so gracious for your kind way of treating Milner after it being obvious all year that he would leave for free and go to another big club and being professional and quiet about it. Delph meanwhile has gone out of his way to outright declare his loyalty to the club in February after negotiating a buy out clause, has then had serious thoughts of leaving. Has released another "I'm committed to villa" statement before swanning off anyway. I don't think anyone begrudges him playing at a higher level if he gets game time. Or begrudges him moving on after he could have gone for free. Noone had an issue with man city till you came and got peoples backs up. The issue is he's shown himself now to be a complete tool and a lieing clearing in the woods
  11. I think Delph is an absolute word removed but I also think it's fair to say that this isn't about money. If it was common in this country then I'd imagine there would be countless villa fans jumping ship right now with the state of our club. It was all looking so promising and now it's all collapsing in around us. Delph staying, Gueye joining, exciting links, no news on Benteke. Then today happened. For crying out loud Delph, what the hell has been going through your mind. I don't care about your heavily pregnant wife keeping you up at night and acting bizarre, it shouldn't rub off on you.
  12. Is this a player I've never heard of, or Augero spelt weird? Google says he plays in Argentina Yeah that's right. Plays in Argentina, looks just as good as all the other young Argentinian strikers coming through in Europe at the moment. I certainly think he be worth a punt, it wouldn't cost silly money to get him and I can't see a scenario where we'd lose money on him
  13. I agree with the loan part, if we were linked with him, i'd be saying he's not the brightest young talent at PNE, that title belongs ironically to Johnson who we've just sold. If he'd stayed that window i would expect him to be featuring this year under Sherwood. I genuinely do want him to do well for us and I don't mean to seem like i'm being unnecessarily pessimistic but I've never watched him and thought he has a football brain. He seems to make the wrong decision more often than not whenever I saw him which was frustrating because I was hoping he'd set the league alight and force his way back into the team after Beckford joined in his absense. Bizarrely, competition for places, instead of spurring him on, seemed to be his undoing. Not going to write him off, will see how he does, but comparing his performances to how Grealish played in league 1, you could tell even if he had bad spells that Grealish was playing at a level too low for him. With Robinson it was different for me. All down to opinions though i guess, and the coaching staff's opinions are far more important. Good luck to him wherever he is September 1st
  14. my top 3 to replace Benteke would be: Araujo Kokorin Locadia I think we'd be able to bring 1 of them in for way cheaper than we sold Benteke. Locadia would mean changing our formation a lot less too so could be therefore even more worth trying
  15. With the quotes of 5-7 need to go, as far as I can see, we have a 29 man squad at the moment. If we get Amavi and the 2 others, we need 7 gone to not have players sat being wasted. I would say I'd be fine with the following leaving permanently: Bennett Cole Senderos Herd Richardson Cissokho Sanchez N'Zogbia Tonev Steer out on loan could be an option too. Out of those 10, I'd say the ones most useful and likely to stay are Cole, Richardson and Sanchez. We'll have to wait and see but definitely need to clear a few players over the next week or 2 in order to look like we're making progress
  16. How many pages did Belhanda get? Be buzzing if we sign this guy
  17. I'm now very depressed about this transfer window. I would say Delph is 6th on a list of good midfielders we've lost over recent years, so is replaceable, it's just that we don't have the standing in the league anymore to replace him. I'm hoping we get some good news on transfers soon. Maybe this can be a turning point for the club, a new direction.
  18. RT @IanTaylor7: Nice to know I'm still young enough to say Mark Bunn was an old team mate of mine! #AVFC #NTFC #Cobblers

  19. Say Senderos goes, would anyone say Van Dijk would be worth a bid? I guess we're well stocked in defence but if we do go mostly for a back 3 of Clark, Okore and Richards I do not fancy them all to stay fit and I equally don't expect Baker to avoid a series of head injuries throughout the season. Think he'd be a Centre Back that has potential to be decent at this level and not made of glass Along with him, if we're replacing Guzan, which I'd guess could still potentially happen, I'd take Vorm, or 1 of Romero and Khune. Both experienced international keepers who will be on lesser wages at previous clubs and available on a free. Also, both been in successful sides so would fit the "winners" criteria. Hope Amavi happens, if not then I'd desperately like us to go for Willems, not linked to anyone big in papers, but he's talked about playing in the prem previously and said he'd be keen to move on to a new challenge. If we've got €9mil to spend on a LB then I'd rather it went on this guy. After that, if Praet doesn't come in, I think we should be looking at Napoli for an AM option. They have 5-6 class players who all play there and I'd imagine they'd all want to be starting games. Hamsik, Mertens, Callejon, Insigne, Gabbiadini, De Guzman. Surely they aren't all gonna be kept happy? With a new coach and ideas I think it's well worth having a look
  20. Thought you'd gone all grandmother on us until I saw the posters name.
  21. Which a team competing on four fronts will not want. They had far more home grown players than Chelsea did last season (Chelsea "competed on four fronts" 5 men short) im pretty sure Chelsea ran insanely well/lucky with not getting many injuries last season (so the lack of depth of the squad wasnt stretched/tested allowing them to do better than arsenal/city as they had more of their first 11 squad on the pitch on average). Not saying that you are...but obviously looking at one season stretch of only 1 team to prove that you dont need a full-squad depth to "compete on four fronts" is incredibly results orientated, very selective and silly. Sample size is far to small Well then it's a good job that's not what I'm doing at all isn't it. Isa said a team wouldn't want that, I was just stating a team with one of the best coaches worldwide at the helm have done that, so presumably did want that, for the last 2 years.
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