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Everything posted by PussEKatt

  1. The thing is that football,apart from bieng a sport is also an entertainment.So if fans are going to pay hundreds of pounds to watch this shite, then all I can say is that they are easily entertained. :shock:
  2. I don"t get it ? Lerner wants to cut costs yet he is going to lose 1.5 million by the end of this season and he is setting himself up for a much bigger loss next season................It does not maks sense
  3. I am pretty sure that we are safe for this season,but take a look at this and what do you think about next season ? W D AVFC 7 12 B.Rovers 7 7 Bolton 8 2 Q.P.R. 6 7 Wigan 5 10 Wolves 5 7 We have only won 7 games out of 29 that is only 24% so far it is only our draws that is keeping us safe.If you take these stats and look at next season it means we will only win 9-10 games thats 27-30 points we get the rest of our points from draws, which means that we will be in the bottom 5-6 all season.
  4. I remember when Villa park was near enough to a fortress,now it"s turned into a **** cradle
  5. Was"ent he England under 21 at the time ?
  6. It doesent matter when we play it,they are one of the elite teams
  7. The man knows nothing about tactics,man management ...............football
  8. We were lucky to beat Fukham. So luck does play a part,but only a small part ( sometimes you make your owne luck )
  9. Of corse we will lie down on saturday,he has already said that we cant expect to beat the elite teams. For my part I would rather see us lose 0-5 and go down fighting than watch us defend for 90 minutes.
  10. Me and the Mrs went to see Marigold Hotel yesterday, It"s quite good.A family type movie. Cant wait for MiB to come out, that"s right up my street
  11. A couple of months ago I would have agreed with you. Today I am not so sure. What makes you say that ? I wish I was that optomistick, dont forget Lerner has had to pay MON off and he wants to cut costs so I cant see him paying McStupid off.
  12. Yep. People forget that towards the end of the season, usually about half the clubs have next to nothing to play for, whereas those at the bottom are fighting for their lives - and the results reflect that. It ain't over yet. Yes, that"s why we get shock results like Liverpool1 Wigan 2 but this season I am sure that neither Wolves or QPR have the ability to stay up, so all we have to do really is finish 17th
  13. No matter how you look at it you have to play every team twice.So if you play Man U then Man C then Arsenal and then Liverpool/Spurs all home and away then after 8 games you would be rock bottom with no points BUT all your remaining fixtures would be easy ones compared to the games you have just played. You definately have to get points from the teams below you and then try to nick a point or 3 from all the other teams.Something McStupid can"t figure out.
  14. To be honest, I don"t think we will be changing our manager anytime soon
  15. Seconded, children please take note I am sorry,I can"t do that.That is asking me to show more respect than that spineless, gutless jellyfish deserves. All you hear from him is excuses.We can"t be expected to beat the elite teams above us,We did not beat the 2 bottom teams below us,the players at Swansea and Norwich are better than our lot,the supporters don"t get behind the team etc etc etc. BUT when something goes right for once ( our 1-0 win against Fulham ) then all you hear is " it was me, it was me, it was me, I did it, it was my calculated substitutions that got us the 3 points. I am sick to death of this excuse for a manager and his stupid team selections,his stupid tactics,his stupid comments, and his stupid management of the team. The very least I would expect of him is to at least try to pretend that he is a man and take the blame for his mistakes. If you can"t be a decent manager then at least be a **** man. However, as one Aston Villa supporter to another I will do as you ask and call him by his proper name,once, and once only. Why don"t you do us all a favour McLeish and crawl back under the rock you came out from.
  16. Man to secatary: What"s the difference between sex and a ham sandwich ? Secatary: I don"t know Man: Let"s have lunch together
  17. I thought that is what it is for :?:
  18. When he said Boo You should say Who That way it would be a crying shame if something did"nt come of it
  19. Irrespective of what people are saying about managers etc I think that Lerner does not have the ambition of Abramovich or the sheik (at Man C ) or the owners of Man U, no he is more the Al Feyad type who is happy as long as we don"t spend too much and stay in the premier league
  20. I am agreeing with you. In other words " a strong claim " does not mean that he will start. You need a manager with a brain for that to happen
  21. You are right, but luckly for us we have a gap between us and them and I think that all we need is 2-3 points and the others will not be able to overtake us. It"s next season that worries me cause we will get rid of some players and replace them with bosman"s and on top of that the teams that come up could all be better than the bottom 4 that we have this season.
  22. I think we are in with a chance of winning this one 0-1
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