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Everything posted by Khizzy

  1. Looked decent despite the lack of fitness, pressed quite well and showed a bit of passion. Unlucky not to squeeze his shot in right at the end.
  2. Do we assume that Veretout replace Westy in the middle? He can be our Cabaye!
  3. Think Sherwood picked Charlie Insomnia based on the fact that he had PL experience, whereas Gil didn't. Guess he didn't have too much time to get to know the players when he was thrown in at the deep end, so just went with what he thought was the best mix of players at the time. Obviously, since then he's had time to analyse each player in training and in pre-season games, so it's clear that Gil has risen in the manager's estimations, whereas it's been the opposite for Charles.
  4. If this is true and we're not getting Darder, would people still be happy with this signing? Hope this doesn't mean that we've given up on Cambiasso joining as well.
  5. I think the word "greedy" sums up his time with us - always greedy when in possession of the ball and greedy through stealing wages from the club by delivering very little in terms of value for money.
  6. Wikipedia says close to 5'10" - which, if true, isn't THAT small. If Sanchez plays, he can be our big rock in midfield (if he decides to perform). Delph and Cleverley were 5'9" each, same with Westwood. Let's put it this way, Barca haven't got the biggest players! Mangetout!
  7. So we're potentially looking at: Guzan Hutton Richards Clark Amavi Sanchez/Westwood Gueye Gil Veretout Grealish Ayew/Adebayor
  8. We've got a monopoly now on players called Jordan. They all want to come here
  9. Might as well change our name to Jordan Villa.
  10. Tim has a secret fetish for Katie Price and this is his way of letting the world know about it.
  11. Should've swapped him for Kondogbia!
  12. Guys, is it actually him though????? Check the chins!
  13. Not sure if it's Veretout, judging by the pics on Google, he has a bigger face! I mean the guy in the pic doesn't have a big enough chin Make your own minds up.
  14. Training is going to be very interesting isn't it? Sherwood "Oi, Jordan...." Jordan x 3 "Yes, le boss?!"
  15. I would say that the majority of players that started last week against Forest Green Rovers are the ones that Tim is happy to let go. Clark has featured in all the first team games so far, so I don't think he will be leaving - especially to the Baggies. Would be a shame to lose Baker, though. I wonder which players will get loaned out from the first team. I would guess Bennett, Gardner and Robinson (technically he's not proper first team yet). Sherwood is probably looking for the others to leave permanently.
  16. He's fairly tall for a full back, I wonder if he's a utility player that can play anywhere across the back four, considering information about his primary playing position appears to be sketchy. Suppose he'll be a good squad filler to call upon - although I hope we're not going to sell Baker on the back of this transfer. Can see Bennett/Cissokho leaving though, if someone wants to take them.
  17. Good on him. Lots of stories about him being a knob and all that but he's shown a positive attitude in wanting to play for us, so that bodes well.
  18. Yep, according to his Wikipedia page we have been linked with him before: "In December 2008 Aston Villa reportedly showed interest in signing him, after several good performances under coach Manolo Jiménez, also his coach at Sevilla Atlético." We've finally got our man......
  19. Why are we signing another full back for? Is he going to be cover for Amavi or Hutton? Thought we need a bit more strength at CB. Interesting signing though, if true. Seems to be fairly experienced and has played for some decent teams.
  20. The policy of purchasing French speaking players is a very interesting one, not sure it's a coincidence. We've had issues in the past where we've signed French players but they've usually suffered from homesickness or whatever. Signing a bunch at once might help them settle down quickly.
  21. I love Clark, shown himself to be a good player recently and I am sure he's fully committed to Villa. He's one of the very last players I'd want to see leave. Get rid of Senderos and keep Baker, he's a good 4th choice for now. Donacien can be 5th choice for the time being unless we identify someone else, he's looked promising in pre-season and we can utilise him at RB if needed (same with Richards, I guess if Hutton/Bacuna pick up injuries).
  22. At least he's not Jordan Bowery....
  23. cool, when does it start? If it's just a summer thing then guess it don't matter..... must have been friendlies I played in with my old mates.... The start date goes back roughly 11 days each year, as it's based on a lunar cycle - so depending on the year you played in, Ramadan would have fallen during a certain time of the year. Won't really affect Ayew much, since Ramadan probably won't encroach into the football season proper until 2017/2018 and he might be gone by then! He'll defo be gone then once Real Madrid invoke his £1.5m release clause Fear not, I am sure Gabby won't be going anywhere soon.
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