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Everything posted by Lombardo

  1. Guzan still cant command his box either. Very much so a liability.
  2. Their defence is useless. Plenty of goals in this one if we want them.
  3. Emile in winning free kick shocker!
  4. YEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Barry Bannan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. What was the score here again in this leg last year? Was it 0-0?
  6. Do you not have a copy of the Certs at home TSV?
  7. Anyone ever stayed in a hostel in Rio that they can recommend? It seems Ipanema is the best place to stay... Is that right?
  8. Wheres thetrees when you want him! :winkold: Probably a load of crap but makes a story anyway!
  9. I really do not see why Jol is seen as the Messiah here... I see what he did at Spurs, but if you look at the size of the squad he had there and given our supposed problems with the wage/revenue ratio, it could well be hard to get him managing us right.
  10. I think I may be the only one who does not see the attraction in Jol. I didn't see the amazing job he did at Spurs? Did he qualify for the CL? Did he not spend a fortune on crap players, something people keep reminding MON about? Somebody please give me the facts as to why he would be the best replacement for MON above everybody else.
  11. Chin up man. If the players were as miserable as is rumoured. The Hammers could get a right hiding. It's all about who comes in now to replace Keegan's half-brother. Not from a Villa standpoint, more the fact that the build up of work caused by camping out on VT for the day will make the next week and a half a nightmare! In fact, I have a suspicion we will do quite well on Saturday!
  12. These last two days have been completely written off from my life following the mess that has occurred... I presume everybody else is in the same boat? I cant concentrate on anything..... Not looking forward to the next week and a half!
  13. Dont know why but I just split myself laughing at this.... drunk guy in fall.
  14. I am not Chindie but.... Oi! I'm not that bad either. And the bondage stuff definitely isn't me. Or the shaved head thing. And I'm not that fat. :| The offers still open if you want me to confirm the above :winkold: Jesus, she's persistent! :winkold:
  15. Watched We Own the Night last night. Very good film. Had already seen it but was worth watching again.
  16. Any of the girls here have an opinion on this??
  17. You look like a skiing instructor I had about 2 years ago!
  18. Bring it on Lily! Looking forward to it now on Sunday! Us Royals will be up for it anyway! We'll want to win something this year!!!!!
  19. Is that ITK TT or just idol rumouring about a possible deal to be completed this week?
  20. Jesus... I go away for a few minutes and I'm ripped to shreds! Fair play though TSV... I did split myself laughing when I saw that!
  21. I took it out... It was too big I'm sorry! It was me with Curtis and Nigel....
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