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Everything posted by Lombardo

  1. Me and two home boys on Abbey St in Dublin last night.... They were blinged out of it..... Took the picture out... Didnt turn out too well, was me with Curtis and Nigel..... Ah well!
  2. Bumped into Curtis and Nigel on my way home from Murrays.... They were on their way to Krystle... In good form and stopped for a few photos... Will try and post later. Sounds like they wanted to leave though..... Not too keen on MON from what I got from them in 5 mins!
  3. Small.... Far away. "Near.... far away"? dear oh dear My sincere apologies!
  4. Its like the Father Ted episode..... Near.... Far away..... Near.... Far away!!!
  5. MON must be getting pissed off with all this now. As soon as he targets someone who he thinks he can build a team around, they decide to up camp and say they are leaving. Unfortunatly football is losing alot of its romance now... Sad.
  6. Ooooh look at you with your inside information!
  7. The video on the OS gave it away Brian!!! Jack Woodward with a pint of Guinness with the backdrop of Portmarnock Golf Course kind of gave it away a bit....
  8. Since when did it change to 12 months Brian?
  9. Oi! Pipe down Kildare! What can we do about the ref, but just play the game and see what comes!!
  10. Yes you hit the nail on the head. You can't carry the ball over the line or play it directly from your own hand into the net. It shouldn't have been a goal and the fact that it was the last kick of the game to win it for Meath caused all the controversy. The Declan Kidney and Rugby piece is just a joke that's been flying round here for the last few days - He grounded the ball and got over the line so it should have been a try etc.....
  11. A bit of this and a bit of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1khn0OxDLA. That's it in a nutshell. Not much else.
  12. The incident is worthy of it's own thread. Was a thread created for this? Delighted the lads didn't give them a replay. Would have set a bad precedent. C'mon the Royals! At the risk of being objective again (it is a heavy burden). There is no way Meath should be forced to do the 'right thing'. They should not be backed into a corner and made to make a decision that should only be made by the association. This was a GAA and an officiating **** up. Meath are the easy scapegoats here and now that they have not agreed to a replay they are being made out to be the bad guys. It's incredible. It's identical to the France furore. Yes the player cheated, but the problem was with the officials and the association - firstly for not seeing the infringement and secondly for actually not having any rule in place that allows the GAA to act in any kind of authority. But having said that. It's bog ball and is about as important as the shade of green on what I pull from my nose. I completely agree. The GAA have failed again in their officiating of such occurences. It has happened in the past in such instances and they have still not agreed to take responsibility for the actions of the referee on the pitch. Saying that, it would be hard for them to do so as to take the control of the game out of the referees hand would be killing the whole human aspect of the game, in a similiar way to that of the video ref in football. Its strange though as they also seem fit to give out red cards after the fact to players who commit fouls during games.... Bit of a contradiction there! The umpires were the ones who didn't have the stones to tell the referee that it wasn't a legitimate goal although the ref should have consulted them before allowing it. It was the ref who didnt have the stones to ask the opinion of the linesmen. He had made his decision and subsequently went in to tell the umpire to put up his flag. He had the goal marked in his notebook before he even went in to them!
  13. The incident is worthy of it's own thread. Was a thread created for this? Delighted the lads didn't give them a replay. Would have set a bad precedent. C'mon the Royals! At the risk of being objective again (it is a heavy burden). There is no way Meath should be forced to do the 'right thing'. They should not be backed into a corner and made to make a decision that should only be made by the association. This was a GAA and an officiating **** up. Meath are the easy scapegoats here and now that they have not agreed to a replay they are being made out to be the bad guys. It's incredible. It's identical to the France furore. Yes the player cheated, but the problem was with the officials and the association - firstly for not seeing the infringement and secondly for actually not having any rule in place that allows the GAA to act in any kind of authority. But having said that. It's bog ball and is about as important as the shade of green on what I pull from my nose. I completely agree. The GAA have failed again in their officiating of such occurences. It has happened in the past in such instances and they have still not agreed to take responsibility for the actions of the referee on the pitch. Saying that, it would be hard for them to do so as to take the control of the game out of the referees hand would be killing the whole human aspect of the game, in a similiar way to that of the video ref in football. Its strange though as they also seem fit to give out red cards after the fact to players who commit fouls during games.... Bit of a contradiction there!
  14. The incident is worthy of it's own thread. Was a thread created for this? Delighted the lads didn't give them a replay. Would have set a bad precedent. C'mon the Royals!
  15. I cant believe that they said yesterday that it was a tourist attraction for the country... What tourist in their right mind would want to come and get a brick in the face in Northern Ireland? They really are deluded.
  16. Congratulations Chindie!
  17. Monday morning in work is so much better when Meath beat the Dubs! Great atmosphere in Croker yesterday!
  18. Are the 11 who voted positively going to own up and tell us of their experiences??
  19. Are you working in KPMG in Brum Stevo?
  20. If Liverpool get Hodgson and Arsenal get Schwarzer I can see Fulham slipping back into oblivion. I love this bit ""We have made an enquiry for him and they are not prepared to sell him so we have gone away". Gone away to the press to blab about it in the hope of turning the player's head you mean. rocket polishers. An Arse season ticket holder I work with thinks that this is a backwards step for them!!!! I told him he will be the best keeper they will have had since Seaman if they get him...
  21. Have you spent the morning looking for that Drat?
  22. get that chequebook out then you tight git ;-) It came out! You still owe me a pint anyway! :winkold:
  23. I never realised how long I spent on VT up until now when I saw the hours laid out by Paddy.... I dont want to say as I would probably be fired for saying it! It is a great site though and makes my days alot shorter! Keep it up Simon!
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