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Everything posted by Lombardo

  1. Shame on you! Its St Stephen's day! :winkold:
  2. Rumour has it Jol is going back to Hamburg?
  3. On BBC now..... Hehe! At least we're not Newcastle!
  4. The next two games will be very interesting. We really need some results not just some half decent performances. We badly need some goals to boost confidence. People will of course blame Dunne, Collins, Warnock, et al, but I honestly think Dunne played well, dont think he put a foot wrong. Collins was at fault for the first goal. 2nd goal was offside. 3rd goal was poor defensively, mainly because the midfield were too slow tracking back, picking up the oncoming liverpool midfield. The positives were; Ireland - thought he looked very composed. He should be our central midfielder. He doesnt have enough of an impact when played higher up the field. He played some lovely through balls and very few of his passes went astray - apart from 1 or 2 where Carew didnt look arsed. Delfouneso - he should be starting alongside Gabby. He was very lively and kept the ball well. He was a threat for the liverpool central defenders and will work well alongside Gabby. Pires - Did nothing when he came on. Offered nothing apart from someone to pass to. Did absolutely nothing in terms of creativity. he is well past it and doesn't deserve to be on the field from now on. He can't run anymore. We really need Petrov back here again. He offers stability to the midfield - something we severely lack. Nobody comes looking for the ball from midfield. I have a feeling that him and Stephen Ireland will be our midfield two when he comes back. We really need some steel in the midfield. That is why we are conceding so many goals; we have no protection from the middle. We need to fix this ASAP.
  5. Lombardo

    Snow Watch!

    Im working from home today so dont know about Leixlip, but nothing in Dublin as yet... Hopefully it stays away for another 2 hrs... I need to get to the airport!
  6. England gone to 2/1 on to win it now... Would be surprised if they didn't win it now. Bookies don't get it wrong.
  7. Lombardo

    Snow Watch!

    I would say about half a foot has fallen here in Ireland this morning... This is the biggest snow I have ever seen in 27 years...
  8. It is very much focused on the Sky 4... They don't mention that we probably have one of the finest training grounds in the country!
  9. Lombardo

    Snow Watch!

    Working from home here! There was no way I would chance going driving out there today! Roads here are shocking!
  10. Not at all. Collins is contributing to this and its not just Dunne's fault. Yes Dunne has been poor but Collins has also been very average. He got outmuscled by Jerome for that penalty. He should never be outmuscled by someone that small.
  11. An error from Collins as well but that wasn't what ultimately cost us. Yes it was... We ultimately failed to clear the ball for no apparent reason. Collins dithered. What could Dunne have done? If he hadnt have tackled him it would have been a certain goal.
  12. Nobody can say anything about Dunne there... That was all Collins fault.
  13. Lombardo

    Snow Watch!

    Snow is pelting it down over here now! About 3" in the last hour!
  14. Just repeating what they did against Intel then. The EU really dont like Multinationals from outside the EU do they?
  15. Fair enough lad... All the best with the job hunt anyway... From what I can remember, you work in the kitchen... There's plenty of work there for chefs in the Meath area.. Hope you find something quick.
  16. Thats shit mate... Chin up, with experience, you should be able to find something... Do you mind me asking where you are working?
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