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Everything posted by DCJonah

  1. Yeah but then how many times do teams play as badly as we have in these first halves?
  2. I know we don't have lots of options but this is two consecutive awful home games where he hasn't made a change at HT. Surely that doesn't send out a good message.
  3. Slightly worrying that Newcastle have their best away performance in ages and now Chelsea look superb.
  4. I hope so. Because it looks like teams have figured out how to stop us passing through the lines and realised our fullbacks aren't good enough so give them space.
  5. Back to back awful home games. We've been well and truly found out.
  6. Kamara has killed us a few times this season losing the ball in dangerous areas.
  7. My insurance went up by 500 pound last month. Did all the comparison websites and individual ones and couldn't get it any better. No idea how they can justify it.
  8. No way. Beat Chelsea we've then got a very winnable game and then we're in the QFs and suddenly in with a great shout.
  9. Not at all. Just that he was clearly part of the squad last year and would have been this year if not for injury. I think it was about 2 months ago when you claimed Emery doesn't trust Bailey. You might be right one day if you keep shitting on players.
  10. I wasn't really comparing the players just that they were both written off by the same poster doing it to Zaniolo.
  11. Like Buendia and Bailey at some point.
  12. Ridiculous change in form. Very pleased. Micah Richards called him the best 1 on 1 winger in the league and its hard to argue with that.
  13. Brilliant but why the **** did he play 90 mins?
  14. So much better off Watkins than in the role where Ramsay plays
  15. We also beat spurs at their place and I think we can do them at ours.
  16. Yeah I agree. It's not over though. There will be more ups and downs.
  17. We do but i can't say it's over. We win later and we are on the same points. Spurs are capable of dropping points. Everton are currently the better team in their game.
  18. How can people say 4th is gone. Its spurs not city fighting for that 4th spot.
  19. DCJonah


    I've barely done anything since snapping my achillies in 2020. Started running 3k twice a week and the soles of my feet are absolutely killing me. I've never really ever just done running. It was always playing a sport. Bit annoyed as I was genuinely motivated and now had to stop till this pain eases up. Its been over a week.
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