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Everything posted by villan501

  1. Comedy outfit...[/quote You dont think we are a joke then Comedy outfit... You dont think we are a joke then
  2. Lerner dosnt pick the team lambert preferred bowery ovet bent that is unforgivable bent might not have played well but the fact he cost 24mil which we paid shows he must be half decent. Lerner sanctioned the move he aibt to blame
  3. Villa have wrecked bents carear infact lambert can take the blame imo bent is worth no more than 2mil
  4. We have diced wuth relegation last fews years we need more quality lerner knows this wigan survived on a thin budget then they ran outta luck thst will happen to us but lerner has made his bed so he better lie in it. We will struggle again this season dont you worry about that young and hungry didnt work nor will tightening the pursestrings villa as a big club is no more folks
  5. If was lucky enough to be a paid footballer i would never join a comedy outfit like villa. Vlaar will go to manure im sure van gaal rates him this ia the same negative feeling for me when we lost barry milner and young vlaar like the rest are and were our big performers i am convinced without vlaar last year we would be in championship now
  6. I agree if vlaar goes to qpr i will sack it off this season droopy dog will try and sell qpr to vlaar lets face it they are a small club always will be but one thing is they will offer silly money. It is a real sign of what a state we are in! Clubs like QPR can have more of a pull on players than us. Even the likes of Hull, Stoke, the Baggies and others appear to be a more attractive proposition than us... Just embarrassing.... I think we are pretty much on a par with West Brom actually. I think west brom are better than us. We are totally inept at making major decisions vlaar and delph should have been offered contracts as soon as we stayed up lerner should have at least done that. If i was to sell my house i would not wnt to wreck it before i sold it. Vlaar is are rock at the back its only cos the others were total garbage we never noticed how good or imortant he is but rest assured when vlaar leaves because of lerners begaviour we will see exactly how important he is thanks randy for another cock up
  7. I agree if vlaar goes to qpr i will sack it off this season droopy dog will try and sell qpr to vlaar lets face it they are a small club always will be but one thing is they will offer silly money.
  8. If this is correct i want lerner out immedietely also id accept relegation knowing lerner will take a massive hit in the pocket im villa through and through lerner is just a passenger
  9. Season ticket low sales talk makes this simple spend some cash or watch your investment go up in smoke lerner we need to get some quality into the side and that will cost alittle. The choice is yours randy our squad at moment wont set the world alight
  10. I had the same im not renewing at all. Board dont care nor do i im being sensible with my money just like them
  11. For me the major factor is lambert thought yiung and hungry would be better than experience we all knew he was wrong but he did it anyway. Lambert has signed experience now id take this anyday of the week playing kids and inexperienced players in league 2 you can getaway with but the Premier League is a different monster. I expect we will sign a few more older players but for me if lambert wastesmoney again on untried, inexperienced players i.e tonev helenius bowery then we are doomed.
  12. Dawson from spurs for 5mil a snip specially if vlaar goes. Daily mirror reporting that he is available
  13. In what way does that make us a sack of shit? Who are the 8 players?Selling to buy again that is shite penny pinching all the time we are a total car crash Isn't that just common sense after what we've been through the last few years? Somebody complained yesterday about us signing more dud players for the new owners to have to move on. Dammed if they do, etc etc. Disclaimer - generally I am not pleased with where we are as a club. Spot on mate
  14. Sorry mate it loads the page but you need to subscribe to read full article
  15. In what way does that make us a sack of shit? Who are the 8 players? Selling to buy again that is shite penny pinching all the time we are a total car crash
  16. Cant see takeover happening this season new owners wont want players like richardson cole and senderos around especially when they just signed.
  17. The sun reporting lambert letting 8 players leave to finance new signings we really are a sack of shit
  18. Vlaar is a decent defender playing alongside awful other players
  19. I see liverpool negotiating for lovren i am convinced keoman will bid for vlaar at aprox 2.5m wont get much more
  20. Such a shame were resorting to this treatment from the club. I think the season will be a nega struggle just hope ron is here to help
  21. This is what i expect to happen problem is we cannot afford decent replacement. My mates a liverpool fan and he said liverpool are goinv for lovren this means saints will go for roncrete i think id rather he left for manure i could accept that Are Southamption all that attractive to join now that they've sold/are selling all their brightest players? Not sure. Most definitely for me . I agree rodders were a laughing stock imo
  22. This is what i expect to happen problem is we cannot afford decent replacement. My mates a liverpool fan and he said liverpool are goinv for lovren this means saints will go for roncrete i think id rather he left for manure i could accept that Are Southamption all that attractive to join now that they've sold/are selling all their brightest players? Not sure. In terms of history there no where near the villa i just think the dutch connection plus the fact hed have a contract showing security and worth. I honestly feel for his performances ie keeping us up single handed oh and guzan he could easily get 40k a week at saints. Lerner wont sanction a new contract that will be a negative in vlaars eyes everybody in life wants to know they will get an income and vlaar may be sawyed installed as saints skipper and advised about poitive plans going firward. Imo vlaar has been exceptional alongside 3 numpties. The negatives surrounding our club and its future surely he just wants to turn up and play football and look forward
  23. This is what i expect to happen problem is we cannot afford decent replacement. My mates a liverpool fan and he said liverpool are goinv for lovren this means saints will go for roncrete i think id rather he left for manure i could accept that
  24. I think vlaar is a really decent defender i also think playing in a decent defence hed be even better it cant be easy when you playing alongside numpties ie clark and baker i really think donacianshould be called up the money we get from vlaar who will leave after the world cup will go straight back to penny pincher learner.imo it will be a long hard season and by the end of septembet i expect us to be rock bottom cos vlaar wont be there to steady the ship.
  25. Think the danish lad was christian poulsen
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