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Everything posted by BleedClaretAndBlue

  1. To lose so comprehensively to a side in League 2 is unacceptable. I started work at 10 and the blokes that finished at half 9 waited just to mug me when I came in haha. Used to it now tho. We are an embarrassment
  2. CNZ only one showing PL quality atm. Please Paul get in some new midfielders or we've had it
  3. Bennetts been poor, Delph and Bannan pairing just worries me. Benteke should have at least 2 by now. Pfftttt
  4. 2/1 on betfair, got to have a flutter on that. Nice professional job tonight, smooth sailing Better wait for the teamsheet first though
  5. Leighton Baines had a very good year, would probably put him in there ahead of Marcelo and Cashley Cole
  6. Reckon we'll draw but hopefully have a few deals in the pipeline by then
  7. Knowing our luck he's got a grade IV and will retire next week
  8. Be nice to see Petrov lifting the trophy for us. If we did get Chelsea just have to hope they underestimate us after that xmas horror show
  9. Agree with the above, good post mate. And in regards to our January squad building; Lambert has also come out and praised Guzan this week saying if it werent for him we could have conceded 35 instead of 17 in our last 4 league games, so he clearly knows where our problems and frailties lie in defence. Have to think he will bring bodies in sharpish. And he, like anyone not requiring a guide dog, can see our midfield is built like a rizla, you'd like to think he will finally strengthen there too this month (this week hopefully).
  10. Lowtons not injured is he? Thought he was just rested today?
  11. Did you see Lambert laugh like a school kid in the post match conference when asked "were the team under pressure to perform today" ?
  12. Id like CNZ to continue for a while, see what he can do with a few games against these lower league teams. He's done alright in the cups this season tbf to him, vs. City, Norwich, Ipswich. Predicting a comfortable 1-3 victory
  13. Great to see 4 players back at once! Needed them, lets hope they can stay fit. Just watching Newcastle, their squad is just as **** as ours
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