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Everything posted by foreveryoung

  1. The match tomorrow is more important, as I'm guessing we will let these walk all over us tonight.
  2. 777 have no money. They are in process of being taken to court for a 80 million unpaid debt. They are a middle man, who secure finance. Even the 200 million they have put into Everton is not actually there money. If they get to buy Everton, it'll be one of the biggest scandals the Prem have ever pulled off. Brown envelops to every senior to make it happen.
  3. It's us who will lose Arsenal the title. Last 3 points they lost, fracking maags!
  4. Pissing down in Manchester. Which is standard.
  5. I'll remember that when Tottenham win Tuesday evening. Arsenal will win the title with Russian money, a complete ***ber of a coach and players like that swimmer Saka. Just give it to the cheats and get it over an done with, it won't be real totlexwin anyway.
  6. They don't run enough to need them.
  7. We know this, football is rife with drugs, just not enough testing and when people have been caught, high profile, it's pushed under the carpet, the Premier League can't afford that to get out.
  8. Didn't really expect it, but like @Follyfoot said, the others are giving the clean guys a bad name. Boxing is rife with drugs.
  9. Just out of his hands I think he ment.
  10. Team like Tottenham could put 5+ past Sheffield on the last day. Thank be Jesus it'll all be done by Tuesday. Although I have put £20 on Spurs to beat Man City just in case.
  11. It was either gonna be Israel or the gayest gay. Unfortunately my money was on Switzerland.
  12. I wonder what drugs Loma is hiding. Moving like that at 36, hmmm? There's no doubt they are all trying something these days.
  13. Is that a still from VAR. Looks the right quality.
  14. Did you see our odds against Olympiacos?? We have a chance if we can bring our game. If it's a Brighton/Olympiacos performance till the end of the season, we will need the team we have been slagging all season to help us out Tuesday.
  15. Not a chance, they were poor against Burnley, City will have a field day with there defence.
  16. To be fair Burnley wasn't gonna win this one we're they. Roll on Tuesday.
  17. Yeah at least we will know if they can't beat these they ain't gonna beat City.
  18. Standard early Luton goal against Wet Spam. Might push Burnley.
  19. Yeah, in top gear now. But you could also say midtable teams are relaxing. Easy game for City that, Tottenham will have it harder against Burnley later, then Tuesday night at City, ooooff! £20 on on a Tottenham win Tuesday will bring £140, if you want to dampen it down.
  20. I see nothing in that Video that a professional footballer should not be doing. I reckon with a bit of editing and a tight music track, I could be made to look like that. 20 years ago ofcourse
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