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Everything posted by VillakevBromsgrove

  1. I am of the opinion that hopefully PL knows what he is doing better than we do, when he says it is not about systems but players maybe we are missing the point of what he is trying to say, not a lot of what is happening at villa makes a lot of sense but I am just a fan and not a studlier of football and certainly not aware of what happens behind the scenes and at the training ground. We have been told that this year is about reducing the overheads and getting rid of the average players on big wages, I can not believe PL signed for us knowing what this year was about without having an end result, People I have spoken to and supposedly ITK people believe that after we have been through this crap season we will rebuild but in the right way. Looking back over the last 7 years of RL we can not say he has not backed us, he has tried to compete but fallen short leaving us financially in the mire. People say he has given up on the club, and is preparing to sell us, who is to say he is not right in what he is doing, yes we may get relegated and loose the tv money but maybe that has been factored into the plan with the belief it would be a bonus if we stayed up. All i know is that in the last few years we have had nothing but bad press and negative comments coming out op VP and maybe RL has decided enough is enough and wants the causes removed as from what I hear VP is not a happy ship how can all the managers we have had suddenly become crap when they join us, could it actually be the players at fault. The way certain players have been treated by the manager suggests this may be the case. All I will do is hope against hope that instead of this transfer window being terrible it may actually be the turning point for this club, right or wrong I will stand by the club for the remainder of the season and see what happens, if we go down then so be it, been there seen it got the t shirt, in fact as it was then a third division shirt, It will not be the end of the club but maybe the start of a new era, it could be the turning point to our fortunes.
  2. I can not understand this with qpr, surely with their turnover they will be in trouble, maybe they know the rules will be coming in soon and are getting in players before it comes into effect.
  3. No grain of truth at all, pitta the manager really as he needs a slice of look
  4. If we get a decent defender then at yeast we may be be able to defend set pieces and stop making bloomers.
  5. As long ashe can rise through the heat put on him
  6. Reckon we can get a song for him off this
  7. I really do not know what to believe anymore, PL and RL must have a plan, PL came from Norwich knowing the finances and accepting them, Players being hounded out (the top earners) strange formations and substitutions. PL no doubt about it is a very good manager, in fact was every body stating last year he was MON but better, he does not loose this overnight. We do not know what goes on behind the scenes but here enough to realise some of the so called top earners cause trouble and have problems with effort and attitude, This has not just been a problem this year but apparently for the last few years, It could be that the top brass gave orders to PL to encourage them to leave giving him a transfer kitty, Obviously this has not happened and has probably backfired. This is why I believe PL will not be sacked as he is following orders to an extent. It would not surprise me if all of a sudden we clicked and pulled off enough to survive in the Premier League. Part of me thinks how can this be true but then you here people like HH and think maybe there is a bigger picture we just are not seing, or then again maybe PL is crap and we are up the Kaeser.
  8. I hope Dunne comes back soon, this could well be the difference, having 2 propper defenders in may help to build the confidence, I dont think RD would put up with these crazy back passes we keep producing, I think our midfield would get some guidence off him.
  9. If i am honest I thought the liverpool match was a turning point where after being battered we started to play well, confidence grew and we won, The worst thing that could have happened afetr that was we got battered by Chelsea, not just beat but embarrased to the point players questioned themselves and their colleagues. We simply have not recovered and things have spiralled out of control, there is so much negativity at the club that I think there is no way back. I have listened to the interview of Mr Duggan and can see both points of view, yes Randy has backed the managers in the past and also PL in the summer, that goes without doubt. My problem and alot of others feel the same is that with the way the confidence levels are we need to change things, to spend 10 million now could and should change the situation, to bring in a couple of players to help and guide the young players on the pitch, this may be cost effective if we stay up, yes I can understand if we get relegated then we have to keep paying these players, yes it is a risk, but get the right players and minimalise the risk. show the players here that we will not accept relegation and we are ambitious, To do nothing is to show that we have accepted relegation and this is cascading down to the players, Take the fans, we think Rl has given up, We think PL is out of his depth, we think the players are not good enough, the gates are falling, the crowd (apart from the semi) is showing nervousness / apprehension and this will turn even worse as the team get worse. Confidence is a fragile thing and we had little to start with after the last couple of years. Spending money on a couple of players could be proved a wise move to gee up the other players, show ambition and give them a different approach. Yes RL has spent money in the past but we did not spend wisely and got rid of alot of these players for a loss, RL should draw a line under this and move on, he must say players we have must improve the team and be financially viable, then hold the manager responsible for his choices. Things may turn around for us but it may be too late by then,
  10. I appologise mate, I took you're comment in the wrong context.
  11. We aint down yet, we have to pray for a fluke result, anything just to give a bit of confidence to the team, maybe it could be Dunne coming back, achieving a clean sheet, a totally unexpected victory to restore hope. We are on a downward spiral as the confidence is getting lower and lower, even PL comes across as defeated, we need something to pick everybody up, this is why I was hoping for a signing, something to give the players a bit of hope, Devine intervention please.
  12. I do not see it as bull shit as everything he has said has come true, I think the problem with him is people do not want to hear the truth.
  13. Talking of if the club is cursed, do i remember a few years back some bluenose mentioning they had put some of the gypsie cursed bricks in the holt end transfering the curse to us. Hmmmm maybe this is why we are both shit and have all this bad luck, Lets get some which doctors in and start dancing round the pitch,
  14. What else was he to say? Oh no doubt the chairman thinks i am a word removed and should sack me.
  15. I have sympathies with Nzogbia, he has been either injured or played out of his recognized position, I have seen nothing in him to suggest a lack of effort but low confidence and fitness level after the injury.
  16. I am not so sure the tactics are the issue, watching the games it is evident from both the players and reactions of PL that the players are not playing to orders and do not believe in or understand them. This is either a problem with the coaching or the players snubbing PL.
  17. I listened to the talk shite commentary last night, the major issue they had was one we see week in week out, we pass the ball well in midfield but end up back at the keeper or eventually going round in circles, their take on it is that the players have the quality but are lacking in confidence, not being able to stop with the ball look up and make a chosen pass, we panic and hoof the ball way too often ending in us losing posession, They believed the Zog was our motm but had to keep coming too deep to get the ball and because of this being non productive although he tried his best, My problem with PL is that we have had 6 months of him and I expected to struggle but see a slow improvement, this is not happening but its declining, We should now be in a position where we can defend set pieces being as this has always been our achilies heel, we should be better at taking set pieces and have a bit of organisation, this is not happening as each set piece we have seems to be the same. We have no movement from the midfield and front line, this is the worst for me as this is not coaching but common sense and a staple of any professional footballer. I have to look at the team and think why is it we are struggling, we have youngish players so we should be able to run for more than 45 mins, we are totally bereft of ideas, Most the problems have been highlighted last week when lower opposition seemed more organised, more fired up, more skillful, and actually appeared to give a shit. I thought PL was the man for this club and could buy into the plan but I now believe he has to go, for the team to show this much lack of effort, organisation, and ability there must be a problem off the pitch where the players are clearly giving an up yours to PL and the coaching staff, Maybe I am wrong and the bad apples are still evident at the club and causing the problems still, If this is the case then get rid of them now, release them from the contract and pay them off, it may not come to the 60 mil tv money or the loss in gate money we will loose and may save us or allow us to start again quicker.
  18. Back to basics is pretty easy really, He will have a big sign saying second half installed at BH and then teach them to pass to somebody wearing the same colours, Actually it is easy to see why the young players got nervous after half time, it was past their bed times and they knew they were in their moms bad books.
  19. He has been away from management I agree but not from football, would be my No1 choice rather than another new learning his trade manager.
  20. I think if we bring in a new manager then Glen Hoddle should be the man, loves working with young players and very tactically minded, would also be respected by the players.
  21. I think the substitutions were made due to the midfielders loosing their heads, PL was going mad at them prior to taking them off, obviously he believed they needed to come off.
  22. I dont think its more time cos we love him its just we believe we would be even worse off with the change of management and backroom staff again.
  23. PL has never not took responsibility, but as he says they work in training every day on defending set pieces, here I think is the problem, if he gets our forwards etc to be the attackers in training then no wonder they do not learn as not only are we shit at defending them we are shit having set pieces as well.
  24. I dont want PL gone until the summer if he fails, I want him backed and given the tools to do the job, I know he spent £20 million in the summer but we all knew including him we needed more, he tried to manage but it is not working, he needs support from the owner to bring in a couple of players who can make a difference.
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