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Everything posted by romavillan

  1. Already pushing higher up the pitch as a unit. I think we'll win here
  2. I think they've been told to not take risks and stay compact, it's why we've been looking for longer passes than normal as we're committing less men forward. We can always take the shackles off later, let's get to half time 0-0. Quarter of the tie, possibly the trickiest one then navigated with no damage.
  3. Staying compact early doors, must be part of the plan. Get to half time 0-0 and hit them on the counter a couple of times second half.
  4. We've taken the sting out of this superbly, played like European experts.
  5. Be good for Pau to get some minutes in his legs now, get him sharp for spurs. Hopefully Rogers will have got his off the ball duties drummed into him in training, on the ball he looked really good could be a wild card tonight and do something Ajax won't be expecting.
  6. Rogers starting is interesting, he'll have had more time to get used to his off the ball duties. That's not a bad shout, give Luiz a rest for Spurs, give Pau time to be 100% for Spurs, Bailey too. If that side clicked ok we should have enough. Great experience for Tim and Rogers too.
  7. I think your first touch could still be with your hand then too?
  8. Ok, this sounds a lot less scary than the article on the BBC saying we've lost £116m in a year when we can only lose £105m in 3 years...
  9. We did well to have faith in the United performance and stick to out guns in these last three games. The sticky patches against forest and Luton came when we weren't sticking to our principles and going back to front to fast as a result of being pressed and under pressure. Set ourselves up nicely for the spurs game.
  10. Deffo, putting Tim on was a big sign that Emery wanted to sort that out a bit somehow
  11. Any update on him? He was touching the outside of his foot near the toes a lot, looked like the physio was asking him if he'd over extended his ankle it twisted his foot.
  12. Looked like he didn't trust his touch yesterday which is mental for someone with the talent he has. Needs to find some belief from somewhere as if he's second guessing himself it's never going to work...
  13. We can still win this, need some calm heads we'll get a chace
  14. Zaniolo, Diaby and Pau for Tielemans, Rogers/bailey and lenglet
  15. Going back to front far too fast, need to trust our game now. Need a couple of changes and keep calm.
  16. I'd give zaniolo half an hour here, and Diaby maybe
  17. Nervy players, rushing things under pressure, need some subs
  18. Totally 5 mins of keep ball and take the sting out of it, no rush to get it forward so fast
  19. Shame no Pau, but best not to risk it if he's not 100%. Could really do with the 3 points here. Hopefully they aren't as nervous as me after the spurs win....
  20. Looks like Konsa is more likely from them training pics. Torres would be a huge bonus, having both though would set us right up for a win. They improve us with and without the ball so much. 3 points here and we've fulfilled the promise the performance against United showed massively, I'm impressed with how we've coped without Kamara so far, 3 wins on the bounce would be incredible stuff.
  21. Guaranteed 0-0 then! If Konsa and Torres start I think we'll win.
  22. Yeah some people thought we'd get zero points from Fulham, forest and Luton!
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