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Everything posted by M_Afro

  1. We just gave up after the first goal. Is that on the players or the manager? Probably both. I don’t care anymore. Stay....Go......Not bothered........Never seen a team in the relegation battle give up like that since.......well........the last time we went down! Gutless
  2. Mings display was disgusting. He just gave up
  3. He has been rubbish for us but he is the only player showing any urgency whatsoever
  4. Our bench options are truly depressing. It’s criminal that the PL allowed this additional substitution rubbish. It is blatantly beneficial to all the establishment. Utter rubbish
  5. We need to win tomorrow. Not just for the 3 points but for the psychology of it. It would give us a massive lift. Maybe provide a springboard for us to mount the great escape. Equally, it would be a massive blow to WH, Watford and Bournemouth. Massive game. We need to pull one out the bag!
  6. Ha ha. We’ll be 6 points behind with two to play. Win them both and get relegated on goal difference! It’s the villa way
  7. One positive from tonight...........We have a good chance of not finishing bottom now! Every cloud.....................
  8. True. We were incredibly lucky against the foxes much to my amusement as it is my home city. I was the only person in our road going nuts when Trez scored. Seems a bloody long time ago mind!
  9. They did beat Liverpool 3-0. I watched that game and they were superb
  10. Watford are pretty bad but so are Newcastle. Watford will sense blood if we don’t beat Man U and with Pearson in charge he will make sure they are right at it. I think they will win comfortably but I do hope I am wrong.
  11. I hope you’re right. I think Watford will see Newcastle off on Saturday. If we lose to Man U then we are definitely done. It’s so frustrating. We have been so unprofessional this season. We didn’t even have to be that good to stay up and yet we still couldn’t manage it.
  12. There is no way our squad this season is worse than last season. There is also no way we lose Jack, Luiz and McGinn. By the way only a few weeks ago you thought Luiz was absolute rubbish so why would you be bothered if he did leave. I think we will keep everyone that we want to keep, bar Jack. All we need to do is appoint a decent manager. Preferably one who has managed a but higher than the dizzy heights of Walsall and Brentford. We are Aston Villa ffs!
  13. I have watched the relegation battle play out for years. In years gone by you could almost guarantee that the team in our position would go and beat Man U on Thursday and turn the whole thing on it’s hear! Sadly it just does not seem to be going that way this year. Would not be surprised to see Deano getting the push on Friday. It’s long overdue in my mind!
  14. Ha ha. Fair enough. I was being somewhat flippant. Bar a 10 game spell last season we have underperformed under his management. I believe an experienced and intelligent manager would have done much better. He has done nothing of note in the game and that is unlikely to change now.
  15. 2 points in 9 matches. Doesn’t take a magician to win 1 and lose 8 and still have done better.
  16. M_Afro

    Keinan Davis

    Ok. If I have misread you I apologise.
  17. M_Afro

    Keinan Davis

    No I don’t agree. He is far from the finished article. He needs time to grow into himself. Writing him off now is unfair. He has time to grow. He will have learned loads from today.
  18. I can’t be bothered to call for him to be sacked again. If we had got rid of him before Christmas we would probably be in 40 plus points now. He is a great bloke and there will never be any bad blood from me but whatever happens we need someone better in charge next season. Massive opportunity missed to re-establish ourselves in the PL.
  19. M_Afro

    Keinan Davis

    Have a word with yourself mate. Van Dijk is probably the best defender in the World. Davis is a young kid making his way in a terrible team that leaves him totally isolated for the entire match. Van Dijk would school anyone in those circumstances
  20. I don’t think I can watch this. I would cut off my left hand in return for a point! How can we have fallen so bloody far?! Anyway. You never know. UTV. COYVB.
  21. Just had a bet on Villa to win! On line betting is effing lethal! A few drinks on a Saturday night and I can wake up in Sunday morning a fair few pounds lighter and not in a good way!
  22. That Burnley game killed our season. We were actually looking good in that game and then suddenly Tom and Wes our for the season. If that hadn’t happened I think we would have been clear by now. We are a much better team with those players in but also it would have enabled us to focus on other key areas in our transfer window! I have been watching some of his highlights today. If he fully recovers from his injury I predict that he will go on to be a key player for us. He definitely has some ability and he really is a physical specimen! He is much better than Samatta and the team is much better when he plays.
  23. He was certainly a great keeper. One of my favourite ever. He just looks a bit sluggish to me now. Also against Liverpool he would probably throw a few in
  24. Who would you go for? I still think Nyland is our best option until Tom returns
  25. It’s very rare for a team to get less than 20% possession in a PL match. It’s only happened a handful of times. I think we have a big chance of joining that exclusive few tomorrow!
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