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Everything posted by M_Afro

  1. Not doing a great job at a massive club though is he? That’s sort of the point
  2. We aren’t a mid table championship club though. We are a mid table championship team. Huge difference in my view. Smith very much out
  3. You are missing the point. Do you think managing Brentford is similar to managing Villa? Watch his first few press conferences and then watch his last few. That is what managing Villa is about. It’s comparing chalk and cheese. Let’s also not forget that Brentford have never achieved anything, have fans that expect nothing and are thrilled, quite rightly, with finishing 10th. Chalk and cheese!
  4. Based on what though? I want him to do well but there is no evidence that he will
  5. El Ghazi, Albert, Kodj and Elmo are all much better than him. That pretty much says it all really
  6. Never seen him dominate for a whole match........fact
  7. This is the key point. Of all the people backing Smith to rebuild what exactly are you basing this on? Surely we would be better employing somebody with a track record of actually doing this rather than backing a bloke simply because his dad used to be a steward!
  8. I said from the very first day that appointing Smith was a mistake. This is a massive club, in a massive state, representing a massive challenge requiring a massive personality. Smith is not that man. He has been found out so easily. Nice man but not the right man for us. I wish him well but at the end of the season, he must go.
  9. Ask Tammy if he thinks it’s 4-3-3. The two so called wide forwards did not get within 50m of him on Wednesday!
  10. Same formation again by the looks of it but with different personal. Tactical genius this bloke! Try something different pal ffs!!!! Making my WBA win/draw bet look extremely safe.
  11. This is where I am too. For this reason, if we do stumble along to the end of the season, I would get rid then. It’s a big call but every one of our seasons in this league has been messed up with an awful start. I would get a new manager and let him rebuild the team.
  12. He has always done ok for us. He works hard and never hides. He also really cares. I have never understood the amount of abuse he gets. Would take him over Hourihane, Thor and Jedi any day of the week.
  13. He watched a very different game to me! Also, why is he scared of playing Brentford! What have we become!
  14. We just played a team who started the day 7 points behind us. A team that Smith knows intimately. He will have the unusual insight of knowing all of their strengths and weaknesses. He could not have had any more advantages in preparing for this game. Anybody who says that they have better players did not see Bruce’s team play them off the park earlier in the season (I know we only drew but we were so unlucky!) They just thoroughly battered us. Our team and manager never played a shot. It was embarrassing. This guy will not improve us. Of course we are stuck with him now and must give him more time to prove that he is not good enough but I have no faith in him!
  15. Intelligent comment my friend. Sleep well. School in the morning
  16. It’s his job to get the best out of the players he has. Our midfield is rubbish. Why persist with trying to play through it? Play 4-4-2. Have Davis up top with Tammy playing off him. Play direct. Have Davis to hold up the ball whilst the support arrives from a rigid 4 in midfield who are otherwise sat behind the ball. It would be fairly rubbish to watch but would almost certainly garner more points than the crap he serves up every week. We could then adapt our style as we adapted the squad. Doing the same thing every week and failing every week is not good management. This guy has achieved nothing in the game and yet people talk about him like he is a Jedi! He is a mid table championship manager and guess what we are becoming!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Can only assume that this means “I don’t know what to do with the football”.........We could have told you that Elmo!!
  18. I hope you’re right! Time will tell I guess. I really want him to succeed. He is a good man whom, despite a ridiculous haircut, deserves our respect!
  19. I think it is a fair comparison to be honest. At Championship level we are very similar to Man U at Premiership level. We are the biggest, best supported and most successful club in the championship with the highest of expectations from our fans. I also honestly believe that we have a squad of players capable of competing with anybody. We showed this against Derby, Middlesbrough and West Brom. It is the job of the manager to get the best out of the players at his disposal. I do not believe that Smith is close to doing that, excepting the early matches. I hear lots of fans criticising the attitude of the players and yet surely it is the role of the manager to deal with that and eradicate any issues. I genuinely did not want Smith because my feeling is that managing AVFC is an entirely different prospect to anything he has done previously. That does not mean he cannot be successful but the risks associated with the appointment are large. I also hope that he proves me wrong but thus far I feel that my fears are proving to be correct. I do not buy into the opinion that he must be given time. If, by the end of the season, things have not improved, then I would get rid of him and show a bit more ambition with the next appointment. I really wanted Brendon Rogers and I really believe he, or someone of similar quality, is attainable if we show enough ambition.
  20. How’s Ole Gunnar getting on in his new job?
  21. Why do people think our players are so bad? I have not seen a better GK, centre half (mings), centre mid (mcginn), number 10, centre forward in this league than ours. The rest are not that bad either! We should easily be top 6 and with a fair wind pushing too 2. Do people really think that Sheff U have significantly better players than us? They have Enda Stevens and Billy Sharp playing for them!!!! I would love to see the reaction on here if we had tried to sign either of them in the transfer window ! If we had the Leeds manager we would be top 2. We have been totally hamstrung by 2 inept managers.
  22. I am sorry but that was awful. I feel so mixed up, really excited by the end but it is impossible to ignore the first 80 minutes when we didn’t even trouble them once. Smith was a huge gamble that is not paying off. I want it to work but he will be gone before the start of next season. Totally out of his depth. I know I will get abuse for this post but I don’t care. If you are happy with what is happening then you do not understand football.
  23. It’s hard to see what he is trying to achieve. He just seems a bit lost to me. Hope he proves me wrong but I have no faith that he will..................time will tell
  24. He has played 94 matches in the premier league, which is, I guess, 94 more times than Conor Hourihane! For that alone he deserves a bit of credit. He also deserves a chance. The Villa team have signed him whilst they decided to avoid Fer. Maybe we should be grateful that we do not have another overpaid liability in our squad.
  25. His interview displays an incredibly impressive young man. Really hope his luck changes because it seems like he really deserves to succeed. Love having characters like this at the club. Reminded me of two impressive characters from the past, Southgate and big Ugo God bless his soul.
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