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Everything posted by AVTuco

  1. You're a real factory of fun. Bet you've never heard this one before.
  2. AVTuco

    Keinan Davis

    I like this Kenji. Your favorite player doesn't have to be the best player. Mine is Elmo.
  3. My Liverpool fan mate, who is not all that into football but is very smart, said to me in October that we'll go down because we can't score. Wesley wasn't good enough and there wasn't anyone else. He was right and you are right, besides wingers we don't have a goal threat.
  4. Right now, Indiana is a complete waste of space at this level. He's not ready yet at all.
  5. Elmo has to play. Why can't Smith see the advantages?
  6. He wasn't shit. We stayed up and he was clearly one of our more capable players then. And still in PL.
  7. I suppose it's clear we're WH fans now.
  8. I understand. Not everyone likes this. This will only be open for one day now. Unless a mod takes it off earlier. Looks like we have a winner anyway.
  9. It wasn't poor. How could I forget that one header, which led to... well maybe our relegation. But that's too little for this this competition.
  10. Dude, I don't know these modern day movie heroes, who are you?
  11. I know, it's actually pretty difficult to make a choice.
  12. Many names have been thrown around lately, so I thought that let's see who it is. Just for fun though. If this is a bad idea, I'll delete it.
  13. Played too little and too long ago. Who could remember what he's done. Ok, I'll add all your suggestions.
  14. I have chosen the Top-9 I thought would be worthy.
  15. Worst Villa player of the season, who has your vote?
  16. To me, Smith needs to go if we stay up or go down. We need better.
  17. I'm really happy I wasn't able to watch that.
  18. This team is not capable of holding a lead. It's mental weakness, and comes from inexperience, lower league players, and soft manager. They want to hang onto the win so bad it turns against them. Frustrating and expected.
  19. I better not open my phone until we're safely ashore...
  20. On a boat cruise with notoriously bad internet connection, so probably will not be able to watch. Maybe we can win, who knows.
  21. You sure it was your Everton supporting mate?
  22. There's still absolutely no hope whatsoever that we'll survive. Don't anyone start thinking there is. I'm just saying this as a friend.
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