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Everything posted by AVTuco

  1. 28 maybe, 29 if we're really lucky and others can't give a toss.
  2. After watching this team, especially after the restart, unfortunately all's lost.
  3. We cannot. Therein lies the problem. Our only hope was for someone to be even worse.
  4. Really? We'll come out flat like we always do, maybe have some of the ball in the first half. At half speed, United will control our petty chances and score a couple.
  5. No surprise results from this team, no way.
  6. Not expecting, but hoping. Since we are so crap, the only hope was that Watford is even crapper and we get lucky with one win or a couple draws. And now that scenario is out of the window, together with our hope.
  7. Just go, even before Thursday's game, for all I care.
  8. If that happens then even this game didn't matter.
  9. This team needs a heart. From the manager down to the squad players. Thereafter, it needs some quality.
  10. Yeah, I really hope the owners see that Smith must go. This was a terrible season where we got progressively worse. We need a new start. Without Smith.
  11. At this point our only hope was that Norwich would've won, which was always a big ask. Now, four points behind Watford, we have no chance.
  12. Sure, but this was a huge game where our fate was on the line.
  13. Hope we get enough from selling Jack, or he stays. His value has gone down though from the highs six months ago.
  14. More important than our next game, for example.
  15. Left side is leaking real bad.
  16. Norwich is as bad as us in defensive corners.
  17. Can't believe I'm watching this shite.
  18. If Watford wins, we're down. Simple as that.
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