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Everything posted by abdulaziz1

  1. What happened with Juve? Have they solved their issues yet?
  2. And now after around 10 years of links, we shall sign the waited Japanese player. Kiyotake then Kamada.
  3. Getting Nakamura could be shrewd business if he’s not expensive. We need someone on the left wing (while not expected to be regular starter). I’m not sure wether Jackson plays as a striker as well or not, if he plays we could do with having two of them with Williams. Assuming Traore leaves. Although I’d prefer Williams, Joao and one of them.
  4. They’re not poor, couldn’ve been better? Yea. Above their prices? Probably. But definitely not poor, and if they were part of the squad this season then i it would mean we’ve done well replacing them. The fact that we’re trying to upgrade massively on them shows what level we’re looking at.
  5. Lol, it’s the last fixture of the season rather first.
  6. The time we won, we got relegated.
  7. Crystal Palace away, I’m not sure if it would help us to be away or home at the beginning, nor a tough or easy fixture. Some would argue that losing at City better than the usual loss at promoted sides, others will argue that momentum is the key and going in unbeatable run with some clean sheets would be massive.
  8. I think we have the most system that would fit Felix, how do you see it a risk?
  9. I think our board could get a good deal for Sancho, they could agree a paycut as part of the fee (not sure how applicable is this), but I don’t think Man Utd are in a position to negotiate properly and I don’t think there are many buyers as well. I think for him and Felix if we want them we’ll probably get a good deal. I guess we’ve done the same with Coutinho in the way we reduced his wages, so he probably settled with Barca with part of the fee.
  10. Bailey isn’t a right winger, I’ve seen him on the left with Villa and he’s been great. The issue is our system doesn’t depend on that. Next season I guess we’ll use different formations so he’ll still be helpful. Williams is different, he’s better while play on the right.
  11. To be honest, depends on how much they offer for him, and our ability to get someone who could do what he does. If it was crazy money (80-100m) then I’d definitely consider it, we won’t get that for him ever, and I guess next summer we’ll have to upgrade anyway, so while the stock is high, and crazy money coming I’d definitely consider. However, 40-50m won’t be acceptable at this stage, better to use him as we don’t have time for players to settle and the gamble would be high especially for striker.
  12. I don’t think player coming will decide which team to go because one of the teams are in Europa and the other is in Conference. Could be different with the CL but again money is the main factor then comes the potential, project and management. Being in Europe makes our profile better, shown a step that we’re in the right direction and our project isn’t just talks. But again it won’t be a sole thing to make players decide coming to us rather than Spurs or whoever. A lot of thing to consider.
  13. To be fair it was some potentially good signings, even Ayew could be added to that. The issue was is that we’ve been relying on Benteke and Delph, once they left it’s totally different. Under Smith we’ve had two teams, one with Grealish and one without. With Grealish=European form, without him=relegation form. Same was in the Championship, with Grealish=Title form, without him=Midtable at best. With the lack of management, especially when your tactics depend on one or two players, then you’ll fall badly. The issue wasn’t getting new players, but the spine of the team leaving. Traore, Veretout, Gana, Amavi and Ayew are better than many players we had in those years. They just happen to come when our main players leaving, clueless manager who only can use tactics on one or two players. Look at Emery now, you can’t even decide who’s our best player? You could pick 7 and argue who improved more? At the same time, you don’t see a proper star apart from Martinez who you’d think some of the big teams will come and we’re in danger of them leaving.
  14. Most of players are in vacations as well, so that wouldn’t help either I guess. Knowing that other clubs hadn’t done their signings shows that no need to panic. Last season we’ve done two and were the only great ones the others were ok at best. We need to get it right. I think there is still an opportunity of resigning Ash if needed, wasn’t he released last season then back against? Could do much worse.
  15. I don’t think he’s the right signing we shall do, we need to look long and medium range. We need to be careful not to get stuck as we’ve done with Coutinho. Not saying he isn’t good, but for the wages I think we shall look for a younger and more potential targets.
  16. Isn’t Lech Poznan the team Tonev came from? Then we have Rapid Vienna, Vitoria, Bashakeser (isn’t it Traore team?), ofcourse Brugge (our first PL year) and Juve peace cup. A lot of familiar names up there lol.
  17. Wasn’t Kamara one of the best? And free as well? A lot of teams don’t have the courage to take the risk, it’s not we’d beat them if they really wanted, but we could definitely beat them by being more brave.
  18. Had we went to Europe I think he’d have stayed. I think for Emi it’s better for him to stay and continue getting better rather than going somewhere and maybe not have the success as we’ve seen with some players. Having Emery is huge, he just won the WC as well and was one of the main ones to help. So he’s already written his name in the history what have he done on the biggest trophy. As long as he’s well paid I doubt he’d push for a go. But if he was offered crazy money then it’s totally different.
  19. Most of our current are well experienced. The good things those who have the biggest potentials are still young. Others could still have couple of good seasons in them.
  20. People forget as well that they’ve began their season with couple of losses without goal, ofcourse only scored and won against us. It’s not that they regressed out of tiredness, actually they became better as the season went.
  21. I don’t like most of such signings, I wasn’t excited with Coutinho or even Dinge, but I think Joao is another level. He clearly fit the system (and not many team can play him unless they change their system. I think the only player who isn’t getting benefit out of our system is Leon Bailey, he’s much more effective on the right side. Before Emery I’d doubt a lot of signings as many won’t make sense with how different is it from reality. Especially Joao can’t play perfectly unless with teams the play false 9, which I’ve never liked before Emery. I haven’t watched a lot of Chelsea but whenever I watch them I think he was a threat. For me it’s not about stats only, it’s how dangerous you’re during a game. Joao, Williams, Ugarte , Pau Torres and a right back. Or probably just rotate Cash and Konsa. I think with those signings we could have a good push to top 4. Then next season try to upgrade on Watkins.
  22. If we can get 6-8m for him then we’d have done really good. It would help us as well.
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