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Everything posted by Qwpzxjor1

  1. Qwpzxjor1

    Top Gear

    Not the best 'epic' they've done, but still a very very good episode. Had moments that were quite funny and was very eye opening to what my opinion of Vietnam was. "For most people, Vietnam was a war; not a country". A very very good comment.
  2. Laursen for me.. but I hovered over Ashley for a long time before deciding Martin was just too important for me not to vote for.
  3. Doing fairly well at the moment.. but I still live at home with parents. Have been planning to move out for some time but one thing after another has prevented this and now the current crisis has put it off again. I'm putting a fair bit of my earnings into the upkeep of this house, and as a family we're surviving (3 full time jobs though).. but if I lived on my own with rent etc I don't think I'd be comfortable at all. My job is also not particularly secure. We're doing fairly well but with companies not having the money and funding they did have they aren't going to be buying promotional DVD's and adverts as readily as they were - so have to see how this year goes.
  4. I think it'll be Man Utd too. They are only one point behind (providing they win their games in hand) and have proved they have the nerve for the run in. I don't think Liverpool do and will bottle it. Hopefully we'll be there to pounce when they do. Liverpool fans spending a whole year about how they're gonna win the league and then finishing 4th (or even 5th) behind Villa would be absolutely golden. A couple of losses in a row and it's perfectly possible.
  5. I think Liverpool's chances of winning the league will very much depend on where Gerrard's head is now, and how much he's worrying and losing sleep over it.
  6. I think he's a shadow of who he was last year.. While I admit he is still class I think to sign him for big money now would be a signing on reputation and not on form. For someone like Arsenal, who are desperate to get their season back on track quickly, they need someone who's going to come to the club and be at their best straight away, otherwise they could find themselves drifting off the pace for the CL spots. Fantasy football measures your points based on basic stats.. passes, tackles, goals, assists, etc.. Arteta is still going to get those points (5th highest is surprising I admit but there you go..) .. but if you got points for times you'd single handedly rescued points for your team with moments of genius, not necessarily assists but just little sparks in midfield that have led to goals being scored, important goals... then Arteta would have a quarter of the points he'd have had last year. When Everton played last year, if they were losing you always felt that Arteta would come up with something.. a moment of genius that would just turn the game... I look at them now and I just don't see that. I see a very solid team and a good midfield capable of upsetting... but from Arteta? Nah.. I see it more from Cahill, Pienaar or Fellaini than Arteta.
  7. I don't think Arteta is going anywhere.. Firstly he is happy in Liverpool, lives next door to his best friend Alonso and, as Artetasgirl has said, has turned down offers to better clubs than Arsenal in the last couple of years and decided to stay at Everton. Secondly, he's playing shite. No club is going to offer 'silly money' which is apparently what'd be needed to sign him from there, for a player who's form is probably the lowest it's been since he arrived at the club. ...just to clarify to save myself from AG's wrath - I'm not saying he is shite, I'm saying that by his usual high standards he's been very poor. Perhaps something to do with the players around him - maybe Fellaini is limiting his role, I don't know, you watch Everton week in week out so maybe you have your theories - but Arteta is certainly not the player he was this stage 12 months ago.. and for that reason Arsenal (or any other club) are not going to be prepared to splash out big on him to 'save' their season.
  8. Late of the Pier - Focker. I wonder why I'm having trouble getting to sleep....
  9. BOF - when we all text 118118, do they come straight to your phone or do you have a computer system set up to deal with all?
  10. I don't like Everton at all. It's meant to be us crashing the Big Four Party... Everton look like they could now crash ours.. which I think it just plain rude! I will be bricking it if they buy a striker in January because their midfield is genuinely looking one of the strongest in the league.
  11. Rev's not saying you need 'the armband'.. he's saying you don't need the title of captain to do those things. An influencial player on the pitch will automatically do those duties and command the respect of the player. You don't need a big fanfare, an armband and a © next to your name on SKY's teamsheet. Gallas is still one of those influencial people on the pitch at an Arsenal game. He still puts his arm around players giving them confidence boosts and keeping them focused.
  12. Barry. Your captain's most important duty is to inspire and give confidence to the players during the game. Freidel can't do that from the back, and I don't see any of the others as real candidates. I know alot of people still haven't forgiven Barry, but I have and I believe MON and the team have aswell. This is a very important game and it's not one to put the best candidate to the side for reasons of pride. Barry is the most respected player in the team, and our young players need someone like that to keep them focused and keep them confident as the game goes on.
  13. I find it hilarious how many ITK posts contain the line 'i can't give any more details than that'
  14. Don't make me laugh! Defoe couldn't hit water if he was pissing over the edge of a boat!
  15. I can't believe someone voted for Defoe.. I can only assume Jermaine himself posts on here.
  16. 2 strikers and a midfielder. From the players linked; Heskey, Ashton and N'Zogbia please. Not sure this thread will stay open to be honest though mate. Falls into that idle speculation territory, but we see..
  17. a cover of Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. as expected, not a patch on the original .... Urgh. Not another Rufus Wainwright did the best version of that song. Does explain the sudden Jess Buckley fascination though.
  18. You're determined that we all know that, aren't you?
  19. Qwpzxjor1

    Top Gear

    Yes but running a petrol car AND drilling for oil AND turning that oil into petrol? At the moment there's very little use for refining hydrogen.. I'm sure when it's financially viable someone will find a way of doing it cheaper, faster, better and then, hopefully, with less polution.
  20. I don't know what the X Factor song sounds like either. I do like Christmas though.
  21. If he was that talented he'd have written his own songs instead of doing so many covers. The ones he did write are nothing special. Quite simple and a bit bland really.
  22. Qwpzxjor1

    Top Gear

    Probably true Tony. They apparently give out nothing but water but it'll be discovered somewhere that the process to separate the Hydrogen for it to be used involves hitting 2 kittens with a hammer, or something. At least hydrogen will never run out though. Oil will.
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