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Everything posted by limpid

  1. I can't imagine why not. You'll have the usual issues with things like the escape key though.
  2. He didn't look at all well on the last programme. He'll be missed.
  3. There never were any mugs lying around - previousy everything was made as a one-off and was therefore a fair bit more expensive. I'm hoping we can get enough interest that I'm prepared to buy stock, but if not I might still do a "print on demand" run again.
  4. In the past we've had various t-shirts and things produced for VT. A conversation in the "Rogues Gallery" prompts me to ask if there is any interest in VT producing another (set of) t-shirts? At this point, I'm not asking for design suggestions. I'm trying to get a fell for whether there is a) any interest enough interest that we could do a bulk run rather than one offs, making the whole thing cheaper.
  5. Tables are now available. They're primitive but will allow you to make things line up. Use the "Special BBCode" button in the editor (third button).
  6. A couple of months on, is anything still wrong with the new site? I'm aware that I need to find a way for posters to use tables, but I think everything else is working now.
  7. limpid


    You don't have the right to break the law. That's nonsense.
  8. DPD have one hour delivery windows. I get texts the morning of a delivery telling me when it's coming.
  9. Your ratings and reactions please. Keep it respectful even if you know everyone else is wrong. This thread will automatically unlock after the match. A MOTM poll will be added later.
  10. limpid

    General Chat

    I put it in quotes because it's what Facebook deem to be public. Some of what is in their definition would surprise you (it did me). You can't choose whether this is shared or not. You can stop a friend seeing all this stuff, but then they add an app to their account and that app gets data you've said that user can't see. It's all in their terms of use, it's not hidden.
  11. limpid

    General Chat

    Really? You don't think it's bad that if anyone you friended adds an app to their account, that app gets all your "public" data?
  12. limpid

    General Chat

    You can always use both. You could be a trendsetter . G+ is much more about finding people you share interests with then with collecting all the people you went to school with. A bit like VT in that respect - I doubt you knew many on here before you started posting.
  13. limpid

    General Chat

    "can't" or "don't want to"? This is easy on g+, they call it blocking. As fb copy most of the things g+ introduce, there might be something similar.
  14. limpid

    General Chat

    Why would you want someone to be your "friend" and also not see what you are doing? You can't even stop them giving all your data to the apps they install.
  15. and, of course, #windowsrage is trending on g+. Do marketing people actually think before they act?
  16. limpid


    On one browser or many? On one computer or many? Have you cleared your cookies and cache? Have you checked the file associations you've set up in your browser to see what file types open utorrent?
  17. Warning, if you intend to play Ingress, a) make sure your phone can change batteries and you have spare batteries.
  18. limpid

    New TV advice

    This was my experience, I ended up with a Goldstar too.
  19. limpid

    Smart Watches

    I think the pebble will actually be useful, but I won't know until I get it. Certainly the screenshots at that link show what it might be able to do. Combined with some time- and location- based logic, I'm looking forward to having a play. You are right that it'll make lousy jewellery though.
  20. limpid

    Smart Watches

    Are you trying to say you only buy technology because you need it?
  21. The question was "What's so great about Android?", not "What's so good about Android compared to iphones?". Dubbs didn't say that he owned an iphone. I could answer that question easily without reference to iphones. It's not like iphones are a baseline for mobile OS design. I'd probably only mention iphones if I was comparing closed silo lock-in as a marketing strategy rather than phone OSes. However the question has been answered several times in other topics in this forum, even in the last few weeks. Even if Dubbs didn't want to search, a new topic would be preferable as I'm sure others would find the discussion useful.
  22. limpid

    Smart Watches

    I'm waiting for my Pebble to ship.
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