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Everything posted by limpid

  1. More specifically, "don't sign a contract"
  2. My name is Jonjo, I am 10 years old, and you may have seen me on TV. Every year I walk from Wembley Stadium to West Ham United in memory of my Nanny and Bobby Moore, they both died from bowel cancer. I chose this walk route because Bobby played at both stadiums; he was only 51 when he died and my Nanny was 60. I fundraise for The Bobby Moore Fund for Cancer Research UK to help save other people and so far I have raised over £90,000 and I have generated over £1 million in awareness for the charity. I have two letters from Buckingham Palace; I speak at lots of events and have spoken twice at The House of Lords. In November I am visiting Downing Street to meet The Prime Minister. I really need your help…..... In February 2013 I am doing something very special to mark the 20th anniversary of Bobby’s death. I am organising THE BIG FOOTBALL TAG and I need a tag team for each of the professional clubs in the UK. There will be 10 tag team routes with a number of tag teams in them. Each of the tag teams will take their captains armband to the next nearest club. This will happen right across the UK until the end of 10 tag groups finally reach me at Upton Park. I will take all of the armbands to Wembley to collect the England captain’s armband and bring all of them back to Upton Park. My part of the walk is called ROUTE 66 because I will be walking 66 miles (representing 1966) in 6 days (representing Bobby's shirt number). I will finish on the centre circle when West Ham United play Spurs on the 23rd February 2013. The following day is the 20th anniversary of Bobby's death. Every tag team will be GPS tracked so that people around the UK and the world can follow the progress. I am posting this article to ask your members if they would kindly help me by forming a tag team to represent your club. You can read loads about me on the internet (Google Jonjo Heuerman). Please visit my website www.fornannyandbobby.com to read more about The Big Football Tag and join up, I cant make it happen without your help, There are lots of videos about me on YouTube, here is one of them Thank you for reading my message, I hope you can help. Jonjo )
  3. Then my work here is done. Time for bed.
  4. If only your favourite website had a mobile skin.
  5. Sorry people but there won't be a chat room for tomorrow.
  6. Your ratings and reactions please. Keep it respectful even if you know everyone else is wrong. (This thread is timed to open around the time the match finishes.)
  7. It was, but I'm not the most patient.
  8. I am now jelly beaned. I had to build a virtual windows machine and install kies to do it though :-(
  9. or if you click the "toggle editing mode" in the top left of the editor, you can enter it exactly as you did above.
  10. I'm at the ecrime congress in London as I type. With real CSOs and CISOs. They won't be buying Windows 8 any time soon.
  11. What are its dimensions?
  12. I am now getting the "busy" message
  13. You scroll down. If you want to bookmark it you can get the link address by right clicking on the name "Games Played". The most recent game played is always linked in the "Villa" section.
  14. You've linked to a thread in the "Games Played" section, not the "Villa" section. Do you mean that the "Last Match" link doesn't show new posts? If so the link forums were a much requested way that people can bookmark and navigate straight to the current/last matchday forums. You'll see the correct unread status if you scroll down to the correct match forum.
  15. It's BOF's thread to rename, it'll get stickied if it's busy enough.
  16. Modern man shares 99.7% of DNA with Neanderthals. They are so close the Neanderthals are often named as a sub-species of Homo Sapiens rather than a separate species in the Homo genus.
  17. Please define karma and god so that we have a starting point for discussion.
  18. Someone has told me they are seeing layout problems In the top right of pages. I've not got time to look now as I'm at work, but if it's related to the stuff I was doing yesterday, clicking the reload button while holding shift should fix it without waiting for the CSS cache to refresh. You'll probably need to do it a few times. Sorry.
  19. Does it behave okay if you don't quote? Can anyone else seeing the same problem please say so?
  20. I can't understand this post. Which browser did you try? I can't reproduce any kind of input problem on any of my Android devices.
  21. Can you try clearing your cookies and cache, also please try with another browser and let me know how you get on.
  22. Does it happen when you don't use swiftkey?
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