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  1. Devastating news. RIP
  2. I enjoyed this reply: Do you have to fail an IQ test to become an SHA fan?
  3. I just wanted to experience the thrill of starting a thread.
  4. Would be a straight upgrade.
  5. It's worth noting as well that this thread is 16 years old. It's just over 100 pages per year, very few of which contain anything other than pisstaking. Some of it is bound to be off topic too.
  6. Greenfly

    Unai Emery

    You can tell he meant it. What a guy.
  7. Couldn't do it without help from them lot up the road
  8. I didn't realise Ipswich had only just been promoted this season. What an incredible achievement by them.
  9. You actually couldn't write it. It's too on the nose. At this point I'm convinced the universe has decided they're some sort of cosmic joke to be ridiculed, doomed to an eternity of tripping over their own shoelaces.
  10. I can't understand them. How do they constantly find new ways to embarrass themselves over and over again? Do other clubs do things like this? Do they do it on purpose? Are they real, or is their whole existence some kind of elaborate satire? It feels like a mad fever dream sometimes. They can't be real, and there's no way they can seriously believe they're anybody's rivals.
  11. It begs the question why you ever did in the first place.
  12. This season I can believe. As strong as it was, I feel like I've seen many that were stronger.
  13. He said he had a chance to sign for us back in 2013, but part of the conversation was that he would have to get his SHA tattoo removed. Judging by what he said it seems this, along with his family's reaction, are the only reasons he didn't.
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