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  1. 'The Trees' worked out that we were in for Ole Gunnar Solksjaer after Houllier retired through ill health - all by tracking Randy Lerner's private jet. Think the intel was all absolutely spot on until Ole turned us down.......
  2. There was supposed to be a big fire sale of Barcelona's players last summer before a date in June accordingly to the rumour mill. Don't think it actually happened though.
  3. Reminds me of the Marlon Harewood signing when we were all convinced that Wesley Snjeider was signing. Think that's when the 'how many chairs are there at the press conference?' thing was born. I'm much more upbeat about Ross Barkley than I was about Marlon however.
  4. There were loads of people on here who were skeptical when Tielemans signed - and even after his first few games. Think we even had a LCFC fan come on here to tell us all about how poor he'd been for them for some reason....
  5. Scored a couple of lovely goals too.
  6. The guys on Guardian podcast were making the point about us being in the 4th pot because we've zero recent pedigree in the competition. They reckon we'll be the best team in the fourth pot and the one team the bigger guys will want to avoid.
  7. When we signed Rogers back in January his stats were way inferior to lots of other Championship attackers. But the scouting staff were able to see what he was capable of at premier league level without him necessarily having achieved it a Championship level.
  8. I'd have Grealish back in heartbeat. Playing for his boyhood club in the CL under Emery is bound to be an attractive proposition to him and Pep clearly has no trust him. Emery loves his midfielders carrying the ball up the pitch from deep which is what Grealish is perfect at. He's still best mates with McGinn and Watkins. His goals and assists for City last season are dreadful for a player of his calibre - he really is being wasted there.
  9. He’s hit form over last couple of months but he was an absolute shambles when we beat them before Christmas.
  10. Considering they had a 3rd choice 34 year old RB playing at LB they were extremely effective at closing down our right hand side. There was never any room for Cash and Bailey to pass it to each other or have any give and goes as they were so crowded out.
  11. Why?? I’ve really enjoyed watching these Thursday night games. We’ve had some great wins and great performances.
  12. At least we won’t have to hear another ad for the Fury Usyk fight ffs.
  13. Emi is the reason it’ll be difficult to recruit a decent No.2. We’re trying to convince top class keepers to come here knowing they’ll only get a look in if Emi is injured or suspended. It’s why Brentford were able to sign that keeper in January despite us wanting him.
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