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villalad21 last won the day on July 12 2020

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About villalad21

  • Birthday 04/06/1991

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  1. Lower Bottom 5 are a complete joke. Worst I've seen.
  2. Davis played well that game. Not scoring doesn't mean you didn't play well.
  3. He was a handful against Arsenal too but OK
  4. Won't get it much easier at Newcastle. I'd say their fans are more intimidating and hostile.
  5. Forgot about him lol. Well still not optimal. As good as the window has been there's a lot to do still in the summer.
  6. If he does really well we could end up getting more money out of him. Think there could be positives from this.
  7. Have my doubts about how Targett will cope with a roaring, demanding St James Park crowd. Wish him all the best but I think he will struggle. Won' get much defensive support from Maximin.
  8. I am the same. There is just something about Keinan Davis that I cannot let go off.
  9. This is the reality we face. The idea of having 2 quality players in every position is just fairy land stuff. When players don't get regular football they will want to leave. Simple as that.
  10. Gerrard slowly getting rid of our weak links and replacing them with better quality. I actually don't rate Targett at all, and don't think he will strengthen Newcastle significally. I'm fine with it. Sending Kesler out on loan is leaving us light though. Only Ash as backup for 2 positions. Yes I know Hause, Konsa and Mings can do a makeshift job there but it's far from optimal
  11. Don't expect much from him. Bundesliga tax is real.
  12. Only team I know will for certain go down is Norwich.
  13. Keinan isn't just a big lump. He can really play with his feet to go along with his strength. His link up play and ball control is criminally underrated
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