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The new Mac Pro


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Probably shouldn't, but it is at least on-topic.


Not really sure the point of anything Mac these days. I know that in the 90s they still had their core support in graphic design studios because Adobe would release and test for Mac first, PC second. PPC was better than x86 for performance per MHz and even though Mac OS was notoriously unstable, they were still a better proposition than PCs with Windows.


Since then, Adobe swung back around to primarily supporting Windows first and the requirement for workstations to do a bit more than just run Quark, Illustrator and Photoshop means that Macs aren't really any better for that specific task.


OS X has the flashy widgets and animations that are a subset of what's available on any Linux desktop, the development tools that are a subset of anything available in Linux, and in general there's lots more software available for Linux than OS X.


So all I can think that people want is the good quality hardware. If you have a Mac what was your motivation for buying it? Personally I find the use of Alumium a bit over the top and the edges of a MacBook hurt my wrist because they're too sharp. It also dents very easily.


If you need stuff that only runs on Windows, you use Windows. If you need to develop, administer systems, or anything else that doesn't need Windows, you use Linux. What's the point of Macs?

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What's the point of Macs?

I've had a few, the current one is 4+ years old. I use PCs and linux ones at work and find I prefer Macs for my own use. Each to their own and all that, but it's a free world, and fanbois apart there's nothing I don't like about them - well maybe the industry obsession with changing things for the sake of it, seemingly, and this rush towards the cloud. Oh, and their desire to push people towards their other products - no different from any other manufacturer in that regard, but I'd rather they just left me alone to use the thing as I like.

But overall, what's the point of well made computers that are easy to use, reliable and well built and designed...? If someone's not a linux geek, doesn't want a windows machine what's the point of Macs? - really?

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Most people I know who run Linux would describe themselves as "average" when it comes to computer literacy. You certainly don't need to be in anyway a geek to dump Windows.


More importantly, will the new Mac Pro be heavy enough to keep my door in place if there is a stiff breeze? (Completely seriously this is what I use my Mac Mini for, it's no use for anything else.)

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Most people I know who run Linux would describe themselves as "average" when it comes to computer literacy. You certainly don't need to be in anyway a geek to dump Windows.


More importantly, will the new Mac Pro be heavy enough to keep my door in place if there is a stiff breeze? (Completely seriously this is what I use my Mac Mini for, it's no use for anything else.)

Do you fancy a swap for my Angus the highland cow door stop? (it freaks the cats out!)

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