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Disagree. I would do the opposite. Butter onto very hot toast,...

Then the toast goes all soggy, meaning that spreading the lovely marmite on to it tears the surface of the toast. That's pure mad.
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Then the toast goes all soggy, meaning that spreading the lovely marmite on to it tears the surface of the toast. That's pure mad.

Hmm. Know what you mean, but I find that a certain amount of bread wreckage adds to the er, niceness.

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I live in Canada, and my compatriots fail to understand the appeal. I love the stuff. The existence of Marmite makes the concept of heaven redundant. Tried XO for the first time this year after my sister in Eastleigh sent me a jar. lovely.

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I'm wary of the 'non-standard' special edition versions, after my missus bought me some champagne Marmite. It was **** horrible.

The Marston's ale one sounds like it would work, but I haven't tried it.

XO on the other hand is really excellent. Like normal Marmite, only more so.

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Marmite is just like the others, but with extra salt. EEEeeurgh.

And just to clear this up once and for all: The correct way to consume substances of this kind is by applying a reasonably generous amount to a liberally-buttered slice of hot wholemeal toast, and accompany with a glass of fresh cow's milk. If Marmite is the only option, be sure to consume a minimum of 23 glasses of water immediately afterwards to avoid dehydration and sodium overload.

Edited by CrackpotForeigner
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It's the salt in Marmite that makes it so gooooood. Mmmmmm.... salt......

As for wholemeal toast - yuk. Wholemeal bread is OK eaten "raw", but toast MUST be made with white bread. And proper butter, not some poncy vegetable oil spread.

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It's the salt in Marmite that makes it so gooooood. Mmmmmm.... salt......

As for wholemeal toast - yuk. Wholemeal bread is OK eaten "raw", but toast MUST be made with white bread. And proper butter, not some poncy vegetable oil spread.

Yesbut: If you like salt so much, why not just add extra amounts of the superior spreads, which are already endowed with **** fuckloads of salt anyway?

You are allowed white bread, and you are correct to insist on butter rather than vegetable-based stuff, the health benefits of which are highly questionable, and the taste of which is highly inferior.

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