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You've Been Trumped!


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Showing again on BBC.

This man has a lot of money, ergo he does what he wants. Even if it means destruction of a UK site of scentific interest. Compulsary Purchase Orders issued...surely this is mainly reserved for British infrastructure projects approved by the government? Think it's a disgrace myself.

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Still available on Iplayer (BBC2, Sunday 21st, 10pm).

The whole thing is like a caricature, with the swaggering bully and his fawning gofers shitting on local people who just want to carry on living in the homes they've occupied for decades, while he wants to sweep them away to build a vanity project for his own ego and profit. Not because they're in the way, but because he thinks they spoil the view from some parts of his golf course, and he thinks their homes look like "slums".

The biggest disgrace is that the SNP government decided to override the decision of the local council against planning permission, and let him have his way. So much for all the nationalist romantic references back to the clearances. This is no more than a modern-day clearance, throwing the little people off their land for the benefit of the super-rich.

And the police are on film assaulting the filmmakers for no reason, while standing idly by while Trump's minions cut off the water supply to locals who oppose him, and commit criminal damage on their property. Utterly shameful.

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Watched it last night. Don't think I've ever been as angry going to bed!

I have to admire the stoicism of the local residents. I can't imagine what I would do if someone cut my water off for a week.

As for the police, I hope the officers involved in the assault on the journalist are arrested but I wont hold my breath.

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God help the Scots if they vote for Independance and have Salmond at the helm given his handling of this. I can't believe the government overriding Aberdeenshire council on this. The economy needs boosting, sure, but the majority of the jobs created don't seem like they're actually going to benefit the local economy at all. Money spent there goes to Trump, there's no town for the money to go back into the system, employees won't be locals.

Trump himself had no concerns that he came across as a cartoon villan. I mean, really, what a shit. Why they allowed this arrogant arse to swan around cutting people's supplies off and re-landscaping (before he was legally allowed to do it) everything is just an absolute mystery.

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Loved the bit where Trump was say in his car looking at the houses he didn't like. His attitude was just "get rid of them" as if all he had to do was say the words and it would happen. Utter utter clearing of the woods.

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Mark Kermode picked this as TV movie of the week on 5Live this week, and mentioned that Trump apparently hates the fact the film exists and spends a fair amount of time basically slagging off the director on Twitter. Someone had to point out to him that all he was doing was advertising the film every time he had a pop at the director for being a nobody who made a film nobody watched...

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As for the police, I hope the officers involved in the assault on the journalist are arrested but I wont hold my breath.

The thing with the police who arrested the filmmaker is that they called in for instructions before making the arrest. It was an action sanctioned by police HQ, not a couple of coppers losing the plot. That point is made in a statement issued yesterday by the filmmakers.

I missed it at the time, but there was earlier coverage here of the pressure Trump has been placing on police to act in his interests and against people who oppose him. Clearly the police recognise that puts them in an untenable position - but they acted as they did regardless. They need to be held accountable for this.

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