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The Assange/Wikileaks/Manning Thread


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Who do you suppose supplied Assange with the Wikileaks dirt?

That same source most likely told Assange Trump was onside with trashing the status quo in the US corridors of power.

Poor Julian, incarcerated and demonised, yet others in the network are making stacks of lovely lolly.


Mogg's Moscow Millions: Brexiteer's firm has poured a fortune into a string of Russian companies with links to the Kremlin but has invested next to nothing in Britain


Hooray for Brexit! Look at evil Assange. Don't look at the psychopaths using nationalism as cover for robbing their peoples and destabilising nations, to obtain yet more wealth and power.

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  • 1 month later...

UK legal system of empire fully endorses US legal system of empire, then pulls out weasel card to play to "the people".

The UK has tortured Assange, so any claim about worries over his mental health, now, is shameful.

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  • 11 months later...

I suppose that if you are going to expose the war crimes of a country where the judicial system is as politicised as the USA, you are to expect the worst, especilly if you happen to be trapped in a grovelling, supine country like the UK.

In the meantime, Assange must wait to see if the UK's highest court has got any balls.

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