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I'm saying there's a hangover from GED and his incompetence

It's like he crashed the bus and then we let a pissed up driver try and get the damaged bus into the garage

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If we still had GED we'd be talking about the possibility of Champions League football now, instead of relegation. And we'd be playing much better football. Downing loved him. All our decent players did. Says it all.

I wouldnt quite go that far :lol: ... But i'm sure we'd be mid-table pushing for Europe.

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If odds are as rubbish as you think, you should be a millionaire by your logic. If we're such certs to go down, why don't you put your mortgage on us at 12/1. Great profit.

What odds were QPR to beat Arsenal? In fact, what odds were QPR to beat Liverpool when 2-0 down with 12 minutes to go? Odds mean **** all when there is so much to play for and so many games left. A bad refereeing decision or an unlucky own goal are pretty much in the lap of the Gods and no bookie can allow for that when creating their odds.

The only reasons Villa are such big odds to go down is because of who we are and the 5 point cushion we have. Lose the next 3 games and let's see what our odds are then!

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If we still had GED we'd be talking about the possibility of Champions League football now, instead of relegation. And we'd be playing much better football. Downing loved him. All our decent players did. Says it all.

I wouldnt quite go that far :lol: ... But i'm sure we'd be mid-table pushing for Europe.

Yes, I'm of this opinion too. Champions League is going a bit too far. :lol:

I'm saying there's a hangover from GED and his incompetence

It's like he crashed the bus and then we let a pissed up driver try and get the damaged bus into the garage

Are you trying to say that our current poor form, lack of fight and low morale down to Houllier and not McLeish? :?
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I agree that if GH stayed we wouldn't be in this situation on and off the pitch. But he's not. We are in a pickle. And let's all support and believe we will stay up :)

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No, I'm saying a lot of damage was done under GED

That damage was not repaired, it was infact made worserer

The damage for last season? Sure. This season? No. You can't blame the current lack of motivation and morale on the previous manager.

It doesn't make sense. You say he was responsible for low morale last season. Ok, that doesn't seem too unfair. Surely then when he left it would've given the dressing room a lift? When McLeish came in he wiped the slate clean so any current lack of morale or motivation is purely down to him.

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I'm not sure he wiped the slate clean though

Didn't he start beating the same drum as GED ie. telling players like Warnock Etc to up sticks and live in the mids

All I'm saying is GED played a part in our downfall

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if it was to happen,i would have no complaints,the blame & guilt would lie at the hands of the owner for selling better players & appointing this manager,we have been very poor again this year,we havnt been unlucky we are were we are.

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Blackburn Rovers are having a go at Manchester United. Why is it that the only club that is not trying come from B6. All our relegation rivals are giving absolutely everything and are desperate to get out of it.

If the club goes down it is deserved, if you dont want it badly enough you deserve to go down.

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No, I'm saying a lot of damage was done under GED

That damage was not repaired, it was infact made worserer

You cannot seriously think Houllier was worse than McLeish!

I wasn't a fan of GH last season but could see what he was trying to do. He tried to get us playing a more dynamic game with possession of the ball but we just weren't.up to it. Also, MON clearly allowed too much freedom around the place and the senior players were running the show. Houllier tried to change that, probably far too quickly, and it back-fired because the senior players threw a strop and, imo, feigned injury, and Houllier was left with the youngsters for far too many games. It seemed to me that the senior players only became interested again when Houllier was taken ill, probably because they felt a bit ashamed at their own actions!

This season it is the other way around. The senior players, under negative management, have gotten us into a position where we are in danger and now it is going to be up to the younger players to get us out of trouble.

I was not a great fan of Houllier's last season for various reasons but I could see what he was trying to do and I never thought that, if we escaped the drop last season we would.go down the next season. On the other hand, I can only see one way that.McLeish is going to take us and that is down. If not this season then next season for sure!!

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Yeah , you are right it could - as we are 9 points off it.

Then again, we are also 9 points off Arsenal who are attempting to get in the Champions League and if we win on Wednesday, which we really should do, we will go 8th.

But dont let positivity get in your way of a good dose of moaning.

Looks like the topic starter was right. The club is in a mess and relegation could happen.

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You make some good points there villa rocker particularly about the senior players

What I don't get is the myth about GEDs visionary style

We were playing tippy tappy shite on the halfway line

That is not a vision

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I'm not sure he wiped the slate clean though

Didn't he start beating the same drum as GED ie. telling players like Warnock Etc to up sticks and live in the mids

All I'm saying is GED played a part in our downfall

That's clearly a decision McLeish made on his own. Anyway, is asking footballer to live nearer to the club a bad thing?

Come on, explain exactly how he is "part of our downfall"?

I really don't buy this argument. He just wasn't here long enough to make a lasting impact, positive or negative.

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Sorry if this post has already been done but what do you think would happen to our club if we did go down? Obviously it would be a blow but would it be the end of the world? Many clubs in the top flight and have gone down in the past and are back among the top teams. Newcastle, and Man City being the obvious two (albeit in special circumstances for the latter).

I just think its something we should all start thinking about because it really could happen this year.

I think it's far less likely to happen this season than it was last.

Houllier had us down in 17th place in the first week of January and only one point off the relegation zone at the end of march.

We may have a dramatic collapse that will plunge us into trouble (McLeish is an old hand at those) but, as things stand, we are not flirting with relegation like last season and there is no justification for this thread.

:lol::lol::lol: at the last setence. How wrong can someone be.

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more chance of finishing 8th than getting relegated.

more chance of getting into Europe than getting relegated.

I'd like us to get a decent team in the Europa league, rather than a team i've never heard of in the Ukraine or Serbia.

:lol::lol: :cry:

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