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I noticed that. One of the first times we played in the same game was when you got onto the car I was in and blew your brains out in front of me. Pretty memorable.


Still, how were you dodging me? I assume you could lock onto me in melee mode and just dodged like you do in the main story by pressing square, right? It wouldn't let me do that for some reason.

Edited by Ginko
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yea, just square buddy.


Probably a bit of lag or a big or something?


We can practice again sometime :)


Had a guy chasing me all over the map just,  I ended up going into an ammu-nation where someone else was shopping.  I noticed the guy pull up outside the store and crouch behind his car.. Cleverly and somewhat cruelly, I let the other guy leave first and take a faceful of bullets.  I just casually strolled out and sticky bombed his car.


Needless to say, I won... 15-4 :lol:

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Pretty much what I was doing when we were at the airport. Parachuted onto the top of the building facing the airport and started picking you and the cops off until lapal climbed the ladder to the billboard and sniped me before I could time a grenade to blow up in midair and kill him. Should have just shot him.

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I got my Entity impounded. Left it there and went into a few races with friends. Came out and i was in my car that got impounded. Someone blew it up and i completely lost it. Over $1m down the drain :(

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I still havent played this because i was going to buy an xbox360 a few weeks back but thought nah because of the new consoles i just assumed it would be on next gen at launch, cant believe they have no plans for next gen yet and doesn't look like it will be out on pc anytime soon either :(


Online looks like such a laugh!

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Get a PS3, incredible value for money and tons of great games that you'll get cheap if you look in the right places and at the right times.

Also, if you get GTA on PS3, you get an exclusive bonus of being able to join the Villatalk Villans Crew!

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you get an exclusive bonus of being able to join the Villatalk Villans Crew!


Yeah, a real...bonus


Cruise around with VA (No need for clothes)

Attempt missions with Ginko (Watch out for grenades...although this one could be said about me too)

Marvel at 91's magnificent adder...

Be directed in to battle by kiwi (Turn the volume up and listen carefully)

Take on foes with lapal (Just make sure he knows you're not one of those foes)


You know what they say, 'Time flies when you're having fun'...unless you're riding with me....and flies is probably not a good word in that case either...

Edited by 8pints
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I'd say the pros of playing with the VTVN are as follows:

On your first visit into the world of GTA Online with the VTVN, '91 will personally be there to greet you for your very own welcome party! Warning, he will then shoot you in the head and kill you because he's afraid of people he doesn't recognise.

Perform races and survival games with Kiwi! Not only will he clip your backend (oo-er) during a race to spin you out so he can take the victory from under your nose, he'll also direct you to the back of the shelter to deal with enemies coming in from behind (double oo-er) in one survival game, only for him to not take care of the enemies he's supposed to be dealing with, meaning you end up getting shot in the back!

Enjoy endless hours of fun setting sticky bombs to VA's pride and joy (no no, not THAT, his CAR), drive it back to him, watch him get inside and then watch the fireworks before he comes back to life and sticks a 9k bounty on your ass.

Get a rare visit from lapal, when he's not hanging round with his other crew (traitor), and when I say visit, I mean go into an ammunation to stock up on supplies only to find that lapal has waited outside for you and poured a trail of gasoline around the entrance of the shop to your vehicle. Maybe this time he might get a chance to light it!

And finally, extend your GTA game time literally by hundreds of hours by doing a mission with 8pints, dying through lack of backup, and then watching for what seems eternity as he tries to do the damn thing on his own. Oh, and don't forget to get in a plane with him too. Every landing is an adventure!

Edited by Ginko
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I wanted to leave some things a surprise.

I just did Criminal Records with a bunch of kids who knew each other. My God I've never heard so much crybaby whining! They eventually kicked everyone they didnt know just because we were all beating them. I havent laughed so hard in ages. Bunch o' bellends. God I hate kids online.

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They kicked you out, didn't they? ;)


That'd be a fantastic jibe VA if only Ginko hadn't written that they did ---


They eventually kicked everyone they didnt know just because we were all beating them.

--You bearded buffoon

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