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Gym Routine


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It's complicated. it's not a dance craze, more a video craze.


THE Harlem shake is a dance, but that's not what the craze is.


Anyway, don't go! :D


In gym related news, My lifts are stalling big time. Just not making any progress on anything.


Squats are even going backwards :(


Cutting sucks!!

On the plus side, 10lbs of fat gone since New Years #ripped

Edited by Stevo985
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I'm planning a comeback but simpler. I can't give it what I gave it last time but I'll be following the same principles. Based around squatting, deads, and incline/decline db press... three days in a week.. I say based because they'll be the foundation exercises with a few supporting roles. I've got a price off my old gym, I just need to get myself down there. Especially as they're about to move premises. That'll be emporium. 

Edited by b23avfc
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Yep, well aware that's why I'm stalling.


It really sucks to be honest. I'm a lot less motivated at the gym as a result.

But getting my bodyfat down is now my aim so I'm happy to keep stalling. I don't appear to be losing much, if any muscle, despite the stall, so I'm ok as long as that's the case.


It'll be a long time until i start seeing any significant gains again though I think :(

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:lol: Yeah you get the odd one of those. Must be lifting since he was 12. I've only seen one in my gym that does that and he doesn't even look to be built like that.
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I had a terrible workout yesterday. Knew it would be. My day was all over the place which meant I grabbed a late lunch and eat the wrong thing. Couldn't lift anything like my numbers or reps but it was still better to go than not to. Slept like a corpse last night as a result too.

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I'll definitely post updates. I'm essentially a complete noob and haven't really done any serious lifting since high school. Wanna get on my uni's basketball team next semester. I've got the skill (at least I think I still got it :lol:), just need to get stronger I think.

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Good luck! Remember to eat!!

As for the 160kg bench, I'd like to think I'm capable of that. Not yet, obviously! My PR is 50 odd kg short

But I'd like to think in a couple of years I'll be benching that

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Not sure I want the look that goes with being able to do that to be honest. I don't want to look like a bouncer. I'm aware that my ceiling is lower because of my diet and the fact I'm not looking to out-lift my gym 'mates'.

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Had my first fail on strong lifts yesterday 50kg shoulder press have been struggling last couple of session with it so not really a suprise. Think I need a but longer rest between sets

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Hit a snag before even starting. Realized that I can't even do bodyweight squats because of my stiff ankles. Too many sprained ankles from playing basketball back in the day I think. Gonna have to work on them before I can start because I think the squat is the most important exercise in the entire program. Sigh.

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