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Gym Routine


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Just thought I'd recommend this little product to any protein lovers out there.




As you will know lentils generally are a ball ache to cook (in terms of time) but these things only take 2 minutes have a really excellent fat/protein ratio and literally go with everything.

Nice one, might check them out.



I tried these last week


Bare Naked Noodles


They're quite expensive for what they are (£2 for a pack and despite the claims it served two, it was pretty small), but they taste pretty good and are extremely low in calories. The entire pack of noodles was less than 30 calories. Plus more or less no carbs or fat.


Not the nicest noodles in the world, but for anyone on a post christmas cut (like me!) they're a good way of beefing up a stir fry or other meal without adding loads of calories/carbs

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Just thought I'd recommend this little product to any protein lovers out there.




As you will know lentils generally are a ball ache to cook (in terms of time) but these things only take 2 minutes have a really excellent fat/protein ratio and literally go with everything.

Nice one, might check them out.



I tried these last week


Bare Naked Noodles


They're quite expensive for what they are (£2 for a pack and despite the claims it served two, it was pretty small), but they taste pretty good and are extremely low in calories. The entire pack of noodles was less than 30 calories. Plus more or less no carbs or fat.


Not the nicest noodles in the world, but for anyone on a post christmas cut (like me!) they're a good way of beefing up a stir fry or other meal without adding loads of calories/carbs


Without knowing too much about those noodles, it seems soy may be a main ingredient, so I'd be a bit careful as too much soy in your diet can lead to increased estrogen (leading to things like gynecomastia).

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Don't really know about that.


But yeah I wasn't suggesting you have it every day. Just as an alternative. I get **** bored of chicken and brown pasta!

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Yeah I reckon you'd have to be consuming it fairly regularly to see the side effects but just something to watch out for in soy based products which seem to make up a lot of what is considered healthy alternatives in the current food market.


I hear you though, I have done chicken and brown rice, etc. to death. 

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I put on a cool stone over christmas and new year (well, the last 6 weeks of the year basically)


And I wasn't exactly religiously in the gym. So I have a lot of fat to get rid of!


10lbs lighter than when I started last year though so should be in better shape come the summer

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I'm joining a David Lloyds gym tonight with the primary objective of toning up, and playing tennis. I have a treadmill at home for running so will probably be avoiding the cardio side of the gym.


However, I've never done weights before, no idea where to start, no idea how to use the equipment. Don't know why but I've always found gyms quite intimidating, specially the weight section, it's a strange mentality as deep down I know that no one watches what your doing or really cares, but I can't help but think they do!


Think i'll be going at 6:30am in the morning to avoid people haha. 

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I think intimidation at the gym is something we all go through. But you're right, nobody really cares what you're doing. And you'll find that the most intimidating looking people (i.e. the big muscly guys!) will probably be the ones most likely to help you rather than take the piss.


So yeah, it's understandable, but you really have nothing to worry about. Especially somewhere like David Lloyd.



As for where to start, find a good beginners' routine and stick to it.


This site has a good selection


Don't go in and just do random weights. You'll end up wasting your time more than doing any good! Find a simple workout, that fits in with your weekly routine, and stick with it.

If "toning up" is your goal, then that primarily focuses on fat loss. Which means you need to be doing cardio and, more importantly, eating right! Lifting weights will help, massively. But don't rely on it totally. You'll never tone up if you're not eating less calories than you burn, for example.


Sounds like you have your cardio sorted. So keep that up.


But yeah, choose a routine and stick with it. You'll be at the advantage of being a beginner which means you'll be able to add muscle fairly easily whilst losing fat, which gets much harder once you've exhausted your newbie gains :)


Good luck!

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Cheers for that mate! 


I run 5k 3 times a week on my treadmill, not sure if that's good enough, but with the introduction of tennis to my routine I think it should be enough.


Nice one for the beginners link, will have a read later. Being vegetarian might make it slightly challenging to eat properly, but I'm sure I can find decent enough meat substitutes.


Thanks :thumb:  

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That's plenty cardio mate. Stick with that. Basically cardio is just a tool to help you keep your calories burned higher than your calories eaten. In theory you could do it with no cardio at all as long as your diet is right. The old cliché is that for fat loss, the hard work is done in the kitchen.


Whey Protein is obviously the best source of protein for a veggie. So if you do want to build some muscle you might want to get some of that in as Protein is pretty much essential for any sort of muscle gain/retention.


I'd recommend this


Oh and check out "myfitnessPal" if you need something to track your calories. It's an app.

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Sweet. Going to order some of that now :D


5 days a week I try to only intake about 1500 calroies a day, been doing this for about 3 months and have lost one and a half stone without doing anything special and sometimes not running at all (on weekend I eat so much shit tho!). So i'm hoping I should be able to drop weight quite easily, building muscle will be the tricky bit. As you say, need to find a schedule and stick with it :)

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Good work.


Like I hinted at above, once you get past the newbie gains you'll have to up the calories to build any serious muscle. That's why the norm for body builders is a bulk and a cut phase. You eat a calorie excess while you're adding muscle, then you eat a deficit to trim the fat from what you've added.


But certainly for the first few months you should be able to make gains in the gym without going mad on the calories.

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Just a general newbie question, if you were eating relatively healthy , going to the gym 3 times a week following a muscle workout, and also doing some cardio 2/3 times a week... how soon would you expect to notice a change? Obviously it's going to be different depending on the person, but just generally speaking, is it weeks, or months? 

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Depends what you mean by a change.


A change in strength I'd say you'd notice almost immediately. The weight you're lifting should start going up from day one, imo.


A change in appearance totally depends on your body as it is now. If you're really fat, then you'd struggle to see a change for months. If you're skin and bones then you'll notice a change within a couple of weeks.


My advice would be to take pictures of yourself every week. Sounds proper ghey, but it will show you your progress as it happens. It's motivating, and body dysmorphia means you'll look at yourself in the mirror after 3 months and think you look exactly the same, when you really won't.


So it's really hard to say. Significant change is obviously a long process. But you'll start seeing some changes sooner than that.

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Depends what you mean by a change.


A change in strength I'd say you'd notice almost immediately. The weight you're lifting should start going up from day one, imo.


A change in appearance totally depends on your body as it is now. If you're really fat, then you'd struggle to see a change for months. If you're skin and bones then you'll notice a change within a couple of weeks.


My advice would be to take pictures of yourself every week. Sounds proper ghey, but it will show you your progress as it happens. It's motivating, and body dysmorphia means you'll look at yourself in the mirror after 3 months and think you look exactly the same, when you really won't.


So it's really hard to say. Significant change is obviously a long process. But you'll start seeing some changes sooner than that.

Sweet. Well luckily i'm not really fat, relatively average, weigh 12"9 and am about 6ft so I believe i'm bang average. So i'm hoping to see change within a month or two. Photo idea is good!  :D

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I put on a cool stone over christmas and new year (well, the last 6 weeks of the year basically)


And I wasn't exactly religiously in the gym. So I have a lot of fat to get rid of!


10lbs lighter than when I started last year though so should be in better shape come the summer


A stone is a good effort!


I put on about 4kg but I was in pretty much peak condition (for me) up until 21st. I actually managed to make myself sick at 2am through overeating of cheese on boxing day so got the bulemic benefit on that one but other than that yeah mega excess. Thoroughly enjoyed it.


No worries though by the end of the week reckon I'll be right again.


As an aside I go to the gym at lunchtime and it is usually pretty quiet. Last week was obviously much busier but today Monday 12th, basically second Monday we've all been back and it was back to being deserted...


Way to stick at the new health routine!

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