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Gym Routine


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In my attempt to get some kind of set routine going I think I've sorted out something. It'll no doubt evolve over time but at the moment there's enough there in terms of activity and structure to keep me going and motivated.  I didn't want to be one of the (many) guys who wander around the weights section wondering which exercise to do next.

Day 1 - Cardio + arms/shoulders
20 minutes on the treadmill @ 8.5kmh (doesn't sound like much but trust me I've never been good at anything other than 100m sprinting and I'm finding this surprisingly/refreshingly easy)
Bench press (8x5x70kg) (the 70 will increase as I get up to speed)
Shoulder press (3x10x22.5kg dumbbells)
Triceps skull crusher (3x10x20kg easy bar)
Bicep curls (3x10x15kg dumbbells)

Day 2 - Cardio + back/core
20 minutes on the treadmill @ 8.5kmh
Ab-crunch (3x20xtop weight)
Lat pulldown for traps (3x10xTBC)
Pull-ups (as many as I can manage before my arms fall off or my form goes to pot!)

Bicep curls (3x10x15kg dumbbells) (depending on what's left after the pull-ups)


The thinking is that the running will in some way equate to leg/thigh exercise meaning no 'leg day' owing to the knee injury.


The day 1 workout is just over an hour and the day 2 is less than that, meaning I can see myself doing it maybe even more than 3 times a week, muscle soreness allowing of course.  I'm already seeing benefits too.  God bless muscle memory :)

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An article that might be of interest to some in here.

'Serious risk' from weight loss/body building supplements - Food Safety Authority


The Food Safety Authority of Ireland is asking retailers to withdraw a category of food supplements used in weight loss and muscle building.

In a joint warning with the Irish Medicines Board, the FSAI said the four supplements for sale in shops and online pose serious health risks.

OxyELITE Pro Super Thermo capsules; OxyELITE Pro Ultra-Intense Thermo capsules; OxyELITE Pro Super Thermo powder and VERSA-1 have been associated with severe liver disorders, including hepatitis.

There has been one case of non-viral hepatitis reported in Ireland.

The supplements contain an ingredient known as aegeline and are being investigated in the US where a large number of cases of non-viral hepatitis have been reported.

US authorities are investigating after one person died and a number of others required liver transplants.

An alert has been sent to Irish retailers to immediately remove the products from sale.

Anyone who has bought the supplements are advised not to consume them.

Director of Compliance at the Irish Medicines Board John Lynch said: "We believe people are seeking these products for a number of reasons including weight loss, energy boosting and muscle building.

"We seriously urge people not to buy or consume these as they can cause a significant risk to your health."

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In my attempt to get some kind of set routine going I think I've sorted out something. It'll no doubt evolve over time but at the moment there's enough there in terms of activity and structure to keep me going and motivated.  I didn't want to be one of the (many) guys who wander around the weights section wondering which exercise to do next.

Day 1 - Cardio + arms/shoulders

20 minutes on the treadmill @ 8.5kmh (doesn't sound like much but trust me I've never been good at anything other than 100m sprinting and I'm finding this surprisingly/refreshingly easy)

Bench press (8x5x70kg) (the 70 will increase as I get up to speed)

Shoulder press (3x10x22.5kg dumbbells)

Triceps skull crusher (3x10x20kg easy bar)

Bicep curls (3x10x15kg dumbbells)

Day 2 - Cardio + back/core

20 minutes on the treadmill @ 8.5kmh

Ab-crunch (3x20xtop weight)

Lat pulldown for traps (3x10xTBC)

Pull-ups (as many as I can manage before my arms fall off or my form goes to pot!)

Bicep curls (3x10x15kg dumbbells) (depending on what's left after the pull-ups)


The thinking is that the running will in some way equate to leg/thigh exercise meaning no 'leg day' owing to the knee injury.


The day 1 workout is just over an hour and the day 2 is less than that, meaning I can see myself doing it maybe even more than 3 times a week, muscle soreness allowing of course.  I'm already seeing benefits too.  God bless muscle memory :)



So you haven't gone back to power/strong lifts 

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After a lengthy lay off with the shits I am **** A1 at the minute. Powerful, lean, I'm a machine...

I'd recommend dehli belly to anyone. Your muscles rest and remember, you lose some fat and you're itching for it by the time you get back. My motivation is off the charts right now.

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So you haven't gone back to power/strong lifts
The 5x5 programme? No I can't because of the knee which is nowhere near 100%. I'm doing the bench because it doesn't affect the knee and might do overheads soon. It's more a toning/conditioning thing now although I'll still progress any compounds that I do in the same way I used to. If I can 5x5x80kg the bench, I'll be happy.
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Sod 5x5 anyway, it's not dynamic enough. Your muscles bore easy and stop growing.

I do some 5x5 sets now and then, though generally no two sessions are exactly the same for me. It keeps me motivated switching up, trying new exercises and routines.

BOF you ain't far wrong, I'm still a wee bit wary when squatting!

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Been lucky enough to pick up a new gym buddy. He happens to be an ex navy PT and knows exactly what he's up to. Have had 3 sessions so far and am aching all over. Just what I needed as I had previously become a little too comfortable with my routine.


Getting in 5 or 6 sessions every week and feeling pretty damn good about it.


PS It's too easy, no points for slotting that one home.

Edited by Shillzz
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Noice. Getting up into the good numbers there. It's very satisfying isn't it :D I love(d) a good deadlift. It's the one I miss the most but I'll be back to it as soon as I can.

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In my attempt to get some kind of set routine going I think I've sorted out something. It'll no doubt evolve over time but at the moment there's enough there in terms of activity and structure to keep me going and motivated.  I didn't want to be one of the (many) guys who wander around the weights section wondering which exercise to do next.

Day 1 - Cardio + arms/shoulders

20 minutes on the treadmill @ 8.5kmh (doesn't sound like much but trust me I've never been good at anything other than 100m sprinting and I'm finding this surprisingly/refreshingly easy)

Bench press (8x5x70kg) (the 70 will increase as I get up to speed)

Shoulder press (3x10x22.5kg dumbbells)

Triceps skull crusher (3x10x20kg easy bar)

Bicep curls (3x10x15kg dumbbells)

Day 2 - Cardio + back/core

20 minutes on the treadmill @ 8.5kmh

Ab-crunch (3x20xtop weight)

Lat pulldown for traps (3x10xTBC)

Pull-ups (as many as I can manage before my arms fall off or my form goes to pot!)

Bicep curls (3x10x15kg dumbbells) (depending on what's left after the pull-ups)


The thinking is that the running will in some way equate to leg/thigh exercise meaning no 'leg day' owing to the knee injury.


The day 1 workout is just over an hour and the day 2 is less than that, meaning I can see myself doing it maybe even more than 3 times a week, muscle soreness allowing of course.  I'm already seeing benefits too.  God bless muscle memory :)

You do 8 sets of 5 reps on the bench?

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Why? I've heard of (and tried) doing high sets (6-8) with high (8-10) reps at the end of a session to get the blood pumping, but 8x5 at a decent weight sounds like a sure fire way to injure yourself?

Do 4x5 flat then 4x5 incline perhaps? Move the "high stress" area.

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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