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Nexus tablet to be released: http://www.t3.com/news/google-preparing-own-branded-nexus-tablet-to-rival-ipad

If they make a proper attempt at it then it could work. But they may not even want it to be a mainstream device. Nexus phones have been aimed at developers so this might be the same.

If they want it to be a mainstream success to rival the iPad then it needs to be:

1. Cheap - Price is 70% of the decision.

2. Heavily marketed - Apple adverts every 5 mins on the TV keep the brainwashing going.

3. Smooth - Android architecture means it's not 100% smooth 100% of the time. ICS seems better with that so far with all the optimisations to Dalvik, also as the tablet will likely be a Tegra3 5 core there's no reason it wouldn't be smooth.

So basically, Google just need to throw some money at it. Make a loss on early sales to recoup profit when sales go up, set aside $100m marketing costs and go to town. They've got the brand, they just need to plaster it everywhere.

God this smartdevice business is easy. And everyone thought Jobs was a genius.

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Ill show mine off:



Only using four home screens at the minute. The one with the digital clock is the default home screen.


Love the lock screen too, the fact you can put a message on there is great. Now I have a 0.01% chance of my phone being returned should I lose it as I can put contact details on the lock screen.

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Yep. Two years overdue, but yep.

I think I will folder up all my camera stuff and reduce the phone to three home screens and the app tray. And I still love a pure black background on an OLED screen, its a lovely effect.

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**** it up probably! Quite why they feel the need to reskin it is beyond me*, it is a wonderful operating system.

*actually, it isnt. I know why they do it, it just annoys me.

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Nonsense, I love the skins, some of the things left out by google is silly, like the number of home sreens, no removable sd is a total deal breaker for me I've all my stuff on one 32gd sd

For me, the good overlays add to what google has done, there are no negatives bar the few extra months to get the updates

But I must say it's a bit dissapointing that the galaxy s wont get android 4, I was going to get one off ebay to tie me over as my 2nd phone

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Older version, sure the Desire ain't getting it either, I'm sure the SGS2 will get update for 2 years after release, it's got loads of ram

Plus I upgrade yearly, so none of this bothers me really

Look some people like the vanilla android, it's a pity it is missing lots of good features, also big problem you have to get the Nexus handsets, with their limitations too

I love the Galaxy phones and like tw, so I'll sray with them,

Though looks like the Nexus S will be my 2nd phone now :)

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Samsung have said themselves the reason the Galaxy S isnt getting ICS is because of Touchwiz.

It is a damn shame, but with every passing update I find myself even more firmly on the Nexus bandwagon. Nexus > iOS > third party skins in my opinion. If vendors and carriers simply have to put their bloat over the top of Android then they should do it in the form of apps and widgets rather than these reskins that confuse and annoy the public.

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What you see as bloat I see as improvement, I upgrade yearly so don't really mind if older phones don't get upgrades, it matters little

You've got to live with your 16gb of memory, I have 48, Galaxy Nexus oweners have their 5mp camera and same memory limitations. That to me is permanently inferior to my SGS2. Software improvements are tiny compared to harware ones.

For me the software imprvements are next to nothing. I want a better camera which I'll get with a new phone not new version of Android.

You have a Nexus S. I have a galaxy s2, you have andoid 4.0, I have a better phone.

Thats how I see it. Hardware is what matters, not slightly bettet software.

Each to their own, it's a matter of opinion. There is no right or wrong. I would hate samsung or HTC to switch to vanilla android. I look forward to the SGS3 with ICS and the new touchwiz. I'm sure many others do too.

Samsung make unbelivable phones, both the Galaxy phone have blown me away. It's like when you get you first GeForce card and put it in you pc to replace your voodoo 2. That kind of excitement, i love it.

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It's not like that at all though, because apps are being written for the OS. It's nothing like not being able to run Quake to getting 60fps at 800 * 640!

I agree it is a matter of opinion though, and you are perfectly entitled to your wrong opinion! :P

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Seems finally updating Kies and subsequently also my Galaxy S2's firmware for the first time in an age was a bad idea. 90 minutes so far of the software failing at each stage, torturously long downloads at each stage too. Finally managed to get the software up to date, and thus far each stage of the firmare upgrade process has, at some point, either crashed, hung, 'stopped working' or otherwise failed. Last time it got to the the point that the phone was telling me, with a big Android logo, that it was downloading the update, only for the software to tell me that the phone was no longer recognised and the process closed, leaving the phone in limbo and leading to a tense turning off half expecting a rather expensive paper weight to reveal itself at the other end.

I take back the praise I previously heaped on the Samsung software - it's apparently shit.

EDIT - And there it goes again, process timed out. **** it. Sod the firmware, it's working fine as it is.

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