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Takeover parts 1 & 2


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But what if Padfield was waiting to see the other 'hands' before revealing his. Maybe that could have been a reason why he went away - he was in no real rush until someone else bid.

If totally confident about his bid, why wait?

I'd suggest because the bid isn't ready.

AV06 has always been in catch up mode well behind all the others and the leaks, slanders etc are just a way of keeping the pot boiling until their bid is ready.


I don't think he has to wait to see anything I think he has to tread water until the bids prepared and backed. What I found most mystifying in the statement was that if Lerner showed he was making was it 30 million available right away they'd walk. They must be confident Lerner will not, cannot do such, more's the pity :)

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It's 10 calendar days (weekends do count). It expires on the 23rd - the Reading match.

Now that fits in nicely.

It's as if it's all been planned or something.

'Ladies and gentleman - please welcome onto the pitch Aston Villa's new owner....RANDY LERNER!'

Well the trees did say Lerner would be in Brum for the Reading game...very interesting.

Oh and as for that Villa Blog - print off the articles and wipe you @r$e with them - thry serve no other purpose.

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Bottom line is until they stop blurting in the press and actually sign a confidentiality agreement which would enable them to do the necessary due diligence which may allow them to formulate a bid they cannot progress. They only have nine days to do this so in reality they have an awful lot to do to be able to win now and I certainly hope they don't! They along with Neville should retreat gracefully. What is amazing is that in all the months where there appeared to be no interest in this Football Club why didn't one of these parties put a deal together then??? Rothschild have been appointed for months now.

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Damian = Damian Dugdale - he claims to be the nephew of Sir William Dugdale, he used to live in South Africa and now he lives in Sweden

I don't think my personal opinion of him would be fair to put on here, I also don't want a card

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Are people sure its 10 days including weekends? Surely they couldn't do anything when the SE is closed?

What if by 21 days not enough people have sent their forms back or perhaps people want to keep their shares.

Would that mean Randy wouldn't want to buy us as he wouldn't own everything?

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Damian = Damian Dugdale - he claims to be the nephew of Sir William Dugdale, he used to live in South Africa and now he lives in Sweden

I don't think my personal opinion of him would be fair to put on here, I also don't want a card

I'll do it for you, he's a cock. A cock and a knobend.

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Are people sure its 10 days including weekends? Surely they couldn't do anything when the SE is closed?

What is by 21 days not enough people have sent their forms back or perhaps people want to keep their shares.

Would that mean Randy wouldn't want to buy us as he wouldn't own everything?

It is 10 calendar days Jez. That means it ends next thursday.

It is 21 calendar days for smaller shareholders to send their forms back. That means it is a fortnight from yesterday.

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Damian = Damian Dugdale - he claims to be the nephew of Sir William Dugdale, he used to live in South Africa and now he lives in Sweden

I don't think my personal opinion of him would be fair to put on here, I also don't want a card

I'll do it for you, he's a cock. A cock and a knobend.


Cheers VF, but what if people do not want to sell their shares, surely that would mean he doesn't get enough to take over properly?

Well most will probably sell after he reaches the 58% mark - well I mean when it is confirmed he has the shares of Ellis/Petchy and co. And when he gets up to 75% them something else happens I think.

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Cheers VF, but what if people do not want to sell their shares, surely that would mean he doesn't get enough to take over properly?

All it means is he doesn't get enough to delist the club right now, he'll still own minimum the 56% he's got from Ellis/Petchey.

I'm not even sure he'll want to delist the club just yet......

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In a small way I can understand people taking the view if another bidder comes in with a better offer then it is better for the club and they want to wait and see what other bids are i.e. sit on the fence.

What I cannot understand is why aren't the doubters trying to find out what AV06 are all about. From what I have read on here the uncertainty seems to be based on the report in The Mail. As usual it has the usual 'quote by a source', 'Padfield stated this' etc.

My question is, why when Howell did the interview didn't he say:

1. Who are the backers of AV06

2. What are the plans of AV06

etc, etc.

If I was in his position and wanted to be the first with the real story I would want to be able to print the answers. If Padfield turned round and said, "Sorry, that's confidential", I would want to report that in the article also i.e. to give a full account more along the lines of a Times report not like a local sensationalist rag. What will be the story tomorrow.

I am in support of Lerner's bid as from what I have read in the statement to the SE, various interviews with him, statements attributed to him etc. it appears to be an exceptional offer. Until another bidder puts forward the details of their proposal in a like manner I will stick with Randy. If another bidder puts forward details that I think are better I will reconsider my view. I will not sit on the fence and wait for something that may not materialise.

There are quite a few people on here with influence, why not go after Howell and get him to go and get the full story or use other media people to pin him down. It just seems that he can get away with only reporting part of the facts. After all, it is what you do not say that usually tells the story.

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Have just caught up - and reading Damiens comments one thing struck me.

If, as he says he was in contact with Padfield, why hasn't he commented on one aspect of the supposed AV06's report......... The merging of clubs - which he (Damien) in his own blog said was rubbish. So if, according to Damien, Padfield is saying the right things, why hasn't he pulled him up over the inaccurate statements coming out on their behalf.

So far, I've not read anything other than unsubstantiated comments about the AV06 plans since hearing Padfield when he gave the radio interview, and it appeared as if they were, as a consortia, well behind anyway.

I will happily read any substantiated bids that might now also come in, and are confident that the only way Lerner is going to lose out on this deal is because someone else has bettered it, which for the overall bid is not going to be an easy task - Not impossible, and if they manage it I can only believe its got to improve the clubs chances more.

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Well, I'm still confused. Does the bid deadline eun out on the afternoon of the Reading match or not?!

There are two separate deadlines.

The first is for a 10 calander day - Which is the timescale allowing other bidders to place a bid that must be at least 5% greater than the initial bid.

The second timescale is the 21 days - this allows all shareholders to sort out what they want to do as individuals or any businesses that might own shares.

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This whole thing about possible other bids confuses the hell out of me.

I understand that Ellis and Petchey have signed irrevocable commitments to sell to Randy, and the Board is recommending the bid to the shareholders at large.

I understand that these commitments are "soft," in other words, can be altered if a better bid comes in.

So can someone tell me now:

What happens if a new bid comes in, which Ellis goes for and Petchey doesn't (or vice versa)???

This whole business of revocable irrevocable undertakings seems lkike a nonsense to me.

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