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Takeover parts 1 & 2


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5 Live are reporting tonight that Lerner is to resume discussions with Doug.

Why the **** would anyone wonna talk to Doug again after what he said!.

Doug is a rude idiot.

Thats what I was thinking. If I was the board I'd lock Ellis in the toilet with a stripper and only get him out when his signature is required. Plus I thought Lerner was only willing to negotiate with Rothschilds?

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Hahah, just checked back to this thread was'nt 179 pages a couple of days ago....FFS, get on with it fella's, the suspense is killin me!!

Will we get to 200 pages? Easily! 250 maybe!?

I just listened to the last 5 minutes of Radio 5. No mention of Villa.

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If I was the board I'd lock Ellis in the toilet with a stripper and only get him out when his signature is required.

I was thinking along the same lines, except my version was the boot of a car in a lock-up in Hull or Salford or somewhere.

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If what Five Live is reporting is true then surely Lerner will negotiate with Rothchilds only, plus the fact Roathschilds will ensure Ellis sticks to all the rules meaning he wont be able to up the anti at any time.

Maybe the roumer of MON's possible appointment had an underlying meaning afterall, please let this be true!

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If this is true, and the talks are tomorrow, I'll be stupidly nervous if we don't hear anything by around 6pm.

Will there even be talks tomorrow though? Lerner is still in Cleveland as we speak right?

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It will be hopefully later this week, and given the official takeover statement made this morning there will defo be no one on one meetings between dopey and randy.

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I should imagine Lerners 'people' will talk to rothschilds 'people' to test the water again after the initial Ellis - Lerner talks were held.

I reckon that if Lerners people hear the right things then another face-to-face meeting will be set up. I cant imagine he will fly over again unless he's 100% sure things will go his way.

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I think most on here have got it wrong. I believe Lerner pulled out (supposedly) when the Neville bid went in, at that time Ellis had a duty of care to listen to all bids irrespective of whether or not Lerner was his preffered option. Lerner I believe withdrew until all the cards were out there and the so called stoush with Ellis was just a smoke screen. If MON is appoineted it means understandings are in place. Just my thoughts, mere speculation but would'nt it be funny if Ellis was trying to do the right thing all along and copped a real slagging for his troubles.

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I would expect that Lerner would hand this over to his representatives now - much like AVFC need to have Rothschilds involved.

I doubt that Lerner would need to see anyone now face to face except for finalising any deals - always assuming it got that far with him - he has been given a tour already of the facilities of the club...... so doesn't need to see what AVFC has to offer in that sense.

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Lerner .......".Ellis for the 10th time GET OUT & Make the bloody coffee"

Barry (seen at door)...."Scuse me interruptin Mr Lerner the boys were just wondering if we still needed a weekly whip round for our new totti ..erm I mean masseuse Veronica, only she's getting a bit carried away with the extras!!"....I mean at White Hart Lane I've bin told...

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Lerner .......".Ellis for the 10th time GET OUT & Make the bloody coffee"

Barry (seen at door)...."Scuse me interruptin Mr Lerner the boys were just wondering if we still needed a weekly whip round for our new totti ..erm I mean masseuse Veronica, only she's getting a bit carried away with the extras!!"....I mean at White Hart Lane I've bin told...


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It will be hopefully later this week, and given the official takeover statement made this morning there will defo be no one on one meetings between dopey and randy.

What is this - the seven dwarfs?

Dopey, sleepy, cuddly, arsey, oldy, scatty and sleazy.

Oh wait that's just Ellis :twisted:

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