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Takeover parts 1 & 2


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Several deadlines were set by Ellis for the consortium to prove they had the cash, but nothing has been provided to support their claims. Ellis has been voicing his concerns to leading figures in the Villa hierarchy and now it seems the club will remain in limbo until the chairman can find another suitable buyer.


It does seem like a re-hash and a general "guess" piece of work, and more of a negotiating stance than anything.

"Hi I'm a billionaire and want to pay you £64m"

"Show me the money"

"I'm a billionaire, I don't carry small change around with me, will you take a cheque?"

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Doug is remaining true to form. Continually confusing the fans with conflicting reports being dribbled out by his mouthpieces.

The one thing he's said that you can believe is, "I'll only leave Villa Park in a box".

Don't like to say it, but in his case, I'll make an exception, please let it be soon.

He's never going to voluntarily give up the ego trip he gets from being in control at B6. :bang:

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John Wragg has a very similiar piece (only bigger) in this mornings Espress. Dosen't seem to be online.

In the Espress? Oh. I'll just wait for the Latte Night News.

So, I'm not going to trawl through 30-odd pages of posts... but I think blandy's first line summed it up for me: nobody on here really knows anything.

Let's wait for some substantial information to come out before the champagne corks get popped...

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This is just rehashed from old news and made up bollocks.

Its true that no-one knows whats happening, but I would utterly amazed if the Comers didn't have the money to buy us, which is the basis of this new shit story. Why would they not make it clear that they have the funds? Absolute bollocks imo.

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Of course its bollocks, if they don't have the money then why would they have spent 3 months going through this process? Why bid more money than you have?

Until either Doug or Neville come out and say something themselves, then you can't believe what you read.

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This is just rehashed from old news and made up bollocks.

Its true that no-one knows whats happening, but I would utterly amazed if the Comers didn't have the money to buy us, which is the basis of this new shit story. Why would they not make it clear that they have the funds? Absolute bollocks imo.

I keep hearing it's at "Due diligence" stage, it must be close now?

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This is just rehashed from old news and made up bollocks.

Its true that no-one knows whats happening, but I would utterly amazed if the Comers didn't have the money to buy us, which is the basis of this new shit story. Why would they not make it clear that they have the funds? Absolute bollocks imo.

True Bob, the fans don't know what's happening and the press are doing their usual, print any rubbish to fill a space.

However, I've never been able to accept that Ellis will sell voluntarily. At his age what does another great wedge of cash provide that he's not already got or could have?

Being the Big Wheel at Villa Park is all that interests him and I don't believe he's going to give that up.

Compare that to Pompey where Mandaric has the club at heart and is welcoming the Russian's investment, and I'm sure an eventual takeover. All this being achived in a very short time scale because Mandaric is the very opposite to Ellis, he wants the best for the club. I know the takeover scenarios are not a like with like comparison, but if Ellis was a willing participant, it wouldn't be taking this long. :x

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Being the Big Wheel at Villa Park is all that interests him

You only have to glance through his latest book (some fecker gave it to me as a work kris kindle present) to realise this & not money is what it's all about for Ellis. He even goes so far as to mention that a previous failed takeover looked like a very good deal, not because it would have provided the club with a cash injection, but because it would have offered him a continued place on the board.

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I think the key question is: Has Ellis realised that he no longer represent any future for Aston Villa? I think he has.

But I don't think the Comers are knights in shining white armour willing to throw money at the club, expecting nothing in return. I'm even starting to question if they in fact have very much money to throw at all. They are reported to be self made billionares, but are they really? And if they are, they haven't become billionares by throwing money around. So it might not only be Ellis that is holding up the deal atm.

Mr Neville has said that Champions League football should be achievable in a three year period. Of course that's what we all want to hear. But that will require a lot of money. Are the Comers really willing to invest, or do they just want the land and a football club on top of that?

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Silent_Bob - that's a sobbering thought, as if January wasn't a sober enough time as it is!

I have a nagging thought at the back of my mind that you could be right...

i could take new owners who don't 'splash' the cash (as Chelsea), as long as they want to take villa on and upwards and invest more than the current regime. I want new owners who are in it for the long term and for Villa's best interests. I hope they prove to be just that

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Out of curiosity I have just had a look at the London Stock exchange. 39,000 shares have been traded (last 5 trades) including one which says "market trader to market trader including through IDB". Can someone tell me what this means and does it or today's trading having any significance to the press claims this morning please.

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Fans chief wants takeover clarity

Aston Villa Shareholders' Association chairman Jonathan Fear has claimed the current state of uncertainty over the future of the midlands club is "unhealthy for everyone at the club".

Villa are still waiting to receive a concrete offer from the Irish consortium fronted by Villa fan Michael Neville and there are reports any possible deal is on the verge of collapse.

Fear is calling on both sides - Villa chairman and major shareholder Doug Ellis and Irish property developers the Comer brothers - to make their intentions clear to shareholders.

He said: "The club is left in limbo with the way things stand. All the quotes you see regarding a possible takeover appear to be conflicting and confusing.

"It would certainly be nice if there was better communication from both parties and they made statements and said what stage the takeover is at.

"It would also be nice to hear whether Doug Ellis would welcome other approaches if the current one does not become something concrete.

"At the annual general meeting in October Doug claimed he hoped to be in a position to let shareholders know whether the takeover proposals were viable within a month and officially we have heard nothing since.

"But it would be good if this current situation was resolved one way or the other, sooner rather than later.

"This current situation is unhealthy from the point of view of the supporters, shareholders, players, manager etc.

"Portsmouth have shown the way to conduct a takeover with everything being virtually signed, sealed and delivered before it became public."

Ellis has been reluctant to make any public comment on any takeover bid but privately he is fast approaching the stage when he believes Neville and the Comers should "put up or shut up".

:clap: this is well said, espically the portsmouth part. look how simple and easy they did it compared to doug and his bollox methods.

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I'm glad someone has come out publicly and said this though. No one really seems to know what is going on, it would be great if someone could say something - LSE rules permitting of course!

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