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Account Banned

Ban Type: Temporary

Expires: 03/03/2007 14:24:26 UTC

Current Time 26/02/2007 12:04:32 UTC

Ban Reason: Posting obscene/vulgar or inappropriate language

hehe, i got banned from the WoW forums too for being part of a group of people who took over the general forum when Blizz **** our first migration up.

We got our way though!


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Firstly i cant remember posting anything remotely obscene or inappropriate. Secondly, check out the US priest forums, then compare them to EU.

Thirdly, why do you got steam? Do you play any MoH, CoD or CS?

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I thought a mod would drop by gloating after seeing me banned from a forum :wink:

I hadn't realised it was you - misread the quote box :oops:

I drop by all the time. it's like watching a game of dungeons n dragons circa 1980 with some humour

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I had a completely miserable Shattered Halls first experience last night. Was with four member of some guild I'd never heard of, and now I know why, a bigger set of clearings in the woods I have yet to meet. The rogue and hunter were having this big row about who'd done the most damage in that night's Karazhan, such that neither of them were foocussing on the task at hand at all. The tank made Dan look the epitome of patience, as he waded into a group of 6 mobs with my mana at about 10% while I was drinking.

Then when we wiped, the rogue who was the only member with the key waited for a res, behind the internal locked door. clearing in the woods!

Killed the first boss but then the group split up amid scenes of much bickering and threats of gquits/kicks. Entertaining in a funny sort of way!

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I quite like having shit groups sometimes. Its the only way i can work for my money so to speak. Groups like we had yesterday in SH, makes it very dull to heal. Think i spent the entire instance using renew and a Greater Heal at big pulls.

We need harder instances IMO.

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Blue post confirming a new priest "buff" will be revealed tomorrow.

Yep, they are giving Druids, Mages, Hunters, Paladins, Rogues, Shammies and Warriors Fel Armour! :mrgreen:

I cant see the 20 second ProM cooldown going live by the way. It will get a cooldown, of that there is no doubt, but 20 seconds kinda makes it pointless when you can just Flash Heal.

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**** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****! I HATE beeing banned from the OS forums! Those inbred **** idiots speaking of things they cant grasp the **** idea of, and i cant correct them! Its a pain :cry:

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Ofc POM needs a cooldown, with it you can basically solo ANYTHING


Oh please educate me Dan, because i know now that you are either on a wind up or you dont have a **** clue.

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