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Ah so you are comparing a hybrid class with shield, totems and mail, to a clothie without offensive spells or crowd control. Good thinking.

Well, I have probably the least offensive DPS in the whole game, and no crowd control whatsoever!

And mail and a shield again just slows my eventual death against rogues and their multitude of ways of making my character unplayable!

Still, not that bothered about PvP at the moment, if I was interested in that I'd have stayed pew pew and carried on taking the piss out of warriors!

Having a ball in 5 mans, I just love getting a decent group and having a laugh. Did Shattered Halls without one death last night, and to be told thanks by everybody was a great feeling.

Yes but the pew pew shammies drops like a stone, its the damn resto bastards that rape us, every time.

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Ah so you are comparing a hybrid class with shield, totems and mail, to a clothie without offensive spells or crowd control. Good thinking.

Are you seriously suggesting the ability to heal yourself is superior to massive crowd control and dps? Then i would say you know nothing about PvP.

I'm saying healing helps you survive, as it boosts your hitpoints, yes.

Does it boost your hit points, or regen the hit points you have already taken from me?

Jesus give me rogue dps and cc, you can stand healing yourself 24/7 and flex about your fantastic survivability. Il even take a break when you are oom or kicked.

You either have no idea of what you are saying, or you are trying to paddle far the **** away.

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No surprise here, but I am siding with TRL.

Healing is fecking useless if you havent got the chance to heal. I always find it funny that a class that does great DPS while usually rendering the opponent unable to do anything thinks healing means great survivability.

I'd gladly swap my healing, mail and shield for your CC, evasion and stealth. It would mean less waiting for rez.

Oh, and my profile is here

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Retirement imminent.

I was never happy that wow forced me into healing in end game. With BC I saw some hope: different tier sets. I spec'd dual wield and spent time and effort getting pieces to make it viable. I could live without the CC. I can handle being a PvP easybeat and constantly kited to death. At least I could still put out some decent DPS.

Until now, that is.

That's right! Windfury is receiving another nerf.

In order to sustain decent DPS from our main hand, we will be forced to take windfury off the offhand completely. This gimps an enhancement shaman's overall DPS by at least 15%. And our burst DPS? It's back to 2-handers - which makes the majority of our lower tier talents in enhancement useless.

Couple this reduced DPS with our lack of focused, reliable CC and we no longer have a place in 5 mans let alone heroics. And raids? Who would sacrifice the spot of a rogue or fury warrior for a DPS shaman? The buffs they provide will not make up the difference in losing a pure DPS class.

Our only role then? Healing. And out of all the hybrids, ours is the shittest.

If this makes it to patch, then I will retire.

Rant over.

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Tell me Dan, whats healing worth without DPS? How much would you cry if Blizzard took CoS, Vanish, blind, prep and sprint? Next time think eh.

Well prep requires 20 points in sub, so I don't have that, the rest are all core abilities, so shall I just do what you did? "What if they took away flash heal, PW:S, Fear, Shadow Form?" (Not to mention the stun resists you bastards have in shadow form)

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Tell me Dan, whats healing worth without DPS? How much would you cry if Blizzard took CoS, Vanish, blind, prep and sprint? Next time think eh.

Well prep requires 20 points in sub, so I don't have that, the rest are all core abilities, so shall I just do what you did? "What if they took away flash heal, PW:S, Fear, Shadow Form?" (Not to mention the stun resists you bastards have in shadow form)

Hahaha im listing crowd control and escape abilities and you cant name anything but fear, which we have already explained isnt working.

For the record they have already taken away PW:S. The current scaling makes it mean **** all in TBC.

Not to mention the stun resists you bastards have in shadow form

Ah you think that has something to do with shadowform? It doesnt. The stun resist you mean about is 5 points in the disc tree.

Come Dan, tell me. What escape abilities and crowd control does a priest have?

We all know we dont have any DPS, so naturally a logical step would be to give us a panic button to get away. But we dont have that, do we? No rogues and mages and any other DPS class got that.

Quite amazing really. Ive never heard anyone thick enough to actually think, having the ability to heal yourself is equal to having high survivability. lol quality

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Quite amazing really. Ive never heard anyone thick enough to actually think, having the ability to heal yourself is equal to having high survivability. lol quality

How about calming down a bit? It's still only a game, but you're coming across as a seriously bad tempered little scrote.

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OK so your stun resist is in Disc, even better, fear does work, at least, it did last night. PWS is getting buffed, and no DPS? L2spec shadow.

What youre basically asking for is an IWIN button, the priest version of Deathcoil

Ive never heard anyone thick enough to actually think, having the ability to heal yourself is equal to having high survivability

I'm saying healing helps you survive, as it boosts your hitpoints, yes.

How about calming down a bit? It's still only a game, but you're coming across as a seriously bad tempered little scrote.

I'm used to it by now.

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You are used to what? Wind up attempts with little thought through comment on your own part? True.

OK so your stun resist is in Disc, even better, fear does work, at least, it did last night. PWS is getting buffed, and no DPS? L2spec shadow.

Fear does work? Its not a matter of working, its a matter of balance. You can drive, use, benefit from all types of shit products, but they are hardly something useful when everyone else has something better.

PW:S is getting buffed ? Have you done the maths? Do you know how much a shield gets with 1500 (!) +healing with 0.20 scaling? You apparantly dont.

No dps, spec shadow? We are talking Holy spec. Who gives a flying **** about survivability in shadow? Have you actually ever realised what we are discussing?

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So you're complaining that when not pvp specced, you die often yes? I thought the whine was about priests being gimped, not certain specced priests being gimped.

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So you're complaining that when not pvp specced, you die often yes? I thought the whine was about priests being gimped, not certain specced priests being gimped.

We are gimped, but what we are and have been whining about all along is our survivability in holy. Which is why the PoM nerf is just lame, and uncalled for. We dont have any crowd control, we dont have bear form, plate, LoH or Swiftmend.

PoM made sure that if we were jumped by mobs or an alliance we had a chance to survive long enough to get backup or get away. Now we once again are useless.

Still we can heal ourselves so our survivability must rock :roll:

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Ok so I got going yesterday as a Tauren hunter and I'm currently level 12/13 any tips that might be helpful would be appreciated.

What server you on?

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So you're complaining that when not pvp specced, you die often yes? I thought the whine was about priests being gimped, not certain specced priests being gimped.

We are gimped, but what we are and have been whining about all along is our survivability in holy. Which is why the PoM nerf is just lame, and uncalled for. We dont have any crowd control, we dont have bear form, plate, LoH or Swiftmend.

PoM made sure that if we were jumped by mobs or an alliance we had a chance to survive long enough to get backup or get away. Now we once again are useless.

Still we can heal ourselves so our survivability must rock :roll:

Its on a cooldown now, welcome to my world!

and you have to admit healing helps, thats why pots arent allowed in duels.

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How can you compare it to your world?

Pots arent allowed in duels as it doesnt reflect the abilities of each class. Healing helps? Helps for what? Staying alive? How come all the best PvP classes are dominated by high dmg output and good crowd control? Shall we try to heal people do death? :lol:

Mana pots arent allowed either, but that doesnt mean mana pots are essential for survival. We got ONE spell, and that they have taken away. Lets remove CoS, Vanish, Blind, Sprint.

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Just whisper one of us or add us to your friends list.

Nayson - me

Evildan - ED

Trl - Mr Angry

Rissok - Risso

Limpid - er, Limpid

Samisdead - man who never posts on these forums!

Also type /join vt and you will join our private chat channel.

If you catch Limpid online he has a Hunter character so he could probably offer some advice.

Im playing on a low level character, a Paladin, who is level 13 at the moment. Im sure we could meet ingame though im not sure you have twigged just how huge this World of Warcaft actually is yet! From where i am on my Paladin to where i imagine you are on your Hunter is quite some distance!

Anyway, look forward to seeing you ingame.

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