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I couldn't **** belive it last night. The bloke from Century who I did Scholo with the other night came on and offered me with a trial. Literally about 10 seconds after I'd clicked , Vasha from Wowrush came on and said they'd accepted me! Century sounded a bit crap though. Their GM said "basically in your 2 week trial period you can be kicked at any time for no reason." Great.

It was a fun night last night though, beats beam jumping (but only just!)

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Posted your guild charter on Deathwing forum, first reply is

10/10 :D Havnt laughed like that in a while.

BTW, first!

I dont like the idea or being randomly inpected tbh Oo Its a bit perverted

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I'd pick the guild you really want to join Dan, and just keep pestering them (in a nice way) until they relent! It worked for me.

Someone on the Dashers site said something like "99% of MC members are interchangeable, good guild members are not." Just make it clear that you're a friendly, likeable sort of bloke, and not some 15 year old noob dickhead. Of course this will mean a great deal of lying and blagging on your part, but it's worth a try!

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I'm not sure I'm capable of kissing as much arse as you did Riss. You really put some effort in, much more then Tarj. He just said "I'm a Priest, when do you want me to start?"

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I just saw it as another way of avoiding work Dan! Even though I'm in now, I think I'm going to have a bit of a wait for an MC spot.

Why don't you post on the main Deathwing site that you're looking for a guild? With your gear and fire res, someone is bound to want you. Have you heard from Dark Guard yet?

If not give me and Tarj a little while to get our feet under the table, and we'll work on getting you into Dashers. You could always try Century, just don't say I sent you!

From acceptance to /gquit in less than 60 seconds!

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Dark Guard have promised me an answer tonight, it'll probably be no, and if so I'll start applying again tomorrow.

What did you say to Century?

"Hi guys, its great to be here.......ah, sorry a better guild has just come in for me. Cya!"

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I basically aplogised for messing them around, but both offers came at the same time and that as I knew more people in Dashers, I'd be better off there. Oh and if a rogue called Dan applies, reject him becuz he iz a n00b and Ninjorzzzz de Epixxxx!

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Question for you lads that are playing WOW. Have any of you played Stormreach? Is it any good? My brother plays WOW and I had a go while at home- getting up to a mighty level 6.

Great game- but man does it eat into your time! Would there be any way of having this WOW running while also having another app (namely a poker site running)?

Also when does the expansion pack come out- are those guys horde or alliance?

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Nope, have never played Stormreach. WoW is the first such game I've ever played, and it's just awesome. Yes it does eat into your time, but the key is to try and get some balance. Easier said than done though!

We're all Horde on here, think the expansion is out early summer, but if you were to start playing it now, I don't think you'd have to L60 (the current level cap) before then.

You can have other stuff running, but I'm not sure why you'd want to.

Seriously it's such a great game. At the moment there are 4 VTers at L60, ie me, Nayson, Dan and Tarj (there would have been 7, but we suffered 3 casualties recently!), and a few others coming up fast on the rails.

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Thats the thing- you cant play with people that higher above you. My brothers around 35 but I wouldn't be able to play with him anyway! Living in london with my brother back in Streetly that would be one of the main reasons to pick up the game.

I play a lot of poker (1-2 hours each day), if I could keep a poker site open alongside Wow then I might be tempted to give that a go.

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You can do 50-60 in about three weeks, probably less.

Sam and Limpid are coming into the best times now. 50+ is where all the real good stuff on WoW starts. You can go anywhere at level 50 (well, id still stay out of Eastern Plaguelands!) and the Instances are actually worth doing for the first time on the game. Lowbies are gankable, you start to get your good spells (is this true for all classes, or have some of the classes pretty much all their spells by say, level 40? Warlocks get new abilites all the time up to and including level 60) and by and large, you find that other players of your level actually know what they are doing* and of course, its more fun when you arent getting one shotted by the Alliance all the time. For me, WoW's glorious times probably started at level 50. 1-25 is good, everythings new, exploring is part of the fun. 25-45 is absolutely brutal. Hardest time on the game i had. Constant ganking from the Alliance didnt help, then the game really starts to pick up from 45-50 onwards. Being 60 is great fun, if a little too dependent on being in a group.

*may not be true. Ikails is living proof.

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The thing is, you soon make other mates in game, through just bumping into people, or joining a guild etc. And it doesn't take that long to catch up. It takes longer and longer to level as you get higher, so depending on hours put in, you could be catching your brother up quite quickly. Even though there was a big difference in levels between us, we still loads of stuff with Si and Nayson when they were higher levels.

Now we're all L60's together it's fantastic.

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What Nayson said is pretty well spot on. The first few levels are just spent getting to know the game and controls etc. Then you hit L20 and it's into the big wide world, and loads of chances to be ganked. I really enjoyed levels 25 to 45 though, as you were pretty much finding new areas almost on a daily basis, even though the ganking WAS a nightmare at times. Then you hit 50, and you've got your eye on being 60.

Being 60 has been a bit of a mixed bag. Some absolutely brilliant times, mixed with periods of sheer mind numbing tedium. I miss doing stuff in lots of areas, as post 60 content mainly revolves around dungeons in a few certain areas, but I love the freedom of not needing XP.

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Well, another respec!

I'm now 14 ele/0 enh/37 resto, so I suppose you'd describe me as "Overpowered Resto Shammy" now or something. Anyway to try it out I was the healer in a 5 man Scholo, and it went pretty well. Wiped a few times, but this was mainly due to bad pulling around the three rooms with the multiple mobs in. Thought we'd struggle with the Baron bloke and his two adds in the room before Gandling, due to not being able to shackle one, but we got through it OK, and Gandling himself went down really quickly.

Got Mana Tide Totem, which everybody seems to rave about, but I'm not sure it was worth gimping my elemental spec for (apart from the fact I HAVE to have it for MC etc). It chucks out 960 mana in 12 seconds, but has a 5 min cool down on it. I suppose in long boss fights this can mean a couple of extra spells for all the casters in a group though, it just means I do a lot less burst damage than before.

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