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I knew this was in the thread somewhere. Time for a bump and repost:

World Dungeons

Deadmines - Level 15-20 - Westfall

Wailing Caverns - Level 15-21 - The Barrens

Gnomeregan - Level 24-33 - Dun Morogh

Razorfen Kraul - Level 25-31 - The Barrens

Blackfathom Deeps - Level 20-27 - Ashenvale

Shadowfang Keep - Level 18-25 - Silverpine Forest

The Scarlet Monastery - Level 30-40 - Tirisfal Glades

Uldaman - Level 35-45 - The Badlands

Razorfen Downs - Level 35-40 - The Barrens

Zul'Farrak - Level 43-47 - Tanaris Desert

Maraudon - Level 40-49 - Desolace *aka Princess Run*

The Sunken Temple - Level 44-50 - Swamp of Sorrows (personally, id say its harder than that. Level 48 minimum ) - Nayson

Blackrock Depths - Level 48-56 - Between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes

Blackrock Spire - Level 53-60 - Between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes

Strathome - Level 55-60 - Eastern Plaguelands *aka Baron Run*

Scholomance - Level 57-60 - Western Plaguelands

Dire Maul - Level 56-60 - Feralas

Zul'Gurub - Level 56-60 - Stranglethorn Vale

Other Minor Instanced Areas (group instance)

Ragefire Chasm - Level 13-15 - Ogrimmar

The Stockades - Level 23-26 - Stormwind

Raid Dungeons (endgame 40 man raid instance)

Onyxia's Lair - Dustwallow Marsh

Molten Core (Ragnaros' lair) - Blackrock Depths - Between

Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes

Azuregos - Azshara

Lord Kazzak - Tainted Scar

Blackwing Lair - Blackrock Spire (Between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes)

And while looking, i found this:

Looking after four people who dont like getting hit!

Cloth and Leather armour people do not like aggro,( and Cloth wearers are excellent at pulling it too...)

Its those bloody 2k+ crits of yours. :winkold:

I feel puny now!

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And people say Shammies are overpowered! Wish people would realise we're a hybrid class, and co do a lot of things OK, but can't cast like a mage or lock, and can't melee like a warrior. As far as I can see, when one on one vs a tank, there's absolutely no chance of stopping them charging and hamstringing, then kicking the shit out of you. All the advice says to try and kite tanks, but if you can't stop them getting close, how can you?!

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Yeah, but you can do it all. Cast, melee, heal, root. All at the same time. (you gotta love this Wikipidia link)

Casters cant melee, melee classes cant cast. Hardly anyone can heal. I cant really think of a true weakness the Shaman has. Enjoy it. You kick arse!


Spotted in Booty Bay once.

Bloody overpowered Shamie. ;)

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Casters cant melee, melee classes cant cast. Hardly anyone can heal. I cant really think of a true weakness the Shaman has. Enjoy it. You kick arse!

Typical response from someone who has never played a shammy! As an elemental/enhance shammy, my healing is virtually non existent, and of course we can melee/cast, but only half as well (at best) as a true meleer or caster. It's not possible given our talent trees to be brilliant at casting, melee and healing. It's possible to be great at one, not bad at one other. Plus we spend half our life sheeped/feared/hamstrung, to which we have little repsonse!

Where we come into our own is as a support class to groups, either in instances or in group PvP. Our totems add powers to everybody in a group, so if I cast Grace of Air, and everybody in the group gets +45 agi, then that's a nice bonus. Overpowered in one v one PvP though, not a chance. Read the forums and anybody who has more than one character that has a shammy WILL NOT think they're overpowered, I guarantee it.

So there!

Like any class we have other classes we do well against, and other we struggle with.

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I get the impression Shamen have to be a bit more discerning who they play with.

I've done a couple of quests with groups where I've been by 1 or 2 levels, the highest level in the group. This means I get all the aggro, meaning I cant heal, yet I cant hit those attacking me as hard as the lower level players I've been with.

shamen need to be protected to be most effective. You need us to pick up the pieces, and to be able to keep distance. 1 on 1 with a straight caster or tank spells misery.

We're not overpowered.

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I get the impression Shamen have to be a bit more discerning who they play with.

Tell me about it! I've got these eejits who I just can't seem to avoid, called something like SiTheGayest, TIT and Dicks.....

And you're right, we 're not overpowered, or did I say that already?!

What about hunters?! Bicks is 2-3 levels below me, and his ranged shots do far more damage than any of my shocks, from miles further away. He can wear mail as well, and can tank without getting his nails dirty. If his pet dies, he just summons a new one! Plus traps you can't see, feign death, wing clip etc.

Overpowered hunters!

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And Druids....spells, healing and tanking in feral form. Oh and Paladins and their pussy bubble. And rogues who can fight, and then just decide they've had enough, and disappear. And who if they get the jump on you (not difficult given they're like, **** INVISIBLE!) can sap you and have your health down to nothing in a millisecond. And priests who fear you away, then stick their shield up. And locks with their pets, don't get me started on the overpoweredness of those bastards! Being seduced plus being hit with a shadowbolt crit spells one thing. Death!

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Everyone has got to have a couple of classes they really fancy their chances against, i guess.

With a Felhunter out, i think i can take any similarly levelled Mage, Priest and Paladin.

With a Voidwalker, its 50/50 on Warriors, and Rogues as long as they dont get the first hit in.

I just avoid Hunters altogether. And if a Rogue does get the first hit in (usually a critical ambush) then im pretty much toast.

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Im building my talent three now, and im done with shadow and moving into disipline. Which means the shield i cast now, who has a 30 sec cooldown will get a 15 sec cooldown :D Shield 24/7 ^^^^

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I get the impression Shamen have to be a bit more discerning who they play with.

Tell me about it! I've got these eejits who I just can't seem to avoid, called something like SiTheGayest, TIT and Dicks.....

And you're right, we 're not overpowered, or did I say that already?!

What about hunters?! Bicks is 2-3 levels below me, and his ranged shots do far more damage than any of my shocks, from miles further away. He can wear mail as well, and can tank without getting his nails dirty. If his pet dies, he just summons a new one! Plus traps you can't see, feign death, wing clip etc.

Overpowered hunters!

Baby keep you up all night?

Traps you try using them in a group (esp with Dan in it ;)) bull in a china shop and youre drawing aggro before the trap is set. In fact traps are damn hard to use at the best of times - so much so I hardly ever use them (and dont see many other hunters using them either). Contrary to popular beleif I cant just summon another pet, It takes most of my mana to do that in combat and then the pet needs feeding to make him happy again, by the time I've done that I'm dead. I cant melee with the best of them either, I've usually got to take half to a third of the life away in a creature two levels above me (thats the standard I go by) before I can consider being safe in melee, Feign death is nice but totally useless in PvP (unless we're dealing with sha intelect level players - granted it has worked occaisionally)

Oh yeah and hit an NPC with a crit aimed shot and watch the aggro fly your way and usually I get no support because everyone else already has agrro and can do feck all about it and I'm on my own at the back, call the pet and he just brings even more aggro with it

Hehe - I can rant with the best of em :D

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Wasn't having a go at you Bicks, just proving the point that it's easy to portray any class as being overpowered by highlighting their theoretical strengths. In the end I reckon 90% of success or failure is totally due to the individual skill of the player in their class.

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Listen, up until lvl 50 I thought I'd picked the totally wrong Class. In fact, I had the words 'Delete' typed in one night on the character screen (around lvl 48-49) after a particularly shit night of play and almost pressed enter. Thankfully I didnt.

Everyone will have their gripes about their own Char in co-relation to others so its best to just play to your strengths.

I am crap in PvP. Fact. Unless you are a Rogue, another Warrior or maybe a Hunter you will beat me. Druids and Priests take the piss all the time.

Maybe when I get to 60 and get some more epic gear I will become harder (thats the rumour) but tbh its just a case of knowing what your good at and sticking to it.

Thats my take on it.

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Eaxactly Si. I'm also awful at PvP, mainly because I've never been a big gamer. I'd say I'm usually pretty good in group instances (the odd ZF **** up aside!) and group PvP though. I love playing my shammy, because we can do a bit of everything, but we're no way overpowered. I do OK against rogues, because they're easy to kite, but tanks one on one are impossible, as their charge makes it impossible to keep them at bay, which is the only chance I have. Similarlly if I can get to melee range of a lock or mage, I know I'm OK, but if they get a fear off, then I've had it.

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The main time ive seen Hunters use traps is if ive been questing with one, and we have seen an Alliance Warrior about.

The Hunter has put a trap down in front of him, as a bit of insurance against the Warriors Charge/Intercept.

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The Carrot on a Stick is doomed to failure, isnt it?

It would seem that way wouldnt it. Although to be fair, I know the joke about the missing mallet was meant in good faith it just 'backfired' I think.

Anyway, **** the carrot. :lol: :winkold:

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