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Massive fireball on a level 60 Alliance. A Paladin to boot! Look at the size of the fireball, its nearly as big as the person it hits!

And i just noticed Sion in this picture too!



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Yeah Dan, I'm getting bored. I ran through every bit of the SM last night, I could do that in my sleep now.

Still need to do Stromgarde, if we can get in without getting ganked. I've got at least 5 q's in there, mega XP waiting to happen.

Hit Level 42 last night (Mark King wasn't impressed at all!) and got a rather fab new totem. It adds something like 45 to everybody in a party's agility, so there were crits going off right left and centre in the SM. Plus I had the Dragonslayer and War Chief's buff, so nearly every other hit was a crit or clearcast!

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Uldaman is in the Badlands.

ZF in Tanaris. Id say TRL can do it easily, but the Priest can always get away with being a couple of levels lower than the melee classes.

i found this online:

World Dungeons

Deadmines - Level 15-20 - Westfall

Wailing Caverns - Level 15-21 - The Barrens

Gnomeregan - Level 24-33 - Dun Morogh

Razorfen Kraul - Level 25-31 - The Barrens

Blackfathom Deeps - Level 20-27 - Ashenvale

Shadowfang Keep - Level 18-25 - Silverpine Forest

The Scarlet Monastery - Level 30-40 - Tirisfal Glades

Uldaman - Level 35-45 - The Badlands

Razorfen Downs - Level 35-40 - The Barrens

Zul'Farrak - Level 43-47 - Tanaris Desert

Maraudon - Level 40-49 - Desolace *aka Princess Run*

The Sunken Temple - Level 44-50 - Swamp of Sorrows

Blackrock Depths - Level 48-56 - Between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes

Blackrock Spire - Level 53-60 - Between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes

Strathome - Level 55-60 - Eastern Plaguelands *aka Baron Run*

Scholomance - Level 57-60 - Western Plaguelands

Dire Maul - Level 56-60 - Feralas

Zul'Gurub - Level 56-60 - Stranglethorn Vale

Other Minor Instanced Areas (group instance)

Ragefire Chasm - Level 13-15 - Ogrimmar

The Stockades - Level 23-26 - Stormwind

Raid Dungeons (endgame 40 man raid instance)

Onyxia's Lair - Duskwallow Marsh

Molten Core (Ragnaros' lair) - Blackrock Depths - Between

Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes

Azuregos - Azshara

Lord Kazzak - Tainted Scar

Blackwing Lair - Blackrock Spire (Between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes)

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Nice one Nays, useful that. Think I'll have to try Maraudon or Uldaman this week sometime.

When I'm tired of Battlegrounds that is....how on earth have I got to L42 and never tried one before, they're absolutely mental. It's like the biggest, daftest paintball game ever. The first go I just didn't know what was happening, my heart was going 10 to the dozen, and I died a million times. I've done a couple more since, and have got into it a bit better. Stay by a priest, drop eartbind and windfury totems and spam frost shock, and everybody loves you!

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A fantastic night questing with a crazy Frenchman who really hates the Alliance!

When I'm tired of Battlegrounds that is....how on earth have I got to L42 and never tried one before, they're absolutely mental. It's like the biggest, daftest paintball game ever.

Wait until you hit level 51 and get access to Alterac Valley. 80 man death matches!

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Killing allies isn't as much fun as it used to be, I get far more satisfaction killing a beast thats a far higher level than me. I've been grinding a lot for cash lately, which is probably why I've not been to BG much, that and the lag, the only time I've been there it was lagtastic, and I think I'll hold off there until I get my memory upgrade, or I won't do myself any justice.

BTW Riss I got loads of qs to share in Uldaman, that should go on our to do list right next to Stromgarde.

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I've tried three times to get into Stromgarde, and each time I've run into bored Allies waiting for AB. If it happens again I'm just going to cancel all of the q's I have in there, it's not worth the grief.

We should try Maraudon as well Dan, and Uldaman sounds good. BG's are fantastic though, but you're right, not much fun if you're lagging. I've just got 768mb of RAM, and it's sorted the lag out in Orgri and on bats no problem.

I need to do a bit of grinding though, mainly on the dragon baby things, so I can make some more dragonscale gloves (6-8G a pair). I was back up to about 50G, but blew most of it on a Flurry Axe, which is really nice, and does much damage indeed.

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