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Stormwind main gates.


And the Voidwalker has been sacraficed, healthstone has been used, and the guards on the gate have been given a bit of a shimmy and the Horde are on their way into the city itself. Its not long before the guards get a kill though..


But once you are in, as long as you stay mounted and moving, you pretty much have the free run of the city. I found it easy to stay ahead of the guards, and rode around Stormwind for ages before i decided to try and find the Train Station.




And now heading down towards the train station, trying to ride, find the station, and shout so that the Alliance in the city have a bit of [Gutterspeak] to hear. Got stuck on a bit of scenery, and the 10000 guards chasing caught up. RIP Nayson.


Luckily, persistance, and the fact that the corpse was right by the entry to the train station means a quick res and sprint means it was easy to get in. And once in, it was safe, the Deeprun Tram isnt guarded...


So i made myself comfortable, and had a look around. Who says you need to be a Rogue to feel safe in a hostile environment.


And in comes the 02:51 to Ironforge. I didnt have a ticket, but i guess that doesnt really matter when whoever sees me will try and kill me no matter what..




The area around the station is quite safe. Surprising few Alliance around, so the cloth wearers aggro macro (for use in instances) was used, again, to give any Alliance some [Gutterspeak] to pick up on. Unfortunately, it pulled the guards, and as Ironforge can be a bit of a maze, a bloody good kicking ensued.


But Warlocks get a Soulstone for an instant res. So res i did, and up and into the city. Time to give the guards the same runaround as they got in Stormwind, and to head for the Alliance Auction House.


But all that was found was a dead end, a big skeleton, and another kicking. Oh well. Time to quit, i think..

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They are all stored in your World of Warcraft folder. Every screenshot you have taken will be there Dan. Most PC games work like this.

C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Screenshots are where mine live.

They are stored as Taga files, which on my PC, as im playing the game with all the graphical settings turned up to maximum, and the resolution as high as it will go on my monitior, means the Targa files will come in as a whopping 5mb per picture. Not really a problem as i have a 400gb hard drive on my PC, but i generally open the pictures in Photoshop CS, convert the pictures to JPEG and save them again in my normal pictures folder, and host them on the interweb, allowing me to delete the 5mb Targa screenies.

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And one for TRL, to make finding a punchup easier.

Defense Tracker

Sits in the titan bar, and logs all the places over the world where ally are attacking our bases. Mouseover, and you can read it, decide whether you fancy your chances or not, then get down there.

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Ive just installed my new ram, and if you got 512 ram, change to 1024!!! I promise you it will change the game.

Its so much better now, and doesnt lagg in Ogrimmar, bat-rides or in massive PvP happenings!

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**** sticks. The night me and Tarj could probably get our mounts, and all the **** realms are down. Marvellous. The missus is asleep, so I could play to my heart's content with no mithering.

Blizzard, meh.

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Hey, Risso, don't go bothering the missus for sex right now.. Women aren't stupid. If she thinks your now pestering her to keep you amused and you explain its because the servers down, I wouldn't like to see the results...

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Hey, Risso, don't go bothering the missus for sex right now.. Women aren't stupid. If she thinks your now pestering her to keep you amused and you explain its because the servers down, I wouldn't like to see the results...

"The results" will be seen a week on Wednesday, when Risso jnr enters the world! The chances of any "how's your father?" for the next few months are very slim indeed!


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some stuff for 1.9


The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj will house two massive, unique dungeons - the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, a 20-man raid dungeon, and the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, a 40-man raid dungeon. As players delve deeper into the mysteries of Ahn'Qiraj, they will discover revelations of the Silithid infestation and their shadowy masters, the Qiraji. Players will have to complete a world event of massive proportions before they can open the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj on their realm.

Linked Auction Houses

Planned for launch in patch 1.9, players will discover that they can buy and sell goods with greater effectiveness using the highly anticipated Linked Auction House System. Horde players will find that the Auction Houses in Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Thunder Bluff will now share the same pool of player-created auctions. Similarly, Alliance players will find the same to be true when visiting Ironforge, Stormwind City, and Darnassus Auction Houses. This system has been expanded to support the neutral Auction Houses as well. Tanaris, Everlook, and Booty Bay will all be linked for players of both factions to access. In addition, the "Looking for Group" and "Trade" channels have been unified among the corresponding cities, meaning you can trade your goods or look for groups in Ironforge while in Stormwind!

Multiple Battlegrounds Queues

Players will be able to enter multiple battleground queues! No longer must you make the hard decision of which queue to join -- when queued for all three, you can join the first one available or hold out for that special Battleground you're really seeking.

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Nice Riss!

I need a lot of money im afraid. Have to pay back Si 10 gold soon, as he was so kind of helping me at the end. And i got spells from 40,42 and soon 44 i still havent paid for. And my equipment is getting poor aswell. AND i have to pay to get my professions up :x

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Serves you right for being such an XP slag Tarj!

I'd saved up a few items of mail armor. Some of it was great, some shit, so I bought a couple of items in the AH too.

Going to go on a mad exploring spree on the mount tonight I think!

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Tarj you need to do what I did, I took a couple of days off xping and concentrated on purely making money.

I think the three of us should invade ally territory on our mounts, Westfall is best for that. We'd look so cool and all the low level allies would be too scared to come near us!

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Sounds like a plan to me Dan! Cheers for helping us with the last couple of q's last night as well, it was great inching further and further forward towards the L40 mark! I think this is a real turning point in the game, probably the last one before 60 that I was determined to get to. I got a mount and mail armor, but after this it just looks like I get increases to the spells I already have, and nothing that exciting new.

Haven't really had chance to try the mount out yet, as I got it at about 1am this morning, but I've got a few questions:

I assume you can't fight whilst riding? What happens if you get hit by an enemy whilst on your mount? Does it disappear instantly, or do you get stunned or whatever as normal.

I'm looking forward to having a chance of not being ganked now as much. (hopefully!) Last night I was legging it through Arathi when some ?? Ally chased me down on his mount, shocked me and killed me. At least I'm as quick as they are now. I imagine it's better for legging it out of Ogre villages and the like when you're done as well.

Mounts are ace!

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